Nan Yandao: "Being an ordinary person will have a dilemma, and your father, the emperor, he is the emperor, he is in charge of thousands of people in the world, he will have all kinds of difficulties."

"extremely difficult…"

Hearing only these two words, although he didn't quite understand it, Xinping felt as if a big rock had been pressed on his heart.

At this moment, there was a burst of hurried footsteps outside, and someone came over to report: "The emperor is here."

Nan Yan stood up immediately after hearing this, and then lowered her head and said to Xin Ping, "Don't talk nonsense in front of your royal father for a while, do you hear me? Otherwise, this palace won't be able to spare you!"

Xinping was indeed frightened, and nodded obediently.

Nan Yan took her out immediately and saw that Zhu Feng had already exited the Chongen Tower. He stayed inside for more than half an hour. The doors and windows of the entire tower were closed, and there was not even a single crack. Even though Nan Yan didn't follow in this sweltering heat, he could guess that it must be very sultry inside. However, when Zhu Feng came out, there was not even a drop of sweat on his face. On the contrary, his face was still pale.

It was as if he had come from a very cold place.

It was as if his heart was cold.

Even when he came out, his eyes were still a little indifferent. When he looked around, he seemed to be standing on the ice field of thousands of miles, looking at the surrounding ice and snow, without a trace of warmth.

But soon, his eyes fell on this side.

As soon as he saw Nan Yan, his eyes seemed to come alive, with a little bit of human vitality.

He walked down the side path and went directly to this side hall. Nan Yan immediately went over with peace of mind to say goodbye, Zhu Feng waved his hand, and said, "I've been waiting for a long time."

Nan Yan did not answer this sentence, only looked at him for a while, and said softly: "The emperor's face is not very good-looking."

Zhu Feng said: "I'm fine."

Nan Yan led him into the side hall, and he was immediately served herbal tea. Zhu Feng took a sip and his eyes became more lively. He sighed lightly, and then said, "They said it was a little messy here just now, what's going on?"

Hearing this, Xin Ping's face turned pale with fright.

Nan Yandao: "No, it's nothing."


Zhu Feng originally asked casually, but this time he took it seriously: "I heard that you called Shi Kong and the others in and scolded them, how could it be nothing?"

Suddenly, everyone around held their breath.

Nan Yan was very calm, took the teacup from his hand and put it back on the table, and said calmly, "It's all because of the peace of mind. If you miss her, she will run around, and if the concubine can't find her, she will be sent around. Go find it, aren't the people below in a hurry?"


Although Nan Yan remained calm, the two were too familiar with each other. When Zhu Feng heard her calm words, he heard a trace of unease for some reason. He raised his head and glanced at Nan Yan, thought about it, and lowered his head again. Looking at Xiang Xinping: "Why are you running around?"

Xin Pingyuan was a little confused by what had just happened, but when Zhu Feng asked her, she was even more panicked.

Nan Yan immediately said, "She—"

But before she could finish speaking, Zhu Feng interrupted her: "Let her speak for herself."

This time, the entire side hall was quiet.

Nan Yan also felt a cool chill from the soles of her feet for some reason. She looked at Ping Ping, whose expression became more and more flustered. The girl's eyes didn't know where to put her eyes. She accidentally saw the door, standing outside serving Shi Kong. Behind the monk, Xiao Mingxin was blinking at her gently. She took a deep breath and said, "Erchen, Erchen is looking for that little brother."


Zhu Feng followed her gaze, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Do you still remember him?"

Xin Ping said: "Erchen thinks he looks familiar, he said that he had carried Erchen back before, and even punched and earned a steamed bun for him to eat."

Zhu Feng laughed.

While smiling, he reached out and stroked the top of his daughter's head, and said, "He is your benefactor, you shouldn't forget him."

Seeing him smiling, everyone's hearts that had been hanging in their throats were put back.

Even Nanyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Feng also looked back at her, and then said: "It's not a sin to scold people about the child. When Xinping came to Jinling this time, there was no brother or brother around to play with her, otherwise I would take the child with me according to my wishes. Go into the palace and let him play with Xinping for two days."

Nan Yan and Xinping were both stunned.

Nan Yandao: "Is this possible?"

Zhu Feng said: "What's wrong with this? He's just a little monk, and he doesn't have so many rules. Bringing him into the palace can relieve your boredom. There is only one point—"

Zhu Feng said to Xin Ping: "Don't force people to mess with you!"

Xinping did not expect such an unexpected joy, so he immediately forgot what had happened before, and said happily, "Thank you, Father!"

Nan Yan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

So he immediately sent someone out to talk to Shi Kong and Mingxin, who was led by Delu into the side hall, and bowed to Zhu Feng to thank him: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhu Feng rested for a while before getting ready to drive back to the palace.

Nan Yan and Xin Ping followed him cautiously. Monk Shi Kong was also very cautious. He led a group of monks to accompany the emperor and the concubine. Standing, seeing the emperor and the concubine coming out, they immediately stepped forward to salute.

Zhu Feng waved his hand: "Let's drive."

At this moment, a servant suddenly ran out from the side, walked to Chen Xuan's side and whispered a few words, Chen Xuan's face suddenly changed greatly: "What did you say?!"

Zhu Feng was about to go out, but when he heard his voice, he immediately looked back: "What's going on?"

Chen Xuan's face turned pale, obviously it was not a trivial matter. He hesitated for a while, knowing that this matter could not be concealed, he walked to Zhu Feng's side and said two words softly.

Nan Yan was originally standing two steps away from Zhu Feng, and couldn't quite hear what he said, but there were two words that clearly floated into her ears—

hungry people.

Nan Yan suddenly became nervous.

Could it be that those hungry people were discovered by Chen Xuan just now?

Because this time, only Zhu Feng entered the Chongen Pagoda alone, and it was not a big sacrificial ceremony, so the officials in Jinling were just waiting at the entrance of Daci'en Temple and did not follow them in. However, they were obviously outside. , how do you know what's going on inside?

At this moment, after Zhu Feng heard Chen Xuan's report, his face suddenly sank.

"The hungry? Where are they?"

As soon as the words fell, the monk Shikong fell to his knees with a thud.

Immediately, all the people around fell to their knees.

"Your Majesty forgive me."

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