Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1064 1071. Broken (2/5)

Chapter 1064 1071. Broken (25)

The two pheasants were marinated for an entire afternoon before they reached the standard.

Ao Muyang wanted to use them to make herb beer roasted chicken. This dish required the chicken to be chewy and low in fat, because butter had to be stuffed into the chicken's belly. If the chicken itself had a lot of fat, it would be very greasy after roasting and it would be hard to eat.

The pheasant meat was chewy and had little fat in it. It could even be said to be a bit dry, which was just right for this dish.

He took another beer can, cut the mouth of the can in a circle with a knife, leaving half of the beer, added minced garlic and rosemary, smeared butter into the pheasant's belly, cut an opening at the chicken's butt, put the whole chicken on, put it in the oven and started roasting.

In addition, he also prepared side dishes such as corn, okra, chives, onions and tomatoes. After the chicken was roasted, he took the chicken out and poured the remaining beer and butter mixture into the side dishes and continued to roast them. Finally, the dish was served with roasted chicken.

This method is quite complicated and sophisticated. It is a famous dish in French cuisine. Ao Muyang uses pheasants from the mountains to make it, and the taste is even more extraordinary.

He tore a chicken wing first, and the evaporated beer permeated the whole body of the roasted chicken, giving it a unique taste. Because the chicken is chewy and the beer has penetrated into the meat, the more you eat, the more you eat.

After two days, the ice and snow melted, Zhu Zhu and Liu Mei were sent back to Hongyang to continue school, and the flu was finally over.

Ao Muyang was a little regretful. He also wanted to take the two girls to dig winter bamboo shoots. It seems that only he, Lu Wuyi and Jiang Caoqi can go together.

Lu Wuyi thought about it and didn't go. What he meant was that it was easy for people to misunderstand if three grown men always acted together, especially since he was a pure boy who had never been in a relationship, so he had to keep himself clean.

This made Jiang Caoqi very angry. After hearing what he said, several printed sheets of same-sex dating appeared in the village that day, and the phone number left was that of the big boy Lu Wuyi...

Ao Muyang didn't care about these. He thought such jokes were boring, so he went to the mountains to find winter bamboo shoots by himself, and decided not to give them to Jiang Caoqi and Lu Wuyi, the gay couple.

Winter bamboo shoots are good things. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, winter bamboo shoots are sweet, slightly cold, and belong to the stomach and lung meridians; they have the functions of nourishing yin and cooling blood, harmonizing the middle and moistening the intestines, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, quenching thirst and relieving restlessness, clearing heat and invigorating qi, refreshing the stomach, promoting urination and laxatives, detoxifying and clearing rashes, nourishing the liver and improving eyesight... Anyway, there are many effects.

But it is also difficult to get winter bamboo shoots, much more difficult than finding spring bamboo shoots.

Ao Mukang told him that winter bamboo shoots were found in two bamboo forests, so his search range became smaller, so he took the general and the wolf brothers up the mountain. Of course, the general also brought a bamboo basket, the wolf was holding a bamboo knife, and the wolf was holding a small hoe...

There is a trick to finding winter bamboo shoots. First, look at the bamboo forest. The bamboo leaves should be darker. The darker the bamboo leaves, the greater the chance of finding winter bamboo shoots. The two bamboo forests that Ao Mukang pointed out to him were full of thick bamboos. Some bamboo leaves had withered, but some were still stubbornly hanging on them. Most of these leaves were dark green.

This can be explained from a scientific point of view. Bamboos that still grow bamboo shoots in winter must be very active, and bamboo relies on chlorophyll to absorb solar energy to survive. The richer the chlorophyll, the more active it is.

If the chlorophyll content in bamboo leaves is high, it will be reflected in the darker green color of the leaves.

Ao Muyang rubbed his hands and put on gloves. He stretched out his hand and said, "Sword!"

The general handed him the bamboo basket, he stuffed it back and glared at Lang Da: "Sword, sword!"

Lang Da reacted and ran to hand him the bamboo sword.

Old Ao didn't take the bamboo in the right position and was cut by the sharp knife. Fortunately, he wore gloves, otherwise he might have lost a finger. This made him scared and he didn't dare to pretend anymore.

Anyway, he was the only one in the bamboo forest. Would he pretend to be cool for ghosts?

With the bamboo sword, he found a thick bamboo and cleaned it up casually. He swept away all the fallen leaves around the bamboo and looked for floating bamboo roots. If there were bamboo roots, he could use a hoe to dig bamboo shoots along the two sides of the bamboo roots.

As a result, he was lucky. He found bamboo roots on the first bamboo he picked up. The bamboo roots were green in color, and the newly melted snow water irrigated them crystal clear and moist.

He replaced the bamboo knife with a hoe, and gently dug a layer of soil along the bamboo root, so that a bamboo shoot wrapped in bamboo skin emerged.

After digging this bamboo shoot, Lao Ao was happy. Winter bamboo shoots are different from spring bamboo shoots. Generally, there is more than one bamboo shoot on a bamboo root. This is called a bamboo shoot nest. There are two or three in a nest, and seven or eight in a nest, just like a golden shorthair giving birth to a baby.

Ao Muyang spread out to search around, and indeed found bamboo shoots intermittently. He only dug bamboo shoots of suitable size, and would not touch those that were too big, and would not move those that were too small.

Winter bamboo shoots that were too big were already very tough, and they could not be eaten when they were returned. It was better to leave them to grow into bamboos in the spring for secondary development. Small bamboo shoots were not worth destroying.

After digging out four bamboo shoots of suitable size, he pushed the soil and bamboo leaves back and went to look for the next bamboo.

Yipo and Kupo were squatting on the ground and watching. When they saw Ao Muyang dig out bamboo shoots, they knew that there was a harvest, so they clapped and made faces to encourage Lao Ao.

But Lao Ao searched for a few more bamboos and didn't find any bamboo shoots, so they felt bored.

The two little marmosets climbed up the bamboos, and they climbed up very high.

Ao Muyang didn't notice that suddenly, Wolf Two howled angrily and pounced on the two little marmosets.

His pockets and trouser pockets were already prepared, and he immediately continued to climb up until he reached a place that was out of reach of Wolf Er, where he made faces.

In this way, Ao Muyang knew that it must be the two of them who provoked Wolf Er. Otherwise, although Wolf Er was mischievous, he would not attack his companions at will.

He scolded him a few times, but Wolf Er refused to give up, and he was not stupid either. He directly pulled the bamboo with his front paws and stood up.

Yi Qiu thought it wanted to climb up, so he sat there with a playful smile on his face, waiting to watch the show. However, Wolf Er didn't climb up, but dangled the bamboo with his paws.

It was better now, and the pockets and bellybands were suddenly dumbfounded. They hugged the bamboo hard, like duckweeds in the wind and rain, and screamed fiercely.

Bamboo is very tough. Wolf Er just shook it a few times and he couldn't infer the bamboo. As long as the pockets and bellybands were hugged tightly, it would be fine, so Ao Muyang didn't care about it. He wanted to let the two little monkeys eat it. A little loss.

But an accident happened. After Lang Er wandered for a while, he heard a crisp sound of "Gaba", and the bamboo broke and fell to the side!

Wolf Er was startled, however. He jumped back quickly, but there was still snow where he landed, so he lost his balance and fell down.

If they had encountered such a thing in the past, their pockets and trouser pockets would have been extremely happy, but this was a dangerous situation. They didn't care to laugh at others and hurriedly jumped around to seek refuge.

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