Golden Fishery

Three hundred and sixteen. Respect cute goods (7/10)

Qin Shiou said to Wei Ni: "First of all, you have to divide these little bastards and don't let them be on the same front. As long as they are separated and there is no example to learn from, they will be honest."

Smiling, Qin Shiou went back to the kitchen to find Xiong Da's big rice bowl, and added fried steak and syrupy fruit salad to it.

Seeing the food, the howling Xiong Da blinked his small dark eyes, turned his head to look at the tigers, leopards and other companions, and ran towards Qin Shiou very disrespectfully.

"Wow, woof," Huzi and Leopard stretched their necks and roared a few times. Xiong Da probably felt that this traitorous behavior was shameful, so he ran back again.

Qin Shiou was wondering how Xiong Da, a foodie, could resist the temptation of delicious food when he was hungry, but Xiong Da's performance did not disappoint him, and when he ran back, this guy dragged Dabai, and ran over again.

Just as Xiong Dagang was about to eat it, the serious-looking pineapple rushed up, lowered his head without saying a word, and shoveled the flat antlers to the ground, turning Xiong Da into a rolling gourd.

Chasing Xiong Da away, the pineapple poked its head into the rice bowl and started eating, took out the steak, and ate the fruit.

Xiong Da roared angrily, patting his chest and the ground, Pineapple ignored it and ate it with relish.

Qin Shiou was afraid that they would fight, so he hugged Xiong Da to comfort him: "Okay, don't be angry, Dad will make you a pot with better taste, okay? Don't pat your chest, you are a bear, not an orangutan! "

As he said that, he criticized Pineapple again: "How dare you grab the food from your little friend..."

Winnie smiled and said: "No, Qin, you made a mistake yourself. This rice bowl belongs to Pineapple. It's not Xiong Da's. Pineapple is of course angry when he sees Xiong Da eating in his own rice bowl."

Qin Shiou looked at a row of stainless steel rice bowls that were almost identical, and asked in amazement, "Is there a difference?"

Winnie took an identical one, shook it triumphantly and said, "This is Xiongda's."

really. Seeing this rice bowl, even though there was nothing in it, Xiong Da ran over shaking his fat butt.

What depressed Qin Shiou was that Xiong Da didn't know if he had been with the tiger and leopard for a long time, and when he was wandering around Winnie, his little tail was raised behind his buttocks. '嗤嗤嗤嗤' turned around very fast.

"Bears can also wag their tails?" Qin Shiou felt that his outlook on life had been subverted.

Bird said, "Wag your tail too,

But it can only shake slightly, because their tailbone has degenerated badly, and this is the first time I have seen them shake like a big bear. "

"It's Xiong Da. Not Da Xiong." Nelson corrected. The two pronunciations of "Xiong Da" are pronounced in Chinese, which is quite standard.

No matter who it is, the combined camp of the little guys has collapsed. As soon as the pillars of Xiong Da and Pineapple ran away, Huzi and Leopard also ran over, licking their faces.

The bottom line is Nimitz and Bush Jr., one lying in the grass, and the other crawling between the grass and Daddy's wings-they are not hungry anyway. Nimitz himself would grab fish and feed Bush Jr. well.

As for Xiao Ming and the little chinchillas? They're all about engagement, and Auerbach says these little guys don't miss out on every meal.

Winnie feeds them one by one. When they are full, clean the rice bowl and hug them intimately, no different from hugging a child.

Back at the villa, lying on the sofa, Qin Shiou's sea god consciousness wandered around the fishing ground.

What he cared most about was the batch of Maine lobsters. It turned out that the Sea God's energy was really domineering. After more than ten days without reinjecting energy, they still survived very well.

The dead shrimp carcasses have been eaten by herring, mackerel and hermit and fiddler crabs. Clean up the bottom of the sea.

The remaining lobsters found coral reefs. Living with it as a base, the outer shell has grown very hard, and its activities are not as soft and lifeless as before, but domineering and full of vitality.

In addition, Qin Shiou felt that the appearance of these lobsters injected with Seagod's energy had changed a bit, and he didn't know if it was good or bad.

Normal Maine lobsters (also known as American lobsters and Boston lobsters) are olive green or greenish-brown in color, and there are more orange, reddish-brown and black individuals. It is said that there are two variants, and the blue variant is about 2 million One in 30 million yellow variation.

But now the lobsters in the coral reefs are all lavender in color. Qin Shiou remembered clearly that when these shrimp seedlings were bought, they were mainly green-brown, but now the shells turned purple.

Seeing that these lobsters have finally become resistant to bacteria, Qin Shiou made another radio broadcast to cover the coral reefs with the energy of the Sea God. As for who will benefit, it depends on good luck.

Fortunately, other seafood such as cod, crab, salmon, elephant-nosed mussel, etc. have not mutated, otherwise Qin Shiou would be depressed.

He went to the man-eating shark group again, and saw a group of man-eating sharks from a long distance, and there was an exceptionally huge great white shark mixed in it.

This guy Black Overlord seems to regard himself as a man-eating shark. He lives in the shark shoal very well. He follows the shark shoal and keeps pretending to be a tiger.

Eating is easy recently, and the nutrition Hei Bawang has obtained is also rich. The wounds on the body surface have almost healed, but there are a few hideous scars on the black upper body skin, making it look much more sturdy.

Snowball and Skate are still the lone ranger combination in the fishing ground. They are princelings. Although they are small in size, they have a big background. Qin Shiou has poured the most Seagod energy into them, and they have the best physique and the smartest mind.

Qin Shiou didn't come here recently, so Xueqiu and Bingjian transferred the entertainment to the Seven Cat Shark Brothers. With their help, the Seven Cat Shark Brothers were now vigilant and fast.

Occasionally, Xueqiu and Bingblade would go together to tease the sharks, and the sharks were lazy to care about them, but Black Overlord frightened them twice, but they had the same energy in their bodies, and the two sides did not hurt each other.

The incident with the tigers and leopards gave Qin Shiou a lot of experience, so he can't simply treat them as animals in the future, he has to respect their IQ, even if the IQ is not high, he can't hurt them.

Qin Shiou appeased the snowball and ice skates for a while, and took them to inspect the fishing ground. Hei Bawang ran over after feeling the consciousness of the sea god, and continued to play tricks on others.

One big and two small, one black and the other white, the three guys started chattering in the fishing ground. Qin Shiou didn't care about them, but deliberately led them to the location of the giant algae forest.

Entering the giant algae forest, where fish resources are also abundant, the three guys were so excited that they ran around.

Finally, they encountered Waterloo.

The sea pythons thought they were coming to smash the venue and kick the gymnasium. Under the leadership of the leader, a group of sea pythons quietly surrounded from all directions, and finally showed their figures at the same time, ferocious and domineering!

At the beginning, there was only one sea python, and Hei Bawang was still very stubborn, opening his mouth wide to scare others with rows of teeth sharper than sabers.

As a result, one after another, group after group, more and more sea pythons appeared.

Hei Bawang closed his mouth resolutely, and retreated between the saber and Snowball. The three guys depended on each other, so scared that they couldn't help it. (to be continued)

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