Facing the empty golden car, for an instant, the three of them broke into cold sweat.

Zhu Feng is gone.

He is not in this golden car unexpectedly.

They suddenly understood that the inside of the golden car had been silent for the past two days, and he didn't even eat much. It turned out that he was no longer in the golden car.

Did he leave by himself, or by someone—

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Wei immediately shook his head and dismissed the second thought.

How could it be robbed?

Even if he has forgotten the dust now, but his own gong body is still there, let alone stealing him silently, just wanting to get close to him is not so easy.

Therefore, he left by himself.

At this moment, a waiter next to him came forward to report the matter. Upon seeing this, Xu Miaoyin immediately closed the door of the golden car with both hands.

The servant asked: "Empress, does the emperor have any will, do you want to stop here, or just get on the ship?"

Xu Miaoyin said calmly: "On the Internet, we only let everyone rest on the dock for a while, and then upload it later."


The servant immediately went down to spread the word.

Xu Miaoyin breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and glanced at Ye Wei. The two people's eyes met, but they both silently agreed.

The emperor’s disappearance cannot be known to others.

Qin Ruolan, who was standing on the side, clearly understood what they meant, but she frowned and said in a deep voice: "The empress is planning to conceal this matter, but are we not going to look for him? Is he in danger? "


When she said this, Xu Miaoyin and Ye Qi also fell silent.

To be honest, with Zhu Feng's skill, if there is any danger, I am afraid that all the guards here are dead, and he can still stand.

After all, this emperor did not patronize and inherit the throne, but he fought it from the battlefield with a single shot.


After all, he is the emperor, and he has a lot of power, so how can he leave by himself?

If something unexpected happens, won't the sky of Yan Kingdom collapse?

Too capricious!

These words appeared in Ye Xu's mind without fear of death.

At this time, Qin Ruolan recovered himself

With Zhu Feng's skill, he really wouldn't be in danger, but he was still worried about him, no matter how high his skill was.

She murmured, "Then why leave silently? Not even telling one."

Xu Miaoyin glanced at her and said nothing.

Ye Yu thought for a while, and said soberly: "I'm afraid that after that incident, the emperor doesn't trust us anymore. This trip is just an excuse for him to find the truth."


"His real purpose is to leave the imperial city."

Xu Miaoyin also nodded gently.

Now it seems that there is only this explanation.

They are all misguided.

They thought that if they used Too Xianqing, let Zhu Feng forget all the dust, he would be able to get rid of the demons, but they forgot that the current Zhu Feng is not the last time that Zhu Feng was used too Xianqing.

At that time, he was still young, and there was a high emperor on his head. Although he had doubts about things around him, he was a child after all. No matter how many doubts and ideas he had in his heart, he could not put them into practice, so he was in the surrounding environment. Under the strong pressure, he accepted the reality that others gave him bit by bit.

Now Zhu Feng is the prince of a country, with the courage to watch the world, and even more powerful martial arts.

He has doubts about the reality before him, so he can leave decisively and find the truth on his own.

Qin Ruolan was still sad: "Then why didn't he tell me, he left without saying a word..."

She thought that after her amnesia, Zhu Feng's heart could accept only herself, but she found that Zhu Feng even suspected her, and even she was alienated.

Ye Xu glanced at her, but said nothing.

In fact, what Zhu Feng suspects now is not which one of them or a group of people, but the whole world around him. It should be said that after he has forgotten all the dust, the whole world in his heart collapsed. Now he is traveling alone to reshape it. My inner world.

So, what they have to do now is--

Xu Miaoyin said: "Then shall we continue to move forward?"

Ye Xuan nodded and said, "Of course, I can't let anyone know that the emperor has already escaped the protection of the imperial driver and is alone."

"It makes sense."

Xu Miaoyin would be overwhelmed immediately and said: "It should be more and more to move forward, but when it comes to Prince Ning's Mansion, everything can't be kept secret."

Ye Yu's eyes rolled, and a sly smile appeared on his face: "We have to wait until later."

"what do you mean--"

"Anyway, if the emperor is traveling, if the emperor wants to go around and inspect the people's conditions, would anyone dare to urge him?"

"It makes sense."

Xu Miaoyin nodded and said, "Ye Yu, then you have to re-plan your route. Yujia can't go directly to Changqing City."

"Yes, Weichen will do it right away."

"Also, the emperor is still looking for it. You secretly send someone to find it, but remember, don't spread the news, so as not to cause trouble to the emperor who is alone."

"Weichen understands."

Ye Xu turned around after speaking.

After Xu Miaoyin's instructions, she turned her head to see Qin Ruolan standing there quietly, but there seemed to be some thoughts in her heart, and her eyes flickered slightly.

Xu Miaoyin said quietly: "The next road is for you to be with the palace. Qin Madam, no matter how much you worry about the emperor, the safety of the emperor is the most important thing. Don't make extravagances."


Qin Ruolan was taken aback by her words.

At that moment, she did think in her heart that she would also leave Yujia and go to find Zhu Feng alone.

But Xu Miaoyin's words were obviously warning her.

If even she left, the people around couldn't help but doubt.

She could only grit her teeth, endure it, and said in a deep voice, "Concubine understands."

Xu Miaoyin nodded, turned and walked to the other side, calmly as if nothing had happened, and even passed the order. The emperor's mouth was dry and asked to send some hot tea and dessert.

Ye Wei on the other side also conveyed the order.

But his expression is not relaxed.

Steady the situation on Yujia's side, don't make people doubt it, and on the other hand, he has to worry, Zhu Feng left alone, where will he go now?

At present, his destination should also be the fief of King Ning.

But if he didn't go with Yujia, he obviously didn't plan to go to King Ning directly.

What will he do?

There is one more thing on my mind-Ran Xiaoyu.

With Princess Xinping, she also went to Ningwang's fief to find her noble concubine. I thought that Yujia could find her along the way to Jiaodong, but now that he has to delay time, he cannot find her.

Ye Yu murmured anxiously: "Don't let anything go wrong..."

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