Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1073 1080. It always works

The scammer was the most cautious. When Jin Hong called him, he had guessed that the scam might have been exposed. The local police had asked Jin Hong to call him.

But this was just a guess. According to his experience, the police in the township would not care about fake fertilizers because such cases were difficult to characterize. You said he was selling fake fertilizers, but the ingredients in the fertilizers were real, but the effect was not as good as advertised.

But the publicity was empty talk. He did not give the farmers a handprint to write a guarantee letter. He just exaggerated a few words in the auditorium. Can this convict him?

Jin Hong had experience in dealing with these people, so he did not mention anything like "I'll treat you to dinner and drinks" or "I miss you". Instead, he started the topic with benefits and directly said that he had found talents for him.

He knew what the scammer needed. What the other party needed was an opportunity to make his scam bigger and stronger. Several chemical factory technicians who returned from Germany were very helpful to his scam business, enough to make him excited.

Especially, Jin Hong started the video call as soon as he spoke. Video is more reliable than phone calls. At least it can let the scammer see the situation on his side clearly, making him feel more at ease.

The video was opened, and it was Jin Hong and his four buddies. He did not fool Ao Muyang on this point. The German beer was really sent by these four people. These four people did work in Germany, but they did not work in a chemical factory.

The four people could speak a few words of German, and Jin Hong used these German words to fool the scammer named Tuanzi.

After trying the German of the four people, Tuanzi was very excited. He saw more opportunities: in the future, these people will wear white coats on the stage during the lecture, and directly pretend to be agricultural experts who have returned from Germany for further studies. That will definitely be more deceptive!

It’s just that the image of these four people is not close to that of experts, but it doesn’t matter. Tuanzi has made up his mind and said that the four people grew up eating steak in Germany, so they are strong. This is completely explainable.

However, this group was very cautious. He did not reveal his position. Instead, he told Jin Hong that his factory had insufficient inventory recently and did not plan to hold rural promotion activities in the near future. He asked for the contact information of the four people and said that they would contact each other when needed.

Jin Hong did not dare to say more about this matter. He was afraid that the scammer would suspect him, so he hung up the phone after chatting for a few more words.

Ao Muyang did not get the information he wanted, and his face was very ugly.

But he would take revenge when he had a grudge and repay a favor when he had a favor. Jin Hong's four buddies helped him, so he went to the town bank ATM on the spot to withdraw 10,000 yuan and gave it to the four people, more than 2,000 yuan each: "Dear brothers, thank you for your help. It's just a small gift, please accept it."

The four big men said they were gangsters, but in fact, like Jin Hong, they were all rural hooligans. They were usually good at scaring ordinary people, but when they really met a tough guy like Ao Muyang, they were more honest than ordinary people.

After receiving the money from Ao Muyang, the four people were very excited: "Brother, you are too polite." "Brother, you are so generous." "Brother, what happened tonight was just a misunderstanding, don't take it to heart."

Ao Muyang said: "We didn't know each other until we fought, and this is also a good thing. When the liar calls you later, please help me keep an eye out and notify me. There will be a big reward in the future!"

"Then don't worry, brother, we will definitely help you get things done beautifully."

One slap and one date, the four workers were settled, and Ao Muyang came to Jin Hong again: "Brother Hong, you are only good at bragging, but you are really not good at doing real work."

Jin Hong was angry all of a sudden, he said: "Brother Yang, what you said is too much, yes, I didn't ask you for the specific address of the liar, but I confirmed the approximate location for you!"

Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "What?"

Jin Hong said proudly "I just chatted with him for a while, do you think it was just a random chat? I asked him which lover he was hooking up with recently, and asked him about some underground casinos. From his answers, he was in Hongyang City. And based on the sounds heard and some scenes seen during the video, I judged that he was either hiding in a large auto repair shop, a parking lot, or a logistics park!"

Ao Muyang was shocked: "You still have this ability?"

Jin Hong said: "That's absolutely right. I, Jin Hong, have no other abilities, but I'm good at observing people's words and expressions."

"My God, it's amazing. It turns out that even a pair of underwear and a piece of toilet paper have their uses."

"Brother Yang, what you said is too real."

In fact, after getting the scammer's phone number, Ao Muyang knew what to do. He just contacted Song Gongming to locate the phone.

However, with the information provided by Jin Hong, the scammer's hiding place was screened, which would make it easier to investigate.

After listening to Jin Hong's words, he said dissatisfiedly: "Damn, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Jin Hong said: "I just want to suppress first and then praise? Besides, what difference does it make if you say it earlier or later?"

The difference is huge. If Ao Muyang knew the news earlier, he would not give so much money to the scoundrels. He gave the scoundrels money to bribe them and let them continue to provide information about the scammers later.

That night, he took Jin Hong to find Song Gongming again.

He explained his purpose, and Song Gongming laughed helplessly: "My friend, it's not that simple. You want me to use the phone positioning technology to find the scammer, right?"


Song Gongming said: "According to the disciplinary regulations, our police must conduct phone positioning when it is a criminal case that has been filed and technical investigation measures need to be initiated. Before implementation, it must be reported to the head of the public security agency at or above the municipal level for approval before it can be implemented."

Ao Muyang said disappointedly: "It's so complicated? Just because of our relationship, can't we use a back door?"

Song Gongming said: "We can't leave because our small police station doesn't have the ability!"

Ao Muyang was even more disappointed. It seemed that he still had to wait for the scammer to call the four men.

As a result, Song Gongming changed the subject and said, "You said just now that Jin Hong recorded the video with the scammer, right? He wandered around the house several times during the video, right?"


"Then we have a trick. Let's analyze the video, peel off the cocoons, and find his hiding place in the video. Isn't that enough?" Song Gongming clapped his hands and said.

Jin Hong was not talking nonsense. His ability to observe people's emotions was first-rate. From the video, it could be seen that the house where the liar was located was a colored steel and tiled house with some discarded car parts scattered around inside.

It was precisely because of these accessories that Jin Hong determined that the scammer was in a logistics park, a garage, or a parking lot. Only in these places are semi-trailer accessories common.

Song Gongming collected the location information of several major logistics parks, garages and parking lots in Hongyang, and then the next day he and Ao Muyang went to the city, found an express company, and asked the couriers in charge of these areas to help To identify.

This trick is very useful. After watching the video, a young man from the express company said: "This is the parking lot of the Red Star Amusement Park. As soon as I saw the windows, I knew that these were the windows in the old amusement park that were removed during the demolition of the amusement park. They are used for steel tile houses, so the sizes are different.”

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