Nan Yan frowned upon hearing this.

"Avoid what?"

That Xie Jiaojiao seemed to regret his blunder, and immediately put out his hand to cover his mouth, and then got up and saluted a little embarrassedly: "My lady, forgive my sins, the ministers are talking nonsense, please don't blame your lady."

Nan Yan frowned and looked at her, while Xie Jiaojiao kept his head down, obviously not planning to say anything anymore.

Nan Yan was silent for a while, and then said: "Well, it's been more than ten years since I came here. I also want to see what has changed in Yongzhou. It's better to visit the old place again."

Xie Jiaojiao raised his head and smiled.

But Ruo Shui, who was beside him, immediately said: "Niangniang, there is no emperor's will, Niangniang is afraid that it is difficult to go out."

Nan Yan thought for a while and said, "You ask Delu to ask Xiao Shunzi."

Delu went out and came back shortly after.

He smiled and said, "The emperor left a message before he left. If Niangniang is bored in the South Courtyard, you can also go to the emperor's side. If there are carriages and horses left in the mansion, the emperor will not come back until dinner."

When Nan Yan heard this, she smiled and said, "It would have been better if I said no earlier."

It seems that Zhu Feng also knows that she is a person who can't stay, and he will leave this sentence because she is afraid that she will be bored in the South Court by herself.

Ruo Shui listened and smiled, "It's still the emperor who cares for your concubine."

Nan Yan gestured and hit her.

Xie Jiaojiao, who was sitting opposite, saw Nan Yan's satisfied and happy smile, and suddenly felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle, his eyes were slightly hot, and he could only hide his head and lowered his head.

Nan Yan had already stood up with a smile and said, "Mrs. Li, then you can accompany this palace to see the scenery."

Xie Jiaojiao immediately said, "Yes."

The imperial concubine gave an order, and the carriages and horses were immediately prepared outside, and Nan Yan took Xie Jiaojiao. In addition to the palace maid and **** who followed him, there was naturally a team of Jinyiwei accompanying him and left the southern courtyard together.

In Yongzhou City, it was more lively than before.

Even if she sat in the carriage all the time and didn't look outside, Nanyan could still hear the sound of people coming and going on the street, and there were all kinds of accents from all over the world. When the wind blew a corner of the curtain, she even saw A few blond hair with different pupils, obviously businessmen from the Western Regions, were walking on the street and talking with people.

On the street here, the most lively business is naturally the business of raw silk and brocade.

The country of Yan exchanged grain with the country of Yue for raw silk, and the grain was cheaper in the past. In the same way, the raw silk in exchange was also cheaper. Some silk merchants simply set up weaving workshops in Yongzhou, and the silk brocades produced are naturally better than those in the Central Plains. It is cheaper, so some merchants from the Western Regions come directly to do business here. Such a brocade will be sold to the countries of the Western Regions, and there will be dozens or even hundreds of times of huge profits.

When the carriage passed through a wide street, Nan Yan suddenly remembered something, she stood up, lifted the corner of the curtain and looked outside.

At this moment, Xie Jiaojiao's laughing voice sounded in his ears.

"My lady has come here?"

Nan Yan glanced back at her, looked outside again, and said softly, "Of course. It's just that more than ten years have passed, and this place has become almost unrecognizable."

This spacious street is the north-south dividing line of Yongzhou City.

After passing this street, you will see Nancheng in front.

Back then, she followed Zhu Feng on a tour of Yongzhou. The northern city was prosperous, but the southern city was devastated. Because King Jing Zhu Feng secretly colluded with the Yue Kingdom, both sides fabricated military exploits to defraud the imperial court, but it was the people living in Nancheng who were unlucky. They are about to be burned, killed and looted by the Vietnamese people, and some people can only escape from their household registrations and escape to Vietnam to make a living.

Today, things have completely changed here.

Hearing what Nan Yan said, Xie Jiaojiao was silent for a while, then smiled lightly: "There is always some, it will not change."

Nan Yan looked back at her again.

Their carriage continued to move forward. The city of Yongzhou was not very big. The carriage left the city gate after walking for more than half an hour. The outside of the city was still lined with green trees. Directly on the car board, the two even sweated slightly.

Seeing her like this, Xie Jiaojiao said, "Niangniang, do you want to stop and rest for a while?"

Nan Yan was also a little hesitant. Sitting in the carriage for a long time was really boring for her.

But after all, this is outside the city, so it is not good to stop and rest like this.

So he was about to shake his head to refuse, when suddenly, the carriage didn't know what it hit, and it shook violently.

The people outside shouted in fright: "Be careful!"

"Is your lady alright?"

"what happened?!"

Nan Yan steadied a little, then immediately raised her head and asked, "What's going on?"

Ruo Shui immediately walked over and said, "Niangniang, the wheel hit a stone on the ground and it broke."


When Nan Yan heard this, she frowned and walked out. Seeing that the wheel had indeed cracked, she couldn't help but said with a sullen face, "How could this happen!"

The driver was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Seeing him like this, Nan Yan sighed. In the end, he couldn't be blamed for this incident. Who would have thought that there would be such a stone on the road that would just break the wheel. Jin Yiwei, who was following behind, immediately came up to ask , looked at the condition of the wheels again, and then said: "Niangniang forgive me. Please ask Niangniang and Madam Li to rest by the roadside first, and the villain will repair the carriage immediately."

Nan Yandao: "How long will it take?"

Jin Yiwei said: "Just a moment."

Nan Yan sighed and said, "Hurry up."

After all, she was a noble concubine, so it was outrageous to park on the side of the road "for others to watch". Jin Yiwei and the guards who followed the car did not dare to neglect, and immediately unfastened the carriage, pushed the carriage aside, and began to repair the wheel.

On the other side, the accompanying palace maids and eunuchs found a green grass by the roadside, and asked the guards to cut the grass with sharp knives, quickly set up a low table, and spread the cushions on the ground, and then invited the imperial concubine. He and Mrs. Li went to sit and rest.

Nan Yan walked over and only glanced at it, but did not sit down.

She had been sleeping in the carriage for a long time, and she finally got down and walked around. Naturally, she didn't want to sit again.

So he took two steps to the side with his hands behind his back, and said, "How far is this from the military camp?"

Xie Jiaojiao said, "It's not too far."

Nan Yan glanced at her: "You come often?"

Xie Jiaojiao said, "Yes."

Nan Yan was a little surprised. She glanced at Xie Jiaojiao and said with a smile, "Then the relationship between your husband and wife is really good, otherwise it won't hurt - Master Li won't bring you here often."


Hearing this, Xie Jiaojiao's face changed slightly.

After a while of silence, she was in a trance, and said slowly in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "If that's the case, then that's fine."

Nan Yan didn't hear clearly and asked, "What did you say?"

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