Nan Yan laughed.

But thinking about it, she slowly frowned.

Yongping went to say a few words to Xinping, and this girl will eat obediently? She was locked up because of the matter of the hungry people and Zhu Feng, and she refused to eat because of her anger. Now that she is eating so obediently, could it be that what Yongping told her was about the hungry people?

Such a small girl, has become her sister's ear revenge god?

She thought for a while and said to Ruo Shui, "You asked Delu to inquire about what Mr. Chen Xuan Chen did today. Also, after we left, is there any other news from the imperial study."

Ruo Shui nodded and went down immediately.

After about a cup of tea, Delu came back and reported, "Niangniang, Lord Chen returned to the palace after leaving the palace, and has never come out again."

"Has he returned home?"

Nan Yan frowned.

The incident of starving people robbing food was considered to have happened under his rule. Even if it wasn't, the food was shipped from Jinling, so he should solve the problem, but he went out of the palace and returned to the mansion, as if the matter hadn't been solved yet. Out of the way?

She asked again, "Then, is there any movement in the imperial study?"

Delu said: "The emperor stayed in the imperial study all day, and he didn't even have lunch. Fortunately, Eunuch Shun sent the tea to the emperor. But later I heard that the emperor uploaded the commander of the Jinyiweidu. Master Fan will enter the palace to see the driver."

"Fan Yingyi?"

When it comes to the four commanders of Jinyiwei, Nan Yan and Li Bushang are obviously the most familiar. Fang Buyuan and Zhu Feng have gone out of the palace several times to run errands, and they can be regarded as some contacts. The least familiar are Liang Qiu and Fan Yingyi. These two people stay all year round. In the capital, it was for Zhu Feng to inquire about news and to do some secret errands. She knew that the imperial court's methods could not always be open and upright. Even where the sun shines, there will be a dark side. There are some things that must be done by such people. , so, she seldom asked these two people.

When Zhu Feng summoned Fan Yingyi at this time, he obviously entrusted him with the matter of robbing the hungry.

Delu continued: "It's just that after Master Fan left the imperial study, the slaves really can't inquire about the rest."

Nan Yan nodded slightly.

This has nothing to do with him. Fan Yingyi is the commander of the Jinyiweidu. If his whereabouts are so easy to find out, it will be fatal.


Why did Zhu Feng leave the matter of starving people robbing food to him?

For some reason, Nan Yan felt a little uneasy in his heart, trembling like a candle in the wind, but he persisted and refused to extinguish that strange light.


In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

This afternoon, the sun was scorching hot, and the ground of the entire Yikun Palace was burnt to the point of being scorched, and the flowers and trees in the courtyard were almost scorched from the sun. Nan Yan slept for a while and woke up for an afternoon nap. It was extremely hot, so he sat in front of the window again and began to copy Buddhist scriptures.

At this time, Concubine Yi came.

As soon as she entered the Yikun Palace, she saw that the imperial concubine was copying Buddhist scriptures again, she couldn't help sighing, walked over and said, "Sister, are you really in a hurry?"

Nan Yan looked up at her, then lowered her head to continue writing.

Said, "What's the hurry?"

Concubine Yi said, "Xinping has been imprisoned for two days."

Nan Yan chuckled lightly, dipped the pen in the ink, and said, "Although she is locked up, she eats and drinks every day—Bengong doesn't allow her to eat so much outside, it's better to be locked up, There is no one to take care of her anymore. Donghai begs her to eat two more bites every day, for fear that she will not be able to explain it when she is starving, but those days were pleasant."

Concubine Yi said, "It's not a problem after all."

Nan Yan finally finished copying this article, picked up the paper and dried the ink stains, then looked up at Concubine Yi, sighed, and said, "Even so, what can this palace do?"

Concubine Yi said: "Anyway, go and talk to the emperor."

Nan Yandao: "The emperor has been worrying about business for the past two days. He didn't even enter the gate of Yikun Palace. How can you beg for mercy?"

For the past two days, Zhu Feng rested in the bedroom and did not step into the Yikun Palace again.

Nan Yan also knew that he didn't want to come over because he had shut down Xinping and didn't want to have anything to do with him for the time being, but he also didn't want to give people any bad speculation, so although he didn't come to Yikun Palace again, he used it every day. During the meal, there is always a bowl or two of fresh dishes brought over. When the heat is unbearable in the afternoon, Xiao Shunzi will also bring someone to bring ice trays and fresh fruits.

In fact, even if he didn't explain it like this, the people below knew that the imperial concubine had been favored for so many years, and she would definitely not fall out of favor just because the princess got angry once.

Even Concubine Yi is the same.

She said softly, "If the emperor doesn't come, my sister really won't come?"

Nan Yan pouted and said, "What did you do in the past, you're just asking for yourself."

As soon as the voice fell, a familiar voice came from outside——

"Why is the imperial concubine making fun of herself?"

Hearing this voice, the two women in the room were shocked. Nan Yan looked up and saw Zhu Feng slowly walking in from outside with his hands behind his back. Redness, and there are faint sweat beads on the temples.

The two immediately got up and went to salute.

Zhu Feng waved his hand and said nothing. He walked in and sat down. He also took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his temples, and said to the outside, "Hurry up."

When Nan Yan and Concubine Yi turned their heads to look, Xiao Shunzi was leading two little eunuchs in with an ice tray.

Suddenly, a coolness hit, and everyone felt a lot more comfortable.

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "I also sent someone to Jianfu Palace, but you have to keep an eye on Yongping, don't be greedy."

Concubine Yi was aware of the knowledge, and immediately knew that the emperor came back this time, and the mood was completely different from the previous two days. She must have something to say to the imperial concubine, and immediately said: "Concubine go back immediately. Concubine retire."

After saying a salute, he backed out.

After sending her away, Nan Yan looked back at Zhu Feng, blinking her eyes.

Zhu Feng took a sip of water from the cup on the table, felt her gaze, looked up at her, and said, "What's wrong? Don't you recognize me?"

Nan Yan hesitated for a while before walking over slowly, with a half-smiling expression on his face, and said, "Isn't it true, the emperor hasn't shown his face for several days, and if she doesn't come again, the concubine really doesn't recognize the emperor. "

Zhu Feng said: "What **** are you talking about?"

Nan Yan smiled.

But jokes aside, she immediately picked up her mood and said, "The emperor is in a good mood today, isn't it - the matter of the hungry people has been resolved?"

Zhu Feng's eyes flickered.

At that moment, Nan Yan seemed to see a lot of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes, but it was only a flash of lightning and flint and disappeared without a trace, and Zhu Feng smiled lightly and said, "Well, it's solved."

Nan Yan asked subconsciously, "How to solve it?"

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