When Zhu Feng saw this room, his eyes seemed to light up.

Nan Yan also turned his head to look at him, but didn't know why, there was such a relaxed expression on his face, even with a smile that seemed to be an illusion.

Zhu Feng said: "The room they set up for the imperial concubine...not bad."


Nan Yan didn't know what this meant.

Just just now, it seems that I heard a few little palace ladies running into the cabin, as if they were saying that Li-嫔 was not very satisfied with her room.

Never, let yourself be exchanged with her.

Therefore, she did not speak.

But Zhu Feng turned his head and glanced at her, and saw that she didn't say a word, but didn't say anything, just walked in with Xiaoping.

There is a window in the room, because it opens in the right direction, so the whole room is very bright and transparent, and it is not too cold. He put the child in a special cradle next to the bed and gently put the quilt. Covered Xinping's body.

However, Xinping is not so good.

The child of this month can stand up and take two steps under the guidance of an adult. It is the most energetic time. Although Zhu Feng put her down, she immediately grabbed the cradle fence and stood up, facing Zhu. Feng Gege smiled.

"Haha, hahaha..."

Zhu Feng said: "It's been a day of trouble, don't you want to rest?"

"Father... the emperor..."

"Huh? What do you want me to do?"



The child is not completely sensible at this time. Even if he is able to call people, he has no meaning at all. He just splits his mouth, revealing two white front teeth, laughing and shouting, as if this is all her happiness. .

Zhu Feng had originally planned to let go of the child and then turned and left, but at this time, he felt a little immobile.

He thought for a while and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Nan Yan frowned when he saw him sitting down.

She stood on the side of the room, some distance from the bed, but not too far away, because Xinping was still there.

This feeling is extremely contradictory.

Zhu Feng handed a finger to Xinping. The kid grabbed his finger and didn't let go, even almost climbing up along his finger.

Zhu Feng said: "Is this child so strong?"

South flue: "Huh?"

"She is very strong."

"Yes, Aunt Tongyun and the others said the same..."


"She sometimes can climb up onto the chair by herself."

"Is it so powerful?"

Zhu Feng was a little surprised. In memory, even Zhu Chengxuan, as a boy, was not so active and active at this age.

On the contrary, the little princess has a heart and is lively like a monkey.

Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at Nan Yan, with a wave of smiles in his eyes: "Is she like you when you were a kid?"


Nan Yan hesitated.

In fact, she has never been reluctant to talk to others about her bullied childhood.

Because, showing one's own injuries to others means that one's own weaknesses are completely handed over to the other party.

For so many years, she has only said it in front of Zhu Feng.

Because it is him, because it is the person who treats each other with love, she is willing to show him her wounds, and she will never want to show other people.

But now--

Looking at Zhu Feng, thinking about how he had treated himself these days, what he had originally wanted to say, at this time he swallowed abruptly.

Feeling her breath sinking, Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Nan Yan pretended to be calm and said, "I don't remember."


This sentence made Zhu Feng's eyebrows frown.

He seemed to be thinking of something.

It seemed that I was enraged. I lowered my head and glanced at Cao Ping, took my finger out of that little fleshy hand, then stood up and said, "Okay, the child is also carried back, I want to—"

He is leaving.

Seeing him coming over, Nan Yan took a step back and saluted him respectfully: "Send the emperor respectfully."

But at this moment, Zhu Feng's footsteps suddenly staggered.


Nan Yan looked at him in surprise, he staggered, and he was about to fall down. Although Nan Yan was vigilant and even guarded, but his body was not under his control, he immediately stepped forward and directly reached out to support him. .

"Emperor, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Feng put a hand on her shoulder and frowned.



Zhu Feng frowned and did not speak. He could see the marks of teeth clenching on his face. After a while, he said: "I, dizzy, a little nauseous."


Nan Yan was taken aback, but when he heard what he said, she immediately helped him walk to the bed and sit down, and said, "The emperor lie down first."

Zhu Feng lay on the bed, Nan Yan took the pillow again and placed it behind him, letting him sit on the bed.

Caution stood on the side of the cradle, watching this scene with wide eyes.


After finishing all this, Nan Yan immediately turned and walked out.

Zhu Feng grabbed her wrist: "Where are you going?"

Nan Yan looked back at him and said, "The emperor, concubine, I'm going to see the imperial doctor. Also, the empress and the others..."

"No need to!"


Nan Yan hesitated, then looked at him again, and said softly, "Then, does the emperor want a concubine to invite Li concubine?"


I don't know if it was an illusion. After saying this, Nan Yan felt his wrist sink.

Zhu Feng's expression was even more ugly.

Seeing that there was something wrong with his face, Nan Yan didn't speak any words, and hurriedly dragged a basin next to him. Just when he got it to the bed, he heard Zhu Feng's "Wow" and started to throw up.

This time, Xinping was really shocked.

She watched this scene with wide eyes, dazed.

And Nan Yan did not speak either, one hand supported Zhu Feng's shoulder, and the other hand gently patted his back, giving him comfort.

After all, Zhu Feng was still pale with discomfort.

Nan Yan looked at him uncomfortably and turned to leave.

His wrist was still tightly grasped.


"Where are you going again?"

I don't know if it was because he just vomited or was uncomfortable. When he spoke, his tone was three-pointer.

If it were in the past, Nanyan would certainly not be afraid.

When Zhu Feng was furious, she was not afraid.

But now, even if he stood quietly by his side, without speaking or moving, he would let her erect all the cold hairs all over her body, like a guarded cat.

Nan Yan looked back at him and said softly, "Concubine, go and pour a cup of tea for the emperor."


"The emperor, you have to rinse your mouth."

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

His eyes seemed to ease, but his hands still did not let go.

Fortunately, at this time, Aunt Tongyun and Tingfu and the others came in. When they saw this, they were shocked and hurried over to help clean up, go and call people.

After a while, the imperial doctor came over.

Soon after, the queen also came.

And Kang Fei and them.

It turned out that although everyone said they were in the cabin, their eyes and ears were still with Zhu Feng. Nan Yan naturally stepped aside and watched everyone crowded around the bed, waiting for the doctor's treatment.

Only Xu Miaoyin was the quietest. She waited quietly for the imperial doctor to diagnose Zhu Feng, and then looked at the imperial doctor.

Someone next to him asked: "Doctor, how is the emperor?"


The imperial doctor did not answer immediately, but asked Zhu Feng a few more questions, asking him how he felt at the moment, and his eyes were not blurred.

Concubine Kang on the side said displeasedly: "What is the disease of the emperor, please make it clear!"

Nan Yan stood by and said calmly: "The emperor, it should be seasick."


Everyone was stunned.

The doctor also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he also noticed that it should have been a symptom of seasickness. However, since the battle was so big, he could only be cautiously diagnosed, for fear of a trace of omission or something wrong.

Zhu Feng lay on the bed, closed his eyes and frowned, silent.

Everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

Xu Miaoyin said softly, "Doctor, is the emperor really seasick?"

The imperial doctor hurriedly said: "Yes, the emperor's condition at the moment is that he is seasick."

"Then—what about?"

"Here, don't move for the time being, the emperor just showed signs of vomiting, so I have to ask the kitchen to bring some light meals over and serve the emperor to eat."

"Okay, my palace will order immediately."

"There is also," the imperial physician looked at the concubines around him, and said softly: "The emperor is a little tired now, it is best to-let the emperor rest quietly for a while."


Everyone stopped talking immediately.

This is obviously driving people away.

Everyone can’t help but feel a little unhappy. After all, they’re on the ship now, and everyone is far away from the harem. Now the cabins are all next to each other and you can see when you open the door. In fact, everyone has been hoping for the emperor. Come to your cabin.

After all, the emperor has been busy with government affairs recently, and he doesn't have much time to go to Li Bin.

So, everyone moved their minds again.

What's more, the imperial doctor just said that to let the emperor stay still and not move, that is to let him stay here still.

Wu Wan couldn't help gritting his teeth--

Why is this Sinan Yan so lucky?

If the emperor went to his room and began to get seasick, wouldn't he be able to stay in his room now?

Of course everyone thinks so.

Only Nan Yan stood aside with a pale face.

At this moment, Xu Miaoyin turned back to Nan Yan and said, "Noble concubine."


Nan Yan hesitated for a while before whispering: "Yes."

"You heard what you said just now."


"Then, the emperor will stay in your room first and serve well."


"My palace knows that you have insufficient manpower here. If there is any shortage, immediately let someone come over there and tell this palace."


"Did you hear that?"

Nan Yan was still a little distracted. He raised his head subconsciously and glanced at lying on the bed. His face was pale, but with his eyes closed, he seemed not in a good mood. Zhu Feng.

After a long silence, he finally said softly: "Yes."

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