Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1062 1069. Brothers at odds (5)

The brown hare is still very eye-catching in the snow, and the golden general behind it is even more eye-catching. It knows that the snow is smooth, so it bends down as much as possible to chase after it. Its slender limbs swing quickly and powerfully, and its posture is flying.

Wolf Big Wolf Two followed closely behind, and the two of them outflanked from both sides. Although they usually have differences with the general, they are still very united when facing foreign enemies.

The hare is difficult to deal with. When it realizes that it is about to be overtaken, it starts to change lanes crazily.

Dogs changing lanes at high speeds are the most annoying thing. Changing lanes on a mountain after snow is not only annoying, but also despairing!

This is its trump card. Rabbits have a low center of gravity and can turn quickly. Both Big Wolf Two and General have long legs. This is an advantage when they usually hook up with little bitches, but now it becomes a disadvantage.

The mountainous terrain was slippery, and it became even more slippery once they turned. The reckless Wolf Er was the first to be thrown away. He turned too sharply and failed to catch the ground, and suddenly flew out...

It happened that the general passed by it, and this was a good move. It hit the general with a bang like a cannonball, and the two became entangled and rolled in the snow.

Now only Wolf is chasing him. Wolf is the real big bad wolf. He is a well-deserved wolf. He is very ruthless, a little bit more ruthless than ruthless. After he sets his sights on the rabbit, he basically won’t stop until death.

The general was about to catch up with the rabbit, but Wolf Two ruined the result. This kind of tricking his teammates made him very unhappy. After he got up, he stopped chasing the rabbit and said to Wolf Two: "Oow woof woof woof !”

Wolf Er did not expect that the enemy was hidden among his comrades, nor did he expect that the crisis would come from behind. He was suddenly knocked to the ground.

Seeing this, the wolf became anxious. This was his own younger brother. Although from his usual behavior, this younger brother seemed to be the son of his mother and Erha next door, no matter how bad it was, he was still a sibling from the same mother. He hurried back to save his younger brother.

The rabbit went away, the brothers stayed at the wall, and the general and the wolf and the big wolf started to fight!

Ao Muyang rolled his eyes angrily, and he went up and dragged the general away, shouting: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Be honest, you are like dogs trying to catch turtles with mice, don't do anything serious!"

Ao Mukang came from the mountain road. He came back to get the condom. When he saw the general and Wolf Big Wolf Er entangled together, he laughed and asked, "Why are they doing it again?"

Ao Muyang sighed: "I lost track of the rabbit just now. They were shirking each other's responsibilities."

Ao Mukang had two rabbits hanging on his waist. He took one off and handed it to the general, saying: "Here, general, this is for you. You go and make meritorious deeds."

Ao Muyang didn't ask for it. He knew that Ao Mukang now made a living on this: smoked chicken, smoked duck, smoked rabbit, smoked fish, etc. Ao Mukang opened a delicatessen shop and made his own cooked food to supply to Yujiale, which was a prosperous business.

They were about to get back on the road when the general and the Lang brothers looked at the forest above them.

There was a rustling sound in the forest, and then a group of little heads popped out. This was a group of weasels.

The weasels looked at the general and the wolf brothers in horror, but did not leave, just pacing at the edge of the forest.

Seeing this, Fu Fu howled at the Wolf brothers a few times. The Wolf brothers understood what it meant and sat down on the spot.

If you are lucky enough to run into the woods, you will soon come back with a pheasant...

Needless to say, this is the result of the weasels' battle. Fortunately, they are the boss. They caught the pheasant and specially brought it as a gift.

Youfu dropped the gnawed pheasant at Ao Muyang's feet, ran into the forest again, and soon brought back another one, which was sent by a weasel.

Ao Muyang burst out laughing. Fortunately, this big brother really paid off for nothing. The weasels even offered him sacrifices.

Ao Mukang looked straight at it and said, "Your fox and weasel have become spirits. Fortunately, I didn't catch these things on the mountain, otherwise they would have been entangled, right?"

Ao Muyang said: "What's wrong with it? It's superstitious."

Lu Wuyi thought for a while and said, "Brother-in-law, you have talked about superstition a lot along the way. When I first came here, you were the one who deceived me about the unjust hanging rope and the hanging man?"


"How could you do this to me?" Lu Wuyi suddenly looked like he was about to cry.

Ao Muyang clenched his fist and said, "It's a good thing I didn't beat you."

Seeing that he wanted to take action, Lu Wuyi said angrily, "Okay."

Ao Mukang was about to leave. After walking a few steps, he said, "Hey, village chief, do you want to dig winter bamboo shoots? There are a lot of winter bamboo shoots coming out of the two woods below. I think they are growing pretty well."

The bamboo shoots that grow after the beginning of autumn are winter bamboo shoots, but it is best to wait until after winter snow, because after being moistened by light snow, the bamboo shoots will become crispy and juicy, and are even more delicious than spring bamboo shoots.

And unlike spring bamboo shoots, digging winter bamboo shoots will not affect the reproduction of bamboo. Due to seasonal issues, winter bamboo shoots will not grow into tender bamboos if they are not dug out in time. At most, they will grow into spring bamboo shoots in the next year.

In addition, winter bamboo shoots are difficult to dig. Although there are large bamboo forests on Dalong Mountain, it is not easy to dig bamboo shoots.

Ao Mukang didn't mention it, and Ao Muyang forgot about this trouble. His eyes lit up and he said, "Okay, let's wait until the snow melts. After the snow melts, I will dig bamboo shoots."

Hearing what he said, Ao Mukang nodded: "Okay, I won't move on the two woods below. You can just go there. I swept away the snow when I was looking for the rabbit nest and found that it was quite good. ”

After they separated, they continued to search. Ao Muyang signaled Zhu Zhu and Liu Mei to be careful, and then they turned from the path into the woods.

No one passed by here. There were footprints of rabbits and pheasants in the snow under the woods. Ao Muyang followed the rabbit footprints and found a nest, and set a noose at the entrance of the nest.

After setting up the noose, he looked around again. As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows, and a rabbit nest usually has more than two holes.

However, perhaps the rabbits on the mountain are artificially raised, and they don’t have as many tricks as wild rabbits that reproduce naturally. This rabbit nest has only one cave.

After hanging the noose, he continued to search around. After searching for a while, he heard Lu Wuyi shouting: "Brother-in-law, come here, what are these footprints?"

Ao Muyang went over and saw a row of footprints in the snow. Unlike the flower-shaped footprints of rabbits, they were two holes side by side: "Oh, is there a wild boar here?"

This year, the village has released a lot of wild boars on the mountain. They are all half-grown wild boars. They are not so wild, so people have to arrange for people to sprinkle some soybean meal on the mountain from time to time to give them a snack.

So, even if he found traces left by wild boars, Ao Muyang was not afraid.

Besides, even if he really encountered a pure wild boar, it would be fine. Wolf Da and Wolf Er are tough guys in the mountains. It is not a problem to deal with a wild boar!

When he heard that he encountered a wild boar, Lu Wuyi became excited: "Fuck, what's the point of catching a rabbit and a pheasant? Let's go catch a wild boar today!"

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