Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1051 1058. Do it

The Big Dragon Head sailed through the waves, the lights on the boat were dim, and only the fishermen were busy with searchlights on their heads.

Two fishing nets were cast down one after another, which were the standard trawl and the surface trawl. The two nets were operated at the same time to catch the fish in all directions.

The length of the standard trawl is 300 meters, the height of the net mouth is 20 meters, the towing speed is 5 nautical miles, and the towing time is one hour, which can catch the main force of the fish school.

The length of the surface trawl is shortened to 200 meters. It has a floating belt on the upper layer, which can make the trawl float. The towing water layer ranges from the surface to the depth of 15 meters. The purpose is to catch those fish that were frightened to the surface waters by the standard trawl.

They encountered a large school of fish. The two nets were constantly operating, and fat saury fell on the boat continuously.

The fishermen were extremely excited about the huge harvest, and there were constant shouts on the boat:

"Scholar, don't get in the way, you can't do the heavy work of pulling the net, go and command the collection of the catch."

"Slow down the boat, it's too fast, no, no, the fish are being driven away and scattered, slow down the boat!"

"What's wrong with the No. 2 ice compartment? Why hasn't it been opened yet? Open it quickly, another net of fish will come up soon!"

It was almost midnight at this time, and the headlights on the Beifeng Maru in the distance were getting brighter and brighter, but they had no catch.

This is really a waste of candles for a blind man to light a lamp, and they are destined to light the lamp in vain tonight.

Jiang Caoqi has a moral obsession. He hesitated and said to Ao Muyang: "Old Ao, it's not right for us to do this, right? Isn't this stealing someone's things?"

Ao Muyang asked: "Are the saury raised by the Japanese?"


"Is this the waters of Japan?"


"Did the Japanese fishing boats declare that they were the first to discover the migration route of this school of fish?"


"That's it." Ao Muyang shrugged, "Brothers, work harder, don't leave a single fish for the Japanese!"

When the Japanese invaded China, Hongyang was a severely affected area, and fishermen were the victims in the severely affected area. Because the Japanese blocked the coastline, they regarded all Chinese who entered the ocean as enemies engaged in maritime sabotage work, and would kill them as soon as they met.

And fishermen have always relied on the ocean for their livelihood. If they don't go out to sea, how can they support their families?

Under such circumstances, almost every household of local fishermen has relatives who were killed by the Japanese navy. This hatred has extended to this day and will continue.

The Dalongtou intercepted the current in front, and the Beifengmaru behind adjusted the course of the ship but still had no catch, so they naturally realized that there was a problem.

After midnight, they realized it belatedly and finally decided to put away the fishing nets and sail forward to check the situation.

In this way, the two fishing boats met in the dark.

According to regulations, ships sailing on the high seas must fly their national flags.

Beifengmaru approached with the sun flag on top, and then saw the five-star red flag fluttering on the Dalongtou.

The Japanese fishermen on the ship were naturally very angry that their own catch was intercepted by foreigners midway.

After the two fishing boats approached, the radio channels were automatically connected, and a dry Chinese sentence sounded in the cockpit of the Dalongtou: "You, the Chinese, right?"

Hearing this, several people in the cockpit were furious at the same time: "Fuck him, the Japanese are cursing!"

"It's not cursing, it's provocation!"

"Stop talking, fuck him!"

There was no need to communicate anymore. At Ao Muyang's order, Ao Mudong ran to turn on the water cannon happily, and then the water cannon rotated, and a water column flew towards the Beifeng Maru not far away.

In order to communicate better, Beifeng Maru deliberately approached the Dalongtou. They didn't expect that there would be water cannons on the other ship, and they would start to fight as soon as they said they would, and they had no preparation before.

And what was unfortunate was that the fishermen of the Beifeng Maru were very angry when they found that their catch had been robbed, and they gathered at the bow waiting for negotiation. With the water column coming towards them, they couldn't even run away, and were wiped out in an instant!

The Beifeng Maru is the main fishing boat of the Northeast Fisheries Association of Japan, but they are specially used to catch saury and rarely go offshore. They basically stay in the high seas around the country.

Such fishing boats will not be equipped with water cannons, because they will not encounter any crisis in the high seas near their own country. Even if there are some conflicts, the big guys will just curse at the bow.

Therefore, facing the water cannon of the Dalongtou, the Beifeng Maru has no power to fight back...

As the water cannon opened fire, there was a burst of ghosts and wolves howling on the Beifeng Maru.

The fishing boat wanted to escape from here, but it was too big to be removed. It was difficult for such a thousand-ton large fishing boat to turn around. It took time. During this time, they could only suffer from water cannon attacks.

It was late autumn at this time, and the cold wind on the sea blew on people's faces like a knife.

It was already miserable to be blown by the sea breeze, and it was simply inhumane to be poured with sea water!

The furious Japanese fishermen gathered on the deck calmed down immediately. The cold sea water fell on them and knocked them around.

At this time, it was really refreshing to be blown by the cold wind.

The Beifeng Maru turned around and fled at the fastest speed. Ao Mudong shouted: "Grandson, don't run! Daguo, chase them!"

Ao Daguo didn't listen to him. They came out to fish this time, not to fight. They just needed to drive away the trouble of Beifeng Maru.

Ao Muyang commanded underwater, and the two fishing nets took turns to chase the fish all the way, filling the cabin.

Once the Pacific saury swarms, it is a mighty force. After only half a night of work, the big dragon head was already loaded with catches.

In this case, Ao Muyang didn't waste time. He took everyone to sail back immediately while the sky was still dark.

Everyone was exhausted after working all night, but everyone was full of joy and high morale.

For the fishermen, returning home with a full load is a triumphant return. There is nothing more proud than this.

The fishing boat was halfway through, and Ao Daguo suddenly reacted: "Longtou, are we going back like this? Why don't we go there to join the fleet?"

"If we don't go, why are we meeting together?" Ao Muyang shook his head.

Ao Daguo chuckled and said, "Let's get together and show off. I guess they haven't caught a single saury yet."

There are many saury catches, but catching them, especially in large groups, still requires luck.

"That's right, isn't that Long Shaoying a man of five and six, making a whoosh? Go hit him in the face!"

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said with a smile: "This doesn't mean anything. Just go home and make money in a low-key manner."

This matter was related to the Fisheries Bureau. After the boat returned to the Hongyang waters, he called Dai Zongxi.

Dai Zongxi was really surprised to learn that he came back so soon: "You didn't stay with the fleet?"

Ao Muyang said: "I am a lone wolf fighting. I come back first after the boat is fully loaded with fish."

Dai Zongxi hurriedly said: "How come you, comrade, don't have a sense of teamwork? I sent you there to lead the fleet to fish together."

Ao Muyang said innocently: "But I was ostracized after I went there. The team doesn't need me as a comrade."

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