Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1009 1016. Alcohol Relief Leaves (5)

Lu Hu called his men on the island to arrange a fresh-keeping truck to pick up the barnacles, and at the same time contacted two cooks to prepare dinner for tonight.

It happened that he had recently obtained some venison, so he had someone send it to the village, and tonight he would use venison to reward Ao Muyang and the fishermen.

This venison was from sika deer, and Ao Muyang was surprised after confirming it: "Brother, sika deer are national protected animals."

Lu Hu waved his hand and smiled, "It's wild, and mine is farmed. There is a construction corps in the northwest, and a buddy of mine works there. They raise a lot of deer there, mainly to sell antler wine and deer blood wine. I got some wine from him, and he also sent me some meat. Let's eat together tonight."

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is close to late autumn. Now the nights in the fishermen's house are indeed a bit cold. Eating a stewed dish in an iron pot is the most comfortable, and venison is very nourishing. This kind of stewed venison in an iron pot is a good dish for late autumn.

Knowing that there was venison to eat, the fishermen were extremely enthusiastic. They went back to take a shower, and then came to the backyard of the small building to prepare for a big meal.

It was only more than half a month since the last meal here, and the second meal started again. The group of people were very happy.

The men in the village like to get together to drink and brag while eating and drinking.

The two chefs that Lu Hu found are somewhat famous in Hongyang. The ordinary farm iron pot stew is fragrant. Ao Muyang is an expert and can see at a glance that the heat is extraordinary.

So he walked over and said: "Brother, are you good at iron pot stew?"

"Just so." The chef smiled politely.

Ao Muyang then sent half a sheep, two geese and some sheep offal: "Let's have an iron pot stew banquet tonight!"

The two chefs couldn't smile anymore. This really didn't treat us as outsiders.

The dishes were served, the wine was poured, Lu Wuyi got excited, he said: "Brother-in-law, the village needs a DJ or something, it's boring to just drink, it would be more exciting if there was a DJ to SKR a few words."

Ao Muyang said: "That's easy, there is a gong and drum team in the village, I'll get it for you? It's much more exciting than electronic music."

"Fuck, forget it."

After a glass of wine, Lu Wuyi got excited again, he listened to the sound of rock-paper-scissors around him, and said: "My sister's poem is really good, flowers are full of islets, wine is full of cups, and freedom is found in the vast waves. This life is so beautiful!"

Ao Muyang said: "There are many such beautiful lives in the village, and it will be even better during the New Year, but you have to live until then first-drink less, have you forgotten the lesson last time?"

Lu Wuyi smiled slightly, he looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to him, then got in front of him and opened his mouth...

"What are you doing?" Ao Muyang quickly pushed him away

He said, "I'll show you something. Look at what's in my mouth. It's awesome."

"I won't look. What's so good about awesomeness?"

Lu Wuyi was choked by this. He said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'll show you this leaf in my mouth. It's a hangover leaf. I asked that old Chinese doctor Ao for it. I also took hangover medicine today. Humph, see how I kill everyone tonight!"

Ao Muyang was puzzled. The old Chinese doctor Ao he mentioned was naturally Mr. Ao Zhisheng, but when did this old man have such a thing as hangover leaves?

The mystery in his heart hasn't been solved yet, and Lu Wuyi has been drunk...

"Well, the hangover medicine is useless." He sighed and carried his brother-in-law into the house.

When he came back, Ao Mudong and his group looked at him with wide eyes: "Village chief, what are you doing?"

"What the hell, I'm not drinking tonight."

"Alas!" A sigh of disappointment.

The weather was not good. The meal was good in every way except that it suddenly thundered at around nine o'clock in the evening, and a dark cloud quickly covered the night sky above the fishing village.

Fortunately, it did not rain until they finished eating, and only when they were cleaning up the mess did the raindrops fall sparsely.

"The rain has been quite abundant since the beginning of autumn this year." Ao Daguo said with a burp.

Ao Mudong said: "Come on, uncle Da, uncle Daguo, in the past few years, it has rained continuously since the beginning of autumn, right?"

"Yes, Dongzi, you are drunk, stop talking, and go home quickly."

"I am fine, why are you drunk? I know this clearly, you, Ao Daguo, my uncle, right?" Ao Mudong said, holding Ao Daguo's shoulders.

"Yes, you're not drunk. Let's go home."

"No hurry, Uncle Daguo. I've been calling you uncle for more than 30 years, right?"

"Yes, stop talking..."

"Then can you call me uncle tonight? I've called you uncle for 30 years, it's your turn to call me uncle, right?"

"Yes - fuck, get out! You have to call me uncle for the rest of your life!"

Tao Mudong, who was drunk and scolded, exploded: "You scolded my mother? How dare you scold my mother? No one can scold my mother, Tianwang Lao You can't even be a son! You're looking for death..."

Ao Muyang dragged Ao Mudong and said angrily: "Damn it, no one wants to drink in my house in the future, why are you drunk?"

Ao Mudong cried: "Longtou, I respect you, I won't fight with you, but why did you scold my mother?"

Ao Muyang was so angry that he had to explain: "I'm not scolding you, I'm not targeting you, my words are directed at the whole village."

Ao Daguo had no choice but to call Ao Mudong's parents who were already asleep.

Ao Mudong's hot-tempered father didn't bother to tie his belt, and went out with the belt in his hand. Ao Daguo hurriedly said: "Second uncle, there's no need to rush, you tie your belt first."

"This is not for tying around the waist."

The light rain continued until noon. Lu Wuyi got up and looked outside, muttering: "Oh, it's not dark yet, I got up too early."

Ao Muyang was about to speak: ┓((⊙﹏⊙))┏.

Autumn rain enveloped the fishing village. He stood on the roof and looked around. There was a thin sea mist floating on the sea in front of the village, and there was also mist floating on the mountains behind.

Pale white mist drifted over the mountains, and the grass and trees were cleaned, but they were no longer green. On the contrary, many bamboo leaves turned yellow, and the leaves of the willows, sycamores, and locust trees on the mountains gradually fell.

A feeling of desolation came to my mind.

At lunch time, he cooked porridge with sika deer meat. It was so cold that he drank some porridge to warm himself up. This was specially stewed for Lu Zhizi.

After the aroma of the porridge filled the air, Lu Wuyi climbed up quietly and came to the restaurant quietly.

Lang Er, who was lying on the ground out of boredom and gnawing his claws, suddenly turned around and was startled. He jumped up and screamed. Ao Muyang was also startled: "Meng Yi, have you seen the ghost?"

At this time, Lu Wuji really looked like a ghost. Ao Muyang asked: "Why do you look so gloomy? Why do you look so resentful?"

"TCMs are all liars. Hangover leaves and hangover medicines are all liars!" He was full of resentment and had nowhere to vent, so he could only chatter, "I will never believe in Chinese medicine again, I shouldn't believe in these things, Ma De, I’ll drink some milk before drinking next time, I want to believe in science.”

Ao Muyang was convinced: "You don't believe in science, you believe in metaphysics. If you dare to continue drinking like this, do you think your life is hard?"

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