In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Early that morning, Nan Yan got up by himself, and after washing up, he had breakfast and sat at the table properly, waiting.

After a while, I saw Jian Ruocheng walking in from outside.

When he saw her, he looked at her eyes first, and then at her hands.

He whispered, "Is the burn gone?"

Nan Yan lowered his head and took a look. Originally it was only a minor injury. The medication was too bad. In addition, he made a special trip to find such a good scald ointment for himself. It was all healed a long time ago without leaving a scar.

Softly said: "It's okay."

"That's good."

With that, Jian Ruocheng looked into her eyes again, was silent for a moment, and said, "Isn't you sleeping?"


Nan Yan subconsciously reached out and touched the corner of her eye.

Just now, when I was sitting in front of the dressing table and combing my hair in the mirror, I found out that my eyes were red and bloodshot.

It's not that I didn't sleep well.

Instead, stayed up all night.

In fact, she hadn't rested much in the past few days.

Because in the two nights, Li Bushang would emerge from the darkness where he didn't know where, and guard her.

Originally, he didn't have such a habit, but he didn't know where to find out. In the past few days, Jian Ruocheng would sit at the door of this room every night, after guarding Nan Yan, he did the same.

Moreover, he is guarding her bedside——

Although he has always regarded him as his younger brother, after all, this younger brother is already eighteen years old, and he is tall and handsome. There is really no way to look at him like a child. Such a teenager stays with him while he sleeps. By the bed, a pair of wolf-like eyes stared at him scorchingly.

Who can sleep?

Nan Yan also protested with him, but Li Bushang said with a cold face: "Why can Jian Ruocheng stay at the door so you can be fine, but I can't?"


What can I say?

Nan Yan knew that the meeting between him and Jian Ruocheng had been unpleasant from the beginning, but he didn't expect that even after sending him to Jian's Mansion for a while, the relationship between the two has not been eased.

Even in myself, there is such a "fight".

Just let him go.

And last night--

She stayed up all night last night, but it has nothing to do with Li Bushang.

Because last night, there was one thing in her mind, that is, today, Zhu Feng is about to re-canonize Qin Ruolan.

She tried her best to conceal the impact of this incident on herself, and she wanted to be that she was not sad, nor heartache.

However, if you can fool others, you can't fool yourself.

For the whole night, she couldn't sleep, tossing and turning, what Zhu Feng used to smile to her gently, and those sweet words, even every moment they got along.

Gradually, it became blurred in the dark.

And what gradually became clear in his mind was Qin Ruolan's cold and frosty face.

And her cold voice--

"I used to be special."

These words, like a curse, kept circling in her mind, making her almost fall into the dark abyss.

She didn't want to be jealous.

She still remembers that Zhu Feng told her that she can be jealous when the two of them are together.

But now, she is not by his side.

She is not like jealousy. She doesn't want the fangs of jealousy to bite through her heart and conscience, and she is more unwilling to let the poisonous snake of jealousy drag herself into the abyss of reason.

Therefore, she kept her eyes wide open, even though the tears had been flu, she still refused to close her eyes.

In this way, foolishly guarded till dawn.

At this moment, when asked by Jian Ruocheng, Nan Yan lowered his eyes and said faintly, "It's nothing."


Jian Ruocheng did not speak, looking at her with silent eyes.

There was a moment of silence, and then said: "There are things, don't think too much."


"Today, we should start."


Nan Yan nodded and stood up from the table, but I don't know if it was because she stayed up all night and her body was a little weak. When she got up, she felt her feet soft and almost fell.

"Be careful!"

Jian Ruocheng rushed forward and held her back.

Looking down at her red eyes: "Is it all right?"


Nan Yan shook for a while before raising her eyes to look at him. Before she could respond, she first heard a gust of wind blowing outside, causing the green bamboos outside the window to shake and the bamboo leaves rustle.

She hurriedly withdrew her hand from his, and separated the two.

"I'm fine. Thanks a lot."

Jian Ruocheng glanced at her again, sighed softly, and said, "Sorry."

"No, it's okay."

"Let's go."

After speaking, he turned around and walked outside. Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief and glanced around subconsciously. Although he could not see Li Bushang at all, she knew that Li Bushang must be nearby. He Having said that, this time I have to stay with myself to protect myself.

Taking a deep breath, he followed.

Walking to the gate of King Ning's Mansion, he found that King Ning was taking a few of his confidants, Zhai Yun, and the others. They were all standing here. There was a carriage parked at the door, and some entourages followed them on horseback.

Nan Yan glanced around.

The long history of Prince Ning's mansion named Shi Yiru, seems to be away?

As if feeling her gaze, Zhu Xuan smiled and said, "What are you looking at?"

Nan Yan glanced at him, and then said, "Where is Shi Changshi?"

"Why do you care about this king's long history?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit strange that I haven't seen him in these two days."

Zhu Xuan smiled, and said: "The concubine lady is really sensitive to this matter."


Nan Yan frowned.

In the past two days, Zhu Xuan has almost never called her a noble concubine empress. Naturally, he did not want to let too many people know her identity and did not want to cause unnecessary trouble. But this time, when he called her, he deliberately The four words "the imperial concubine empress" are emphasized.

Nanyan Road: "What do you mean?"

Zhu Xuan smiled and said, "I'm afraid that the imperial concubine empress has forgotten. Today is a great day for the king's imperial brother, Li Ning."


Nan Yan's face suddenly sank.

Originally, no one said that she did not mention it herself, as if this incident had not happened.

However, Zhu Xuan mentioned that it was like a knife that plunged into her heart suddenly.

A dull pain struck.

She was so painful that it became difficult to breathe.

However, Zhu Xuan seemed to be not enough, and said, "As the emperor's brother, I naturally want people to come to celebrate. Shi Changshi should have arrived in Peking now."

He said, looking at the sky: "The canonization ceremony is about to begin."

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