Although wine has been used as a ritual for worshipping heaven and earth since ancient times, there is still a big difference between worshipping and drinking. Zhu Xuan's saying this is simply wrong.

But Zhu Feng laughed.

Said: "Old Qi, you really are a master in wine."

"With the emperor here, how dare the minister?"

The two talked and laughed again. Zhu Feng waved his hand to Ye Yin and said, "Okay, I know it in my heart. I don't have to persuade you tonight."

After speaking, he raised his glass: "Come again."

The waiter behind him immediately came up to pour wine for the two of them. They drank glass by glass. After a while, their faces were stained with red.

And Zhu Xuan's eyes, I don't know if it was because of drinking.

He looked at Zhu Feng, with a smile on the corners of his mouth besides the smell of alcohol.

Seeing this situation, Ye Wei could only retreat.

Everyone originally wanted to persuade, but seeing that even Ye Xun couldn't persuade them, they could only keep silent.

Only the queen Xu Miaoyin, who was sitting next to Zhu Feng, whispered worriedly, "The emperor should take care of the dragon."

As soon as people drink, they can't listen to persuasion.

Zhu Feng frowned, with an impatient expression on his face, waved his hand and said, "Okay, I know it myself."

Xu Miaoyin could only sigh and lower his head.

Although everyone was worried, the atmosphere of the banquet was very good. The two people sitting at the table drank glass after glass, and the officials below naturally only accompanied each other.

Nan Yan watched this scene, even the queen couldn't persuade herself, and she had no room to speak.

She frowned and looked to the opposite side again.

Jian Ruocheng also had a wine glass in his hand, but he didn't drink much, just took a few sips, and his cheeks were slightly red.

As if feeling his gaze, he also raised his head.

Then, he smiled faintly at Nan Yan.

If it was normal, out of politeness, Nan Yan would smile back at him, but at this time, Nan Yan could not laugh.

Above the lobby, they are separated from the left and right.

However, there are not so many people and things between them these days.

I don't know how long it took, the sky became darker and darker, and the night banquet gradually came to an end. Zhu Feng and Zhu Xuan both drank a lot, their faces were flushed, and when they stood up, their feet were a little staggered.

Xu Miaoyin was worried and hurriedly supported him.

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand and pushed it away: "No need to help, I'm not drunk."

Only people who are really drunk would say such things.

Seeing Zhu Feng's current appearance, Nan Yan couldn't help frowning and stepped forward. At this moment, Zhu Xuan on the other side smiled and said, "The emperor is not drunk, just a little drunk. Come here, Bring tea to the emperor."

"No need to."

Zhu Feng waved his hand: "I, don't drink tea."

"How can you not drink tea?"

"I don't want to drink."

At this time, Li Yu Feng Shu, who had been sitting in the last position, stepped forward and said softly: "The emperor, go to the concubine and have some tea. Although the emperor is not drunk, it is good to be relieved of alcohol."

When she heard her opening, the faces of these concubines in the lobby showed anger.

Nan Yan twisted his brows and turned to look at her.

This woman, she's still here--

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and said, "No need."

"Okay," Zhu Feng spoke almost at the same time Nan Yan spoke. Nan Yan's heart sank suddenly and looked back at him.

I saw Zhu Feng drunk and dim eyes, glanced at Li Bi, and said: "Well, just go to you."


Nan Yan's throat was blocked by something suddenly, and she couldn't say a word, but Li Bi immediately walked forward with joy when she heard Zhu Feng's words, and even squeezed Xu Miaoyin beside her and helped Hold Zhu Feng's arm: "Be careful, the emperor."

Zhu Xuan was aside, and pressed most of his body on the maid Tian'er beside him, and laughed and said: "The emperor has tea to hangover, but the minister... I don't know what to do tonight. "

Zhu Feng also laughed.

He waved his hand, as if to make all those who stood in front of him walk away, and said, "Walk away, all are back. I have to hurry up early tomorrow morning."

He still hasn't forgotten, tomorrow...

Nan Yan silently took a step back.

Li Bi helped Zhu Feng to walk around from behind the table. When she walked past her, she hit her with her shoulder, seemingly intentional or unintentional, and Nan Yan staggered and took a step back.

At this time, a warm hand behind her supported her.

Looking back, it was Jian Ruocheng.

He didn't know when, he had already stood behind him.

Nan Yan looked at him, feeling a little at a loss for a while, not knowing what to say, and Jian Ruocheng's warm hand rested on her shoulder, and was about to move away, but saw Zhu Feng turned around and faced them. Said: "All retreat—"

His gaze seemed to be here.

Jian Ruocheng's hand immediately retracted.

But immediately, Zhu Feng seemed to have seen nothing, except that his eyes were slightly reddened by the spirits of tonight, probably because of the relationship between drinking too much alcohol, and his tone changed. Displeased: "All go!"


Everyone didn't dare to say anything, they could only agree, and then everyone left the brightly lit lobby.

It was already completely dark. As King Ning’s staff, Jian Ruocheng took the people and personally escorted the queen and concubine to the backyard.

Along the way, no one said a word.

Only the sound of footsteps and the slight shaking of the lanterns gave the illusion that the mountain was shaking.

They first walked to the queen's residence.

Jian Ruocheng sent Xu Miaoyin to the door, and then leaned over to salute: "Please rest early."


Xu Miaoyin looked back at him.

Under the dim light, her eyes also looked very dim, as if there was something she wanted to say, but after hesitating, she didn't say anything.

Only calmly said: "Jian Da-Master Jian has worked hard."

"Don't dare."

Xu Miaoyin sighed, turned and walked in.

Jian Ruocheng walked to Nan Yan again, but didn't look at her, but lowered her head and said calmly, "Emperor Empress, please."

Nan Yan turned around and walked to his courtyard.

This road passes through Zhu Feng's residence.

When they passed the gate, they saw that the light inside was already on, faintly casting the shadows of two people onto the window.

It's just that because of the distance and the dim light, the shadows of the two people seem to be entangled.

Nan Yan only glanced at it, then turned his head.

Walked silently back to his home.

When she walked to the door, she turned her head and said to Jian Ruocheng: "Tonight, thank you second son, you should go back and rest soon."


Jian Ruocheng didn't answer her immediately, just holding the lantern in his hand, looking at her seriously in the dim light.

Nan Yan said: "Second Young Master, do you have anything else to say?"

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