At this time, Zhu Feng said calmly: "She was already awake when she was given the needle just now."


Nan Yan widened her eyes in surprise and turned to look at Xiang Xinping: "Really?"

The heart is flat and the mouth is deflated, which is the default.

Zhu Feng looked at Xinping and said coldly, "Already awake, but refuses to get up, do you want to see your mother-in-law, or do you want to see me?"

Nan Yan's heart sank. If she just had an uneasy premonition just now, then now that she heard what Zhu Feng said and looked at her daughter's demeanor, she already knew that her premonition might have really changed. Reality - The conflict between the father and daughter has sharpened once again.

Could it be because the hungry people robbed the food?

Sure enough, the next moment, I saw Xinping looking at Zhu Feng with red eyes, and said with choked: "I don't want to see a liar!"


Nan Yan was both angry and scared when she heard this. She didn't care that her daughter had just woken up from a coma, and maybe her body hadn't recovered. She reached out and hit her hard: "You, are you crazy?"

After speaking, he turned back to Zhu Feng: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this girl must have run into something evil on the mountain to speak nonsense like this. Your Majesty, don't blame her."

Zhu Feng ignored her, but looked at his daughter.

"You said, I'm a liar."


Xinping's eyes became more and more red, and the tears could not stop pouring out: "Father is a liar, father is a liar!"


This time, Nan Yan could not wait to knock her out again.

However, compared to his father who was furious when he confronted his daughter before, Zhu Feng seemed very calm at the moment. Although his face was gloomy, he could feel the overwhelming aura emanating from his whole body, but he didn't get too big. angry.

It was only after a long time that he slowly said: "So, you did hear the news from Longkou Valley."

This time, Xinping seemed to be really hit. Before, she was only crying silently, but now she burst into tears: "Father, you admit it, you are killing people, you don't care about those people who are hungry, You even killed them all!"


Nan Yan only felt a buzzing sound in his head.

For a while, she didn't even have any thoughts, and there was a void in her mind that was shattered after being struck by lightning. She turned her head and looked at Zhu Feng in a daze.

Longkou Valley?

Zhu Feng killed all the people in Longkou Valley?

Is it the starving people who stole the batch of food from the imperial court?

She suddenly felt a chill pierce into her heart from the bottom of her feet, from all directions, and she couldn't help shivering—

No wonder.

No wonder Fan Yingyi solved the matter, but did not get back a grain of food.

There is also no information on the disposal of the starving people.

It turned out that they were all killed? !

Nan Yan spoke subconsciously, but her voice was shaking: "Your Majesty...?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked down at his daughter. His face was still so calm that there was no fluctuation, but there were some faint waves in those dark pupils that seemed to be invisible. Sheng Sheng said: "Xinping, this world is too big, and countless things are happening every day. As a royal family, I am also the emperor. You can't just look at the gains and losses of one person and one thing, but be persistent."

This is the first time he has opened up his heart to his daughter so solemnly.

But what he said was a little confusing.

Xinping is still young, and although he understands some truths, he still has no clue about the ambiguous words in his play, and feels that he is just using these words to perfunctory himself.

Tears flowed even more fiercely.

She choked up and said, "The world is so big, and so many things happen every day, but so what? Could it be because of this that the royal father will kill those poor commoners!"

Zhu Feng's eyes became a little colder.

He straightened up slowly, looked at the peace for a while, then said nothing, turned around and walked away without looking back.


Nan Yan still wanted to say something, but at this time, she couldn't say anything. The father and daughter were both angry, although this time the matter of the hungry people in Longkou Valley was solved, so that Zhu Feng was not as big as before. Angry, he locked Xinping directly, but Xinping's words must have hurt him.

And this stubborn girl, she also looked hurt, and simply lay on the quilt and cried.

Nan Yan was embarrassed on both sides, but after all, he stayed.

After her daughter had cried enough, she raised her calm face, looked at the messy tears on it, took out a handkerchief to wipe it for her, and said, "Why are you so ignorant? Your father is so devastated by the world every day, why are you so ignorant? Are you going to say these things to break his heart?"

Xinping sobbed and said, "Could it be that the concubine also thinks I'm wrong?"


"Does the concubine think that even if the father kills his own people, it is right?"


Hearing her questioning so bluntly, Nan Yan was speechless for a while.

Of course she didn't think it was right.

To say that because of these things and Zhu Feng, I was much earlier than Xinping, and I had suffered a lot more. Finally, over the years, I have seen Zhu Feng become softer and softer, and there is no longer the ghostly appearance of the blood-soaked person who entered Jinling City and bleed into a river, but I don't know why, he would be involved in this matter. , deal with this thunder means.

If it was me back then, I'm afraid it would be even worse than Xinping.

But she didn't make trouble.

After all, the two have been in love with each other for so many years, and she figured out a truth from those words—

He has a reason.

Although she didn't understand what Zhu Feng said, as long as she knew this, it was enough.

The only problem in front of her is her daughter. Although Xinping is a young girl, she is more stubborn than herself back then. Judging from this posture, she does not intend to bow her head to her father at all.

Nan Yan thought for a while, then said bitterly: "Xinping, your father's words have his reasons. He is the emperor, and he has to take care of thousands of things that happen in this world every day. He—"

Before she could finish her words, Xinping stared at her with red eyes.

"Is it possible to kill those innocent starving people?"


Nan Yan was at a loss for words.

She hesitated to say what she wanted to say, but she was so excited that she covered her ears and shouted, "I won't listen! I won't listen to you!"

As soon as she made a fuss, she gasped, and she felt a little numb. In the end, she woke up from a coma just now, and Nan Yan was also worried that she would leave after-effects if she continued to make trouble, so she could only give up.

I thought in my heart that I had to find a time to talk to her well and resolve this conflict between their father and daughter.

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