They went in through the back door, and they didn't bump into anyone on the way. The group had just walked to the door of the small courtyard when they saw Master Shangshan coming from the opposite side, and said to them, "Your Majesty, the Concubine Yi, the two of you. Your little highness, the poor road has bowed his head."

The two little princesses saluted him.

Nan Yandao: "Did the Taoist priest come to find the emperor?"

Master Shangshan said: "Pindao heard that the emperor, the concubine and the concubine Yi went to the back mountain. I wanted to come and see, but—"

He said and looked behind Nan Yan.

"Is the emperor back yet?"

Nan Yandao: "The emperor wanted to be alone, so Ben Gong came back first with sister Yifei."

Master Shangshan said, "Is that so..."

There was a dignified expression on his face.

Concubine Yi was not familiar with him at first, and the two children were a little tired, so she told Nan Yan and went back to rest with peace of mind and Yongping County. Nan Yan raised her hand to signal that Master Shang Shan wanted to talk He spoke, then lifted his foot and walked to the yard on the other side, and Master Shang Shan could only follow.

Nan Yan said as he walked, "Did the emperor ask the Taoist priest to send someone to clean the back mountain these two days?"


"That wordless monument..."

"It was also ordered by the emperor to prepare."

"Then, what did the emperor say?"

"If it is engraved on the stone tablet, the emperor will naturally instruct it; however, since it is a wordless tablet, the emperor does not need to instruct any more."

Hearing this, Nan Yan stopped and looked back at Master Shang Shan.

Dao: "Then, does the Taoist know who the wordless monument is for?"

Master Shang Shan said calmly: "The emperor didn't give orders, so the poor man will not ask much."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Bengong didn't ask you to ask or not."


"Ben Gong is asking you, do you know?"

Master Shangshan's gray eyebrows trembled slightly, he also raised his eyes and glanced at Nan Yan, and there was a little light in his eyes.

Speaking of which, the two have known each other for more than ten years, but they have not been together for more than ten days. For this old man, Nan Yan knew that if he could stay in the Imperial Tombs and stand guard, and still stand firm under the huge momentum of Tiangang Lianhuan at the beginning, this old man was definitely not simple, and he didn't know how many strategies were hidden in his heart. , I don't know how many secrets are hidden.

And now, he is also old.

The figure that used to be tall and straight was slightly hunched, and his vigorous movements were much slower than before. Even when Nan Yan walked too fast, he had to pant to keep up.

An old man in his 80s cannot withstand the erosion of time after all.

His deep eyes gradually became lighter, and there were some emotions, even if he didn't want to, he couldn't avoid some exposure.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Shang Shan Shi lowered his head and sighed softly.

Nan Yandao: "So, the Taoist priest knows."

The Master was silent.

And this is the default.

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Actually, this palace should have known about it. Back then, even Arizlan, a newcomer, could easily find the stele. If you know everything, how can you not know that there is such a monument on the back mountain. Even—"

Having said that, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Master, you should have seen the person who erected the monument, right?"


Master Shangshan still did not speak.

But Nan Yan knew from his attitude just now that as long as he didn't deny it, it would be the default.

Nan Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "Since the Taoist priest has seen him long ago, why did the Taoist priest not mention a word to this palace when I visited the Imperial Mausoleum several times before."

Master Shang Shan said indifferently: "My lady didn't ask."

Nan Yan raised his eyebrows.

The emperor asked him to prepare a monument without words. The emperor did not say much, and he would not inquire; and he clearly knew that the person who erected the monument for Princess Tana was Nan Yan's father. Nan Yan did not ask, and he did not mention a word.

Really calm down.

But thinking about it, only such a calm person can survive from Emperor Gao's hands, and have been stationed on this turbulent Xingluo Lake for so many years.

Nan Yan thought about it for a while, and then asked: "Since that's the case, then that monument has been erected on the back of the mountain for decades, why has the Taoist priest never worshipped it?"

Master Shang Shan said lightly: "Respect and honor, only honor can be honored."

Nan Yan immediately frowned: "What does the Taoist mean by this?"

Master Shangshan probably came to his senses suddenly. What he said just now was too straightforward. If the imperial concubine relayed it to the emperor, I was afraid that his head would be lost, so he didn't say anything, just lowered his head and remained silent. took a step back.

However, the words have already been spoken.

Nan Yan frowned and chewed it carefully, and then said, "The Taoist priest is right—I don't seem to like Princess Tana."

Master Shangshan did not speak.


Nan Yan asked further: "I heard that it was because she took the jade seal of the state of Kui and caused chaos in the court of the state of Kui, and gave Emperor Gao a chance to counterattack. Logically speaking, you—no, all the people of the Dayan Dynasty. You should be grateful to her."

Master Shangshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a long while, he glanced at Nan Yan, and said calmly, "Of course I am grateful."

Nan Yan thought about it and said, "Thank you, but disrespect."

Master Shangshan said, "Gratitude is different from respect."

Nan Yan still wanted to say something, and Master Shang Shan probably didn't want to ride with her anymore, so he said lightly, "The maiden doesn't have to worry about this matter. Yu Yi, Princess Tana did help Emperor Gao, but This effort is not for justice, nor for the ideal in her heart, but just a little love based on her selfishness."


"A woman, for a little love of her own, betrays her motherland, abandons her family's homeland and ignores it."


"She did help Yan Guo, but everyone's opinion of her is the same as a poor man."

Nan Yan's heart suddenly sank: "Even Emperor Gao, is that the case?"


"That's why he had to—"

In the end, she couldn't say the words "going to the mother and leaving the child", although in her opinion, since Master Shangshan had already met the Marquis Bowang who came to this place to erect a monument for Princess Tana, he must be very concerned about Yumenguan. I understand what happened.

Master Shang Shan's expression did not change.

He glanced at Nan Yan, and after a while, he said lightly, "Otherwise, how could Emperor Gao decree that women from other countries are not allowed to appear in the harem of Yan Kingdom."

Nan Yan listened and let out a long sigh.

It is true that after knowing what Princess Tana did in the past, she has only a junior to an elder, especially as Zhu Feng's concubine, to his mother, but she has no respect for this person.

Come to think of it, love should never be the whole of life.

Give up everything for love, and in the end, everything will be given up.

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