Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1023 1030. Guarding the Lake at Midnight

This time when he went up the mountain, Ao Muyang also wanted to find some mushrooms, after all, there had been continuous autumn rains some time ago. As a result, due to the season, he wandered around for half an afternoon and found nothing.

However, he did pick a lot of fruits. After all, he was very happy. Especially when he learned that persimmons could be dried into persimmon cakes, he was even happier. He asked Jiang Caoqi to help him dry persimmon cakes so that he could honor his parents and grandparents when he returned.

Jiang Caoqi was very annoyed: "Dream on you, I am your uncle, not your wife, why should I help you work?"

"Double bet 666, old iron, let's go." Lu Wuyi said with a smile.

After all, he said, "You must help me, otherwise I will go back and sow discord between the general and your son every day."

"How dare you threaten me?" Jiang Caoqi was furious, "Isn't it just drying persimmon cakes? Just wait, I'll dry a lot for you and let you eat enough!"

Back in the village, Ao Xiaoniu, who was playing with his friends, ran home immediately after seeing him, and then brought a basket of vegetables and meat to him: "Uncle Xiaoyang, my mother asked me to send it to you."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Why are you preparing vegetables for uncle?"

Ao Xiaoniu scratched the back of his head and said, "My mother said that you had no vegetables at home at noon, and you went to the back mountain in the afternoon instead of the vegetable garden. There must be no vegetables in the evening, so she asked me to send you some. Oh, there are chicken gizzards in it. Today, Lao Wu, who was killing chickens in the town, came to the village to sell chicken and other things, and my mother bought some chicken gizzards."

Ao Muyang flipped through it and found a bag of black things.

These things look a bit disgusting, ranging in size from glass beads to oranges, with a jet-black color and soft texture, like black tumors.

But Ao Muyang was amused when he saw them. He asked, "Where did your mother get the mold bags? The corn in the field has been harvested long ago, how come there are still mold bags?"

Mold bags are a common name. The scientific name of this thing is corn black mold bags, which comes from corn smut.

Smut is a systemic infectious disease. The pathogen usually invades from the embryo and roots, and the typical black powder symptoms only appear after the corn heads.

This is similar to the growth of wild rice after the wild rice is infected with smut. The similarities are that the crops are infected with the pathogen and develop abnormally and do not bear fruit. The difference is that the wild rice grown after the wild rice is infected is beautiful, while the corn grows these black bag-like things after the corn is infected.

However, they are both delicious.

Most farmers will clean up the moldy corn in the field to prevent it from infecting the surrounding plants when they find that the corn is infected with black mold, but the fishing village has little land and produces little food, so no matter what they harvest, they have to find a way to try it out to see if it tastes good.

After the experiment, the villagers found that the moldy corn can also be eaten and is harmless to the human body. Even after being stir-fried with chili peppers, it tastes unique.

After taking these vegetables home, Ao Muyang went to the vegetable garden in the front yard of the old house to pick some vegetables. There are many vegetables in autumn, including spinach, water chestnut, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and everything else.

In addition, the village began to harvest lotus roots from Longxian Lake. Someone sent Ao Muyang a few sections. After peeling them, he prepared to mix them into a cold dish in the evening.

Jiang Caoqi came to eat as usual. When he saw Lu Zhizi go home, he ran to complain: "The general bit the leader today. The leader is his son. Just for a pile of shit, he actually bit the leader!"

Lu Zhizi frowned and said: "What? How could this happen?"

Jiang Caoqi said helplessly: "I don't know either. The general is too domineering."

Lu Zhizi waved to call the general over, and then criticized him by tapping his head.

The general was dejected and extremely depressed.

After Lu Zhizi left, Zhongyao, who had been eating jujube and watching, quietly slipped over and said to the general: "Actually, you did a good job today. Your son deserves to be punished. General, you are so awesome today. Good job!"

As he said that, he gave a thumbs up.

The general was very good at observing people's words and expressions. From Zhongyao's tone and actions, he knew that he was praised, so he called Lu Zhizi's back twice.

After all, he quickly closed its mouth: "What are you doing? Why are you so ignorant? Women are all tigresses! You are just a dog, how dare you roar at the back of a tiger? You will suffer, you know?"

He pinched a wild jujube and handed it to the general: "Here, eat a jujube to cool down, oh, why don't you eat it, this is a good thing, have you heard of a saying? Nothing tastes better than jujube..."

"What are you doing?" Jiang Caoqi suddenly looked at him.

"What do you care!" After all, he ran away immediately.

Lu Wuyi poured a cup of cold tea for Jiang Caoqi and said: "Young Master Jiang, your nephew is a bit awesome."

"It's all because of my sister. If this was my son, if it was in my hands, I tell you he would have been beaten to death on the wall long ago." Jiang Caoqi said with a sad face.

Lu Wuyi said, "Yes, it would be better to shoot this kind of child against the wall."

Jiang Caoqi rolled his eyes and said, "Dirty!"

With more people, there must be more food, especially Jiang Caoqi and he both have good appetites. As the saying goes, an iron pot will rust when it meets water, and a nephew will take after his uncle. Jiang Caoqi was born in a wealthy family, but he is not picky about food. After all, his appetite is better than his.

The spicy fried steamed buns made by Ao Muyang looked like a pile of mushy things. The steamed buns dyed the green peppers black, and the dried plums used for seasoning naturally made it even darker. When Lu Zhizi and his brother saw it, they shook their heads and didn't even eat the black dragon.

Jiang Caoqi tried a piece courageously. After eating it, he shook his head: "Hmm, it's really unpalatable."

After hearing this, he quickly took chopsticks to dig into his bowl.

Seeing this, Jiang Caoqi said angrily: "This naughty child has grown up and is not easy to fool."

Ao Muyang smiled and put a piece of mold in his mouth. The taste was spicy and slightly sweet. He used a lot of salt, so it was very suitable for eating.

He couldn't go to bed early at night and had to take the villagers to watch the night.

Recently, he had just dealt with another wave of electric fish thieves, so he had to be prepared for other electric fish thieves to retaliate.

After all, he was full of energy and was not sleepy at night. When he heard that Ao Muyang was going to stay up late to catch thieves, he said excitedly: "Uncle, take me with you. I also want to catch thieves. I want to be a policeman when I grow up." "

Ao Muyang nodded and said: "It's good to be a policeman. It has an iron rice bowl, status and high income. It is also easy to expand your network and resources, and you can also keep fit."

"Huh? I want to be a police officer because the police catch thieves, punish rape and eliminate evil!" said Ji Jin.

Ao Muyang coughed and said: "Ahem, yes, you are right, this is the most important thing."

Hearing him cough, Lu Wuyi pinched his nose and asked, "Brother-in-law, did you fart too?"

"Get out!"

He selected a group of people in the village and divided them into two groups. One group followed him to watch the whole night, and the other group followed Heilong and Ao Mudong to watch the rest of the night.

After all, I stayed with him, and the two of them rowed a boat and floated on the lake.

There is no moon tonight, the stars are all out, and the sky is full of stars hanging in the sky, with changing colors and brilliant folds.

Small insects squeaked in the grass by the lake. Big and small fish that came out to hunt at night danced on the lake, and the sound of splashing water could be heard from time to time.

After all, he is a child at heart, so he thought something lively would happen during the vigil, but everything turned out to be peaceful, and he fell asleep in the boat not long after.

Until midnight, there was no movement by the lake. Ao Muyang was about to retreat, but suddenly he saw a car approaching.

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