Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1067 1074. Land (5)

At critical moments, we still have to look to the leader.

The leader can even deal with the dogs in the village, let alone this group of rats? He immediately came down from the mountain like a tiger, and chased the black rats away with a few jumps.

Ao Muyang shouted: "Head, stop first, don't kill them."

After giving the order, he stared at the black rats and asked: "Dipizi?"

These rats are different from ordinary wild mice. They have pointed heads, long mouths and short limbs. Overall, they are short and fat, and their ears are somewhat degenerated. They don't have pointed ears like ordinary wild mice. In addition, they have small eyes and thin tails. What stands out is their forelimbs, which are like human hands, with five fingers, but they are very sharp.

Judging from the external features, this is not an ordinary mouse, but a mole, which is the popular groundhog on the Internet. Of course, they are not the same species as the popular groundhogs on the grassland who like to scream "Ahh". These groundhogs are smaller and can grow to ten centimeters at most. They are called ground skins locally.

Seeing these ground skins, Ao Muyang asked Ao Mufeng: "Where did you get them from? What's the matter?"

"In the bamboo forest, I took my cat up the mountain with me. As a result, my cat drove out a lot of ground skins. I looked carefully and found that there were many ground skin holes under the bamboo forest."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang became serious.

There are more cats in the village now than before, because after Ao Muyang raised cats, the villagers found that tourists were very interested in cats, so many fishing houses also raised cats to a greater or lesser extent.

Raising cats in fishing villages is very convenient. There is not much in the village, but there are a lot of fish, and the leftovers are more than enough to feed cats.

Cats are amazing animals. You may think they are nothing special before you raise them, but once you raise them, you will quickly fall in love with them. Nowadays, the name of cat slaves is all over the Internet, and this is not a joke.

Ao Mufeng is now a cat slave. He has an orange cat, which is a Chinese rural cat. The cat's name is Pangdun. It is a good mouse and bird catcher. Ao Mufeng loves it very much. He takes it with him wherever he goes, including this time to catch bamboo worms in the mountains.

Originally, Ao Mufeng wanted to get some bamboo worms to cook for himself, but Pangdun drove out several ground worms. After searching, he found some ground worm nests and rushed to Ao Muyang to report the news.

Ground worms, also known as moles, are different from ordinary mice. They feed on insects and also like to eat plant roots, especially bamboo roots and bamboo shoots that are rich in juice, which are their favorite.

In other words, if there are too many ground worms in the bamboo forest, it will affect the growth and reproduction of bamboo. They are more destructive to bamboo than bamboo worms.

After hearing what Ao Mufeng said, Ao Muyang didn't bother to entertain Yang Shuyong, and shouted to take the leader up the mountain.

The leader slapped his cubs one by one, holding one in his mouth and driving one with his claws. He led the way in front, and the other kittens followed behind.

Ao Muyang understood why he slapped the kittens just now. The leader was disappointed with him. After discovering the mole, he wanted to teach the cubs the skills of catching mice.

This time, the whole army was dispatched. The queen's family of four flew in the air, and on the ground were the general, the wolf, the second wolf, and Youfu. There were also the leader's family lined up behind, and the pocket and bellyband climbed on Ao Muyang's shoulders.

Ao Mufeng led the way. After Ao Muyang found the bamboo forest, he used a rake to rake the bamboo leaves that fell on the ground. After a while of cleaning, several fist-sized holes appeared on the ground. These were the mole holes.

At first glance, there were not many holes, and it seemed nothing happened, but in fact, it was a big deal.

Moles, also known as groundhogs, are good at digging holes. Like mice, they are social animals and will build a small city underground. The number of openings on the surface is already large.

Ao Muyang pointed to the cave and said to the head of state: "Go in and explore the way."

The head of state shouted majestically, then dived in, and then dived in. His fat body was blocked outside. He tried hard to get in, and his tail swung vigorously, but he couldn't get in in the end...

The worst thing is that it couldn't get in, but it was too hard to get in, and the shoulder got stuck in the hole. Now it can't get out even if it wants to get out, and its tail is spinning around in a hurry, like a propeller installed on its butt...

Lao Ao was shocked. Is it so fat?

Because of the body structure-the position of the cat's shoulder blade between the neck and the back can be changed, so it is actually difficult for them to be stuck by things. Cats are like those who have practiced bone shrinking, and they have the ability to get out of a hole that looks smaller than their bodies.

But the leader is too strong now. It is not simply fat, but strong and muscular, which makes the shoulder blades not so mobile, so it got stuck this time.

Lao Ao hurried to help. He expanded the hole a circle, and the kittens were very filial and bit the leader's tail and dragged him back, so he dragged him out of the hole.

The leader is a cat with a very good reputation. This experience made him very angry and roared at the hole.

Youfu blinked, and then he went into the cave in a flash.

Then there was a dull call of the fennec fox in the cave. Suddenly, the bamboo forest became lively. More than a dozen ground foxes came out from the ground at the same time. They ran around in the bamboo forest, stirring up the wind and clouds.

The leader finally found the vent. He pounced on it with a roar, and caught the ground foxes under his claws one after another and threw them into the air.

It was like the Hulk had entered Guo Xiaosi's group, and his punches and kicks were unmatched.

More and more ground crickets came out. Roughly speaking, there were hundreds of them. Ao Muyang was shocked. How could there be so many ground crickets?

There were ground crickets in the mountains before, but they were few in number. Because ground crickets can be eaten, unlike ordinary wild mice, ground crickets have delicate meat and fragrance. Their skulls are called "small tiger bones". Traditional Chinese medicine says that they can improve eyesight and refresh the mind, dispel wind and cold. In the early years, fishermen would use small tiger bones to soak in wine to remove moisture and cold in the bones.

For this reason, the ground crickets were caught by the villagers in the past few years. Ao Muyang has not seen so many ground crickets appear for many years.

The general, Wolf Big and Wolf Two also launched an attack, and soon a large number of ground crickets were pinned to death on the ground.

Ao Muyang went to take a look and found that these ground crickets were not very old. There were few old ground crickets, and most of them were teenagers.

In other words, the ground cricket group has been multiplying in the past two years.

In this way, he figured out the reason. It is very likely that this is caused by the increase in the number of weasels in the mountains. Weasels are good at catching mice, but they like to catch wild mice, which are mice in the mouths of ordinary people. They are not very interested in ground skins, after all, ground skins are active underground.

Ground skins and wild mice are in a competitive relationship. As wild mice are caught, ground skins are able to reproduce wildly, resulting in today's situation.

PS: Let me say one more thing. I apologize to a brother. That brother told me in the book review area that ofloxacin is useless for ear fungal infection, but I didn't listen. Yesterday I went to the hospital to clean my ears again, and I took out some hairy things. The doctor learned that I used hydrogen peroxide to clean my ears and ofloxacin ear drops, and asked me if I had put my ears into the sewer and dared to pour anything into them. Now I have changed to boric acid ear drops...

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