Nan Yan turned to look at him.

Zhu Feng did not continue this topic, but after watching the following for a while, he smiled and touched his calm head, and then said to his two daughters, "How about it, do you want to go down and try?"

Xin Pingyuan was stunned at first, this was a scenery she had never seen before, and she only found it novel.

Hearing Zhu Feng's question, his eyes lit up and he took Zhu Feng's shirt and said, "Father, do you want to be the same as them?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Can it be done?"

"Of course!"

Yongping on the side also regarded this as a game, raised his hand and said in a tender voice: "My son also wants to!"

Nan Yan and Concubine Yi actually understood it, and Zhu Feng brought his daughters to experience the hardships of farmers. Although the imperial court has a ceremony for the emperor to cultivate himself every few years, this kind of ceremony is just going through the motions, and only the prince can be brought there.

Zhu Feng's two sons, the crown prince Zhu Chengxuan has suffered some hardships since he was a child, and he understands the hardships of the people best. Naturally, he does not need to be used to this. The younger son Chengjun has grown a lot after this trip to the northwest. Pro-farming means little to him; on the contrary, the two princesses are getting older now, especially Princess Xinping, who should also give them some lessons at this time, so as to avoid becoming arrogant and lustful princesses in the future.

Nan Yan asked Ruo Shui and the others to bring a rope, and helped the two princesses fasten their sleeves and trousers. Then Xin Ping couldn't wait to jump off the ridge, to grab the iron plow to plow the ground. Although those little Taoist priests had already been beaten I said hello, but how dare you really let the two princesses do the heavy work, what's more, even the eldest princess can't lift the heavy iron plow at all, let alone the small one.

Zhu Feng smiled and asked someone to bring two baskets, which contained the seeds that the Taoists had stored for a long time.

The Taoist priest in front turned over the ground, and let the two little princesses follow behind, sowing seeds into the ground.

Nan Yan urged: "Don't spread too much, be careful, and don't spread it outside."

Xinping looked up at her: "What happened to the outside?"

Nan Yan pretended to be serious and said, "The whole year's livelihood is here. If you don't do it well, the seeds will not grow food, and the people here will not be able to eat next year!"

Zhu Feng turned to look at her.

And when he heard this, his heart suddenly became serious.

Xiao Yongping also followed her, and seriously put a seed into the ground every half a step away, afraid that the seed would be blown away by the wind, and his small hand carefully grabbed a handful of soil to cover it.

Nan Yan smiled and said to Concubine Yi: "Look at that girl, how serious."

Concubine Yi smiled and said, "The niangniang scared her."

Zhu Feng said: "It is also right for them to be in awe of the land."

The three adults just stood there watching the excitement, and with ordinary clothes, they really looked like a rich man with his wife and concubines watching the harvest in their fields, which was extraordinarily comfortable.

Just when the three of them were joking, suddenly, Yong Ping in the ground shouted loudly.

"There are bugs!"

When Yi Fei heard this, she hurried over.

Yongping hugged her leg and was about to cry while holding her mouth. Concubine Yi hurriedly hugged her and coaxed her: "Dear Yongping, don't be afraid, mother is here."

Zhu Feng also walked over with Nan Yan, looked down, and saw that an earthworm in the field had just been crushed in half by the iron plow, twisting his body in the soil, looking really disgusting. He smiled and reached out to touch his little daughter's fleshy face, and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, it's not something scary, it's an earthworm."

Xiao Yongping looked at her with red eyes: "What is an earthworm?"

"Earthworms help farmers cultivate the land."

Yongping's eyes widened: "Insects also cultivate the land?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "It burrows in the ground and can loosen the soil. Isn't that helping?"

Xinping on the side also said in surprise: "Is that so? I don't even know."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "In this world, how can there be anything in front of you?"

Xinping and Yongping both looked up at him, Zhu Feng looked at them, and then looked at the vast Xingluo Lake in front of him. The mist was suffocating, obscuring the farther scenery. Hidden beneath this seemingly calm lake.

Zhu Feng said: "The success and failure of many things come to the final step when people can't see it. If you want to choose success and reject failure, you have to use your heart and strength where you can't see it, understand? ?"

After all, the two children are still young, Xinping is still vague, but Yongping is completely dizzy.

Nan Yan listened, but was silent for a while.

Then he smiled: "The two of them are still young, can the emperor tell them this, can you understand?"

Zhu Feng also looked down at his two daughters, and couldn't help but smile: "Well, I'm confused. Alright, let's continue."

After speaking, he turned around and walked back to the field.

Concubine Yi was still a little reluctant to part with her daughter, for fear that she would be frightened again, but Nan Yan said a few words to her, telling Xinping to take her sister to be more careful, and Concubine Yi returned to Zhu Feng with her.

Originally, I was still looking at the two children with their butts on the ground with a little joke, but after listening to Zhu Feng's words, Nan Yan's expression became a little dignified, and looked at Zhu Feng several times. Feng stopped talking. Zhu Feng also seemed to sense her gaze, and turned to look at her: "What's wrong?"


Just as Nan Yan was about to say something, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps behind him.

Looking back, it was a servant holding a document in his hand, ran over in a hurry, and put his hands in front of Zhu Feng: "Your Majesty, a letter from Jinling."

Both Concubine Gui and Concubine Yi looked at Zhu Feng.

I saw that he took the letter and opened it. There seemed to be only a few lines on it. I thought it should not be a book, but a brief report on a certain matter. Zhu Feng glanced at it, although there was no expression on his face. , but Nan Yan clearly saw a smile in his eyes.

Zhu Feng said: "Okay, I know."

The attendant withdrew immediately.

Concubine Yi has always known the rules that the harem can't be involved in politics. At this time, she didn't even dare to show a curious expression, but Nan Yan was used to running around the world with Zhu Feng, and she heard him talk about so many political affairs. She couldn't help but want to care about what happened, and based on what she knew about Zhu Feng, the calmer Zhu Feng was, the bigger the matter was.

However, with Concubine Yi by her side, it was not easy for her to ask questions as usual.

Zhu Feng also remained silent.

Although he didn't speak, after a while, he seemed to be unable to hold back himself, and said, "Tomorrow is going to Jinling, you all have to be ready, don't get lost."

Concubine Yi said immediately, "Yes."

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