Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1045 1052. Join the fleet

Going out to sea in late autumn is very particular.

The big season for shrimp and crab production has ended at this time, and fishing boats go out to sea for fish.

In this season, you have to go deep to the sea. The coastal waters in late autumn are cold, and most fish resources will migrate to the deep sea. If you are lucky, a boat can harvest a fish tank with one net after going out to sea.

But as the saying goes, the more you harvest, the greater the risk. Storms begin to rage in the deep sea in late autumn. The cold and warm air currents in the northern and southern hemispheres frequently clash over the vast ocean, and the sea will usher in various strong winds and climates.

Now most large fishing boats go out to sea to take risks to catch fish, but Ao Muyang has other plans. He wants to get another batch of snow crabs. The first time the Big Dragon Head went north in the ocean, he got a boat of snow crabs, which made him famous in three townships and five towns.

This time, his target is still snow crab. However, the situation in the Far North Sea has been complicated in the past two years, and the snow crab resources have been declining year by year. Fishing boats from Japan, Northern Russia, North and South Korea and other countries have become greedy. After entering the fishing season, all personnel are dispatched, which creates great competitive pressure.

The Chinese market has never been the main dumping place for snow crabs. This kind of crab is not common in China, and most people don’t recognize it. In this case, few domestic fishing boats are willing to take risks to gamble.

Snow crab fishing is known as a gamble in the international fishery. Many fishing boats have made a lot of money by finding crab swarms, and many fishing boats have gone out empty-handed, lost a lot of money or even went bankrupt.

Before setting off, Ao Muyang carefully studied the fishing situation of snow crab resources in the past two years.

He did not go fishing for snow crabs in the winter of the past two years. The main reason is that the situation at sea has been complicated in the past two years, and ocean conflicts have often occurred.

The Big Dragon Head could not compare with the ocean-going large fishing boats in terms of tonnage, size or sturdiness. He did not dare to take the villagers on an adventure. After all, they all had elderly parents and children, and as the leader, he had to be responsible for everyone.

The production of snow crabs has declined in the past two years, and the output is not high, so he started to think about it.

After studying the information with great effort, he called Dai Zongxi to inquire about the inside story.

Dai Zongxi asked him without even listening to him: "You want to go snow crab fishing?"


"Yes, don't go. There are a lot of disputes at sea there. Almost all countries with ports in the Eastern and Northern Hemisphere have fleets going there. At least 20 people died at sea last year!"

Ao Muyang was shocked when he heard this: "Fuck, how is it possible? I saw in the news that there were only a few ships that collided, and no one died."

"Can these things be reported in the news? Besides, none of the dead are fishermen from our country, so our country doesn't intervene in these matters, and there are few related reports."

This made Ao Muyang awe-inspiring: "Are the fishermen in our country so powerful?"

Dai Zongxi said: "Powerful as hell, they are just timid. When they see disputes at sea, our fishing boats will immediately speed up and flee. But this is also good, although the harvest is not good , but at least you can save your life. Don't get involved in these things. Based on my understanding of you, you will definitely get into trouble if you go there. There will definitely be something fishy. "

Ao Muyang felt uncomfortable and said, "Director Dai, I don't agree with what you said. I am an honest man. Have you ever seen me go to cause trouble?"

Dai Zongxi said, "You are indeed not very picky, but you are also a boy. Let me ask you, if you encounter a foreign fishing boat approaching your big dragon head and spraying feces and urine on your boat with a tap, what will you do? "

Old Ao was furious: "If they rebel, they must be beaten to death!"

"Isn't that it? Isn't this the case?" Dai Zongxi said in a teasing tone, "Do you know the standard way for fishermen in our country to deal with such things?"

"Run away?"


"Fuck!" Old Ao couldn't help but swear.

Dai Zongxi sighed and said seriously: "Xiao Ao, you are too young and you can't help yourself when you encounter something. In fact, when fishing on the high seas, everyone has to be a grandson. If you can be patient for a while, the sea will be calm, and if you take a step back, the sea will be broad."

Ao Muyang held the phone and shook his head for a while: "This is not the style of our fishermen!"

Dai Zongxi said: "Okay, you fishermen are the most brave. In this case, it happens that our Hongyang and Juzhang are going to form an expedition fleet to the East Sea recently, you can go with them to show the power of our Hongyang fishermen. "

Ao Muyang thought he was joking, so he joked along: "That's no problem, give me a warship, and I'll help our navy to clear the Japanese Sea!"

"Good boy, you have ambition, then go ahead."

Ao Muyang didn't take this to heart, but less than half an hour after he hung up the phone, a strange mobile phone number called in: "Hello, hello, is this Mr. Ao Muyang? I'm Long Shaoying, the person in charge of the Juzhang-Hongyang Deep Sea Autumn Fishing Fleet, nice to meet you."

Juzhang-Hongyang Deep Sea Autumn Fishing Fleet? Ao Muyang pondered for a moment and then asked: "Hello, Mr. Long, what kind of fleet is this? What do you mean by calling me?"

When he asked this, Long Shaoying seemed stunned: "Ah? Mr. Ao, don't you know our fleet? It is the fishery bureaus of our two cities that take the lead in organizing fishing boats to catch saury in the East Sea. Director Dai of your city contacted me before and gave me your phone number, asking me to contact you to go out to sea together. Don't you know about this?"

Hearing this, Ao Muyang suddenly realized, and he quickly became polite to Long Shaoying, saying that he was too busy and forgot about it.

He had always thought that Dai Zongxi was joking, but he didn't expect that there really was such an expedition fleet in the East Sea!

Dai Zongxi signed him up for the fleet, and Long Shaoying contacted him this time to ask him to prepare to go out to sea and join them, because their fleet had already set out from Juzhang Port in the morning.

The Big Dragon Head was fully prepared, and fresh water resources, fishing nets and fuel were all in place. At Ao Muyang's command, the fishermen boarded the ship, and the big ship sailed towards the deep sea under GPS navigation.

Long Shaoying was a very responsible old seaman. He introduced some details of this voyage to Ao Muyang on the phone.

The Juzhang-Hongyang Deep Sea Autumn Fishing Fleet was established in August this year. Its goal was to go to the East Sea to catch saury. The sea trip was planned to last for ten days, and it would be almost winter when it came back next time.

At present, the fleet has a total of 16 fishing boats with a total tonnage of 20,000 tons. Almost every ship is a fishing boat of more than 1,000 tons. This is a very large fleet for fishery operations.

From this, we can see that the country is determined to obtain the resources of saury this time. If such a large fleet travels around the high seas of Japan, the local saury resources will be reduced by several percent.

The Big Dragon Head chased all the way and finally saw the fleet the next morning. Among the fleet was an old acquaintance of Ao Muyang, that is, the Tu Tu Long from Wangjia Village.

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