"who are you?"

Upon hearing these words, Ye Wei felt as if he was punched head-on, and his eyes turned black.

He hurriedly walked to the bed and leaned in front of Zhu Feng: "The emperor, it's me!"

How can you forget me?

On the other side, Heyi came forward calmly, pulled Ye Yu's sleeves and pulled him back a few steps, and then said: "The emperor, he is Ye Yu. He has been following you since early. I should be able to remember him."

"Ye Yu..."

Zhu Feng looked up and down at Ye Yu, frowning slightly, as if thinking hard about something.

After a while, his eyes lit up.

"Ye Yu."


"I remember... Ye Wei, you are Ye Quan's younger brother."

"Ye Quan?"

At this moment, Ye Yu was silly: "Who is Ye Quan?"

He Yi glanced at him, and then whispered in his ear: "Don't irritate the emperor now. His memory is very confusing, and I don't even know who it is. We want him to slowly recall the past. ."


Ye Wei was taken aback.

Then I remembered that I just heard Zhu Feng's claim to be "I", not "I".

In other words, he even forgot the fact that he was the emperor!

At this moment, he was really scared into a cold sweat.

Originally, Zhu Feng had such a situation. When the ministers in the court and even some civilians learned of what happened at the altar that day, they began to doubt the emperor's life experience.

The government, together with this new Kyoto, are all turbulent.

They all hope that Yu Zhu Feng will wake up a little earlier, whether it is to reassure, or--even if he uses his iron fist to suppress all the doubts.

But now, he actually forgot the fact that he was the emperor, what should he do next?

Seeing the cold sweat on Ye Wei's forehead falling drop by drop, He Yi whispered, "Don't worry."

With that, he let go of Ye Yu's hand, and then took a step forward.

He respectfully bowed to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, the emperor has slept for several days and has not eaten properly. The minister asked the imperial dining room to bring some meals over, okay?"


Zhu Feng frowned and stared at him: "You call me... the emperor?"



"You are the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty, you will never forget this."


Zhu Feng stared at him closely. In those bright eyes, a cluster of light suddenly brightened up and flickered continuously.

He murmured: "I, I am...I am the emperor...I am the emperor...?"


He Yi stood beside him very patiently, looking at him with quiet eyes.

Seems to be waiting for his sobriety.

When Zhu Feng raised his head again, with a dignified expression in his eyes, He Yi said softly: "So she... is your wife, that is, the empress."

"Wife... Queen...?"

Zhu Feng looked at Xu Miaoyin next to him.

Xu Miaoyin hurried forward: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng looked at her with a familiar look in his eyes. He looked up and down for a long time, and said softly: "Queen...Miao Yin, you are the daughter of the Pillar Kingdom, Princess Yan...my queen..."

He really remembered.

Moreover, I slowly remembered everything before.

A smile appeared on He Yi's face.

The situation is much better than they thought before.

In only three days, Zhu Feng not only woke up, was able to speak, could communicate with them, and even started to recognize them again.

This, compared to what he knew, the situation of people who used "too much ignorance" was far better.

It can also be imagined that his mental power is indeed strong.

However, right now, he cannot accept too much at once, and that kind of medicine is also detrimental to a person's mental power. If he suffers too much at once, I am afraid that he will not accept it and cause a nervous breakdown.

He Yi slowed down his voice and said softly, "My lord, do you want to rest for a while?"


Zhu Feng glanced at him.

Suddenly, his brow furrowed and he reached out and lifted the quilt off his body.

Turn over and get out of bed.

But after all, he has been lying down for so many days, and he has used "too much forgotten feelings". The whole person's condition, his spirit, and even his soul have been shattered and reshaped. Together with his body, he is now in a weakened condition.

Therefore, with this move, he fell off the bed.

Xu Miaoyin was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him: "The emperor, what are you going to do?"

He Yi and the others hurriedly reached out to support him: "The emperor, you should rest more."

"no no……"

Zhu Feng's breathing suddenly became disordered, his breath was hot and his eyes were a little red.

He was a little surprised by his sudden appearance.

A person who has used "too much ignorance" will have a pure heart and a lack of desire for a period of time. In other words, he will live a very peaceful life, and it is impossible for anyone or anything to arouse his emotions.

But now, his emotions are very excited.

how is this possible?

Is there something wrong?

He Yi leaned on his arm, and could feel the muscles in his whole body tense up, and constantly made himself stand up and walk outside: "I, I want—I want—"

"Heyi, what is going on?"

"Yeah, what happened to the emperor?"

Xu Miaoyin and Ye Yu were panicked and could only ask him, but He Yi frowned, looked at Zhu Feng's continuous struggle, and fell silent for a while, and said, "First, take a look."

He let them go, and then he supported Zhu Feng, to be precise, to support him.

I saw Zhu Feng staggering out.

After leaving the bedroom, he went around several places.

Like a sleepwalker, he walked into a maze, but his breathing was tight and his heartbeat was disturbed, as if he was eager to find something.

Finally, he walked to a palace gate.

They were all taken aback.

Because here is the cold palace.

Zhu Feng said out of breath: "Go in... Go in..."

They all seem to understand something.

Ye Xu didn't speak, and directly pushed the door open.

The people in charge of the cold palace, Madam Su, and the others all greeted them and knelt to the ground. Everyone was puzzled. In the cold palace, no one would pay attention to it for decades. Why so many things happened in these two days.

Even today, the emperor came in person.

And when he came, his eyes kept searching, as if he wanted to find someone.

Could it be--

At this moment, Zhu Feng had already passed in front of everyone, walked straight to the door of a room, and pushed the door open.

In the room, sat a slender shadow.

Qin Ruolan turned back slowly, looking at him with a pair of Qiushui eyes that throbbed.

Zhu Feng is a little confused.

He didn't know this person, but under the guidance of his subconscious, he found her.

and so--

He murmured: "Is that you?"

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