After the emperor's imperial chariot stopped in the prefecture for a while, he moved to Nanyuan.

Nan Yan was still a little puzzled when he was sitting on the carriage. He didn't know when a "Southern Courtyard" appeared on the boundary of Yongzhou. Could it be that Cui Yuanmei and the others built it specially for the emperor's southern tour? If so, it would be too extravagant, and Zhu Feng should be angry.

However, when the carriage was at the gate of this southern courtyard, she got off the carriage and looked up, and she understood it all.

What South Court? It was clearly the palace of King Jing back then.

When King Jing's rebellion was dealt with back then, the people around him were slaughtered by an emperor's sword, leaving an empty palace of King Jing that no one dared to move over the years. And this time Zhu Feng's southern tour, let people come to say hello in advance and don't be extravagant, which makes Cui Yuanmei a little headache. Although Yongzhou is located on the border, there have been many trade exchanges with the country over the years, but no wealthy businessmen will build their homes in this place. Therefore, there are no good courtyards for the emperor and concubines to rest in the entire Yongzhou.

Therefore, Cui Yuanmei simply renovated Prince Jing's mansion and renamed it the Southern Courtyard for the emperor and his concubine to rest during this southern tour.

Seeing the familiar scene, Nan Yan said softly, "So it's here."

Xinping, who was behind him, jumped out of the carriage, heard her speak, and asked softly, "Mother, what's wrong here?"

Nan Yan smiled and shook his head gently.

And Zhu Feng in front was also standing beside the golden car, looking at this newly renovated mansion, the door is completely different from before, but you can walk in and take a look, some of the houses inside are exquisite, but there are still some shadows of previous years. It's just that more than ten years have passed, and he still can't remember what the Jingwang mansion was like back then.

Cui Yuanmei followed behind and said softly, "We are bold, and I hope the emperor forgives his sins."

Zhu Feng walked a long way in silence with his hands behind his back.

Then he said, "It's okay."

In fact, when Cui Yuanmei made this decision, there were also many people who opposed it. King Jing was convicted, and the people of King Jing's mansion were killed. Isn't it unpleasant to leave such a place and repair it for the emperor to live in? In case of causing the emperor's wrath, ten heads of these people would not be enough to chop off.

But Cui Yuanmei defied all opposition.

He knew very well that, compared to the unpleasant memories this place brought to the emperor, saving money seemed to be the emperor's more concern at this time.

Sure enough, Zhu Feng walked for a while and then asked, "How much did it cost to repair this place?"

Cui Yuanmei immediately said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Prince Jing's mansion is already gorgeous. Although it has been put on hold for many years, most of it has not been changed. The cost of repairing it here is not much."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "That's right."

Xin Ping had been walking beside Nan Yan in a dull manner, and when she heard these words, she snorted softly.

Nan Yan looked back at her.

She knew that this girl must be unhappy in her heart. The people of the Yan Kingdom have become so frugal from the emperor to the common people, but in the end, they have allowed the people of the Yue Kingdom to live a prosperous life. In her opinion, such frugality is Full of irony.

Although her voice was soft, Cui Yuanmei still looked back.

Although he didn't know what happened, he was keenly aware that the eldest princess, who had been black-faced from the beginning, seemed to be a little unhappy with the ups and downs of the Huanhai Sea.

But His Majesty the Emperor didn't seem to care at all, and only said: "Okay, you all go down, I have to rest. If there is any news from the Yue Kingdom, let someone inform me immediately."

Cui Yuanmei immediately said, "Yes."

After speaking, he backed off.

Zhu Feng said: "Okay, it's been a long day, you all go down and rest."

Nan Yan saluted him, and everyone went to their room. Nan Yan led Xinping to the courtyard where she was temporarily staying. Cui Yuanmei was very careful, and had people put a lot of gadgets in the room, but Xinping had no interest at all, and just walked to the chair angrily and sat down. , face black.

Nan Yan sighed, walked over and said, "Why do you have to get along with your royal father?"

He said calmly: "Why does the mother-in-law have to protect the father and emperor?"

Hearing this, Nan Yan was both angry and funny, so she squatted down and said, "He is my husband, and he is my own person. What is my own person, my own person is - admonish him when he makes a big mistake, and when he makes a big mistake. Be tolerant of him when he makes small mistakes, and defend him when he is not understood and wronged. Why can't I defend him?"

Xinping said with red eyes: "Mother concubine thinks that the father is still wronged? It's obviously his fault."

Nan Yan looked at her stubborn appearance and suddenly remembered herself back then.

It seems that it is also such a muscle, and it is not afraid of being shattered.

It's just that Xinping now says whether it is big or small, and she is already sensible, but she has not fully understood people and has her own opinions, but in many things, she is not mature enough to see the whole situation.

In the final analysis, the vision is too small.

So he said: "Forget it, no matter how much mother tells you now, you won't listen. This time your father brought you here, and he also asked you to walk around and see more. Xinping, you have to remember one sentence. , the world is too big, countless things happen every day, if you care too much about small things, small gains and losses, you will miss a lot."

Her heart pouted, and she looked unconvinced.

Nan Yan sighed, shook his head and left.

It was already very late, so they rested separately. They slept in a drowsy sleep. When Nan Yan woke up the next day, it was bright.

Nan Yan hurriedly got off the bed, scolding Ruo Shui while washing, "Why didn't you wake up Ben Gong earlier?"

If it was in the palace, it would be fine. Now, I followed Zhu Feng out to patrol Yongzhou, and the dignified concubine, the concubine, was still in bed, and it was rumored that she would not even do it.

Ruoshui and the others just smiled bitterly and said, "It was ordered by the emperor."

Nan Yan sat in front of the dressing table and let Ruo Shui comb her hair. Hearing this, she raised her head and looked at Ruo Shui in the bronze mirror: "The emperor has come?"

Ruo Shui said: "The emperor got up early in the morning, came over and looked here. I heard that the maiden hadn't woken up yet, so I told the slaves to stop screaming, saying that the two days were exhausted, and the maiden should rest for a while."

Nan Yan said with a sullen face: "You bastard, just listen to him?"

If Shui, they all begged for mercy.

Nan Yan frowned and said, "Where is the emperor now?"

Ruo Shui said: "I heard that I went to inspect the military camp."

Nan Yan nodded slightly.

Although Zhu Feng didn't say anything and didn't bring the army here this time, she knew something in her heart. The day after Zhu Feng arrived here, she went to inspect the military camp, and she also understood in her heart.

It's just that Zhu Feng didn't take her there, so she was a little busy today and didn't know what to do.

Just thinking about it, Delu hurried in from the outside: "Niangniang, Madam Li has come into the house to say goodbye to Niangniang."

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