Nan Yan was shocked when he heard this.

Opened his eyes and looked at him: "You said, the emperor has never pampered Feng Shu?"

Zhu Xuan glanced at her coldly: "Don't you find out about this kind of thing in the harem?"


This, Nan Yan hasn't really detected it yet.

All she knew was that during that time, Zhu Feng loved Feng Shu very much, was indifferent to herself and the people in the harem, and even wanted to take Xinping away from her.

At that time, she really thought that Zhu Feng had changed.

She thought that he was transferred to fall in love.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that he was really Zhu Xuan, and Feng Shu used some special means to control him, but even if he was controlled, he never spoiled Feng Shu.


"how can that be possible?"

She frowned slightly and murmured.

"Huh, I want to know too."

At this point, Zhu Xuan's tone became colder: "He has obviously been controlled and given the power of his prince Yin Jing, and even more favors Feng Shu, but he still refuses to touch her."


"He seems to be insisting on something subconsciously."


"And sometimes, there will be a wavering attitude."

Having said this, Zhu Xuan's face was already so gloomy and terrifying, he didn't know if he was talking about this to Nan Yan or venting his anger.

He gritted his teeth and said: "For this day, we have carefully planned for so long. Even, this king knows that he is a man of iron will, ordinary people drink that kind of tea, only once, they will take off their guards, and this king Let him drink for more than a month!"


"He actually still—"


"Originally, Feng Shu was very confident about the strange fragrance in her body. She could do this kind of thing seamlessly and without a trace, but because he had been reluctant to touch her, she was also flustered."


Nan Yan frowned when she heard this, "Then what did she do?"

Zhu Xuan said: "She drank that kind of tea by herself, intensifying the smell in her body, and wanted to be pampered in one fell swoop.


"Only at this time, someone else might smell the scent on her."


Nan Yan suddenly realized.

No wonder they could not find any handles of Feng Shu, and after that time, Zhu Chengxuan said that she had smelled a strange fragrance on her body.

It turns out that it is.

However, she was really at a loss. She didn't expect that for so long, no matter what kind of control she became, she even gave Prince Ning Yin the opportunity to almost take Xinping away from her, but Zhu Feng never did. Really met Feng Shu.

At this time, Nan Yan didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh.

No matter what they went through.

No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are in front of them.

She knew that Zhu Feng was not the one who would really leave her behind. He was much stronger than she thought.

So, even if there are even greater storms ahead, she firmly believes that they can break through, because they are such Sinanyan and Zhu Feng!

Zhu Xuan looked at her gleaming eyes coldly.

After a while, he said: "Okay, you have asked what you should ask, and the king said what you should say."


"Now, please take a good rest of the concubine."


"Although you are in the cold palace, there should not be many people who will care about you, and they will not find you missing so soon, but the king still wants to return to his fief earlier. We will leave early tomorrow morning."


"Don't hurt yourself in the middle of the road."


"My king, I don't want to explain badly to people."

Hearing what he said, Nan Yan's eyebrows frowned slightly-what is it, it is not easy to explain to people?

He has spoken twice since he woke up.

Could it be--

As he was thinking, Zhu Xuan turned his head, his eyes flashed, and said to the figure that appeared at the door: "I'll just say, people are here, you shouldn't be there yet."

Nan Yan looked up.

I saw that the originally closed door was pushed open at this time, and a familiar figure was standing at the door.

His complexion was serious and his eyes were solemn.

Yes, Jian Ruocheng!

Nan Yan's heart suddenly sank, and Zhu Xuan had already walked over with a smile and said, "Ruo Cheng, you shouldn't have come so slowly."


Jian Ruocheng's breath was so light that it was almost inaudible, as if for fear of shocking someone, but when she spoke, her voice was unusually low, and it almost didn't sound like his own voice: "What does the prince mean?"

"what happened?"

"Why did you put her—"

Having said that, his eyes flickered, as if he wanted to look in, but he didn't dare to look.

Zhu Xuan glanced back slightly triumphantly, and then said: "This king has said that taking someone's life does not necessarily mean killing her."


"Take her to your side and let her life be under your control, isn't it the same as taking human lives?"


"This situation is much more useful than killing one person."

Having said that, he stretched out his hand and patted Jian Ruocheng on the shoulder, and said, "You, don't you want to see her?"


"If you don't want to see her, these days you—"


For the first time, Jian Ruocheng violently interrupted someone else's speech, and Zhu Xuan did not feel overwhelmed with anger at all, but the smile in her eyes deepened and said, "Okay, I won’t say anything, I won’t be troublesome here. ."


"What do you want to say, take advantage of the time when two people are alone, try to say it."

After speaking, he walked sideways out of the room.

As soon as he left, the place became quiet.

Nan Yan reluctantly sat on the bedside, but at this time, she couldn't say a word, just watching Jian Ruocheng's familiar figure standing at the door.

It seems to want to come in, but afraid to come in.

After hesitating for a while, he finally took a step forward.

Then, step by step, he walked to the bed, lowered her head and said: "The imperial concubine... is not injured, right?"

When he said this, his eyes were still drooping.

From appearing to the first sentence, he has never looked at Nan Yan.

His eyes dodge.

And Nan Yan looked straight at those very familiar and gentle eyes, and after a long time, he said softly, "The second son of Jian is here, how is it?"


This sentence is actually very ironic.

But when she said these words, she could taste all kinds of bitterness, Jian Ruocheng understood even more.

He was silent for a long time before he said, "It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad."

Nan Yan's nose was sour, and said, "Since I don't know what to say, why did Young Master Jian do this?"

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