Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1089 1096. Collecting crabs and getting on board (2)

Yang Shuyong has already hooked the fish. He put out a long line. The fishhook and the sardine kept sinking into the water. The reel was spinning, and soon dozens of meters of fishing line went down.

Ao Muyang also acted quickly. There is a big difference between lure fishing and traditional fishing. You can't wait. You have to stand up and move slowly to make the bait move in the water, which makes the effect of fake and real.

Today's weather is suitable for lure fishing. He doesn't need to move. He just stands on the raft and holds the fishing rod. The raft ripples with the waves, he ripples with the raft, the fishing rod ripples with him, and the bait naturally ripples with the fishing line.

When the hairtail rests, it will stand in the water at an angle, with its head facing up, its eyes slanting at a 45-degree angle to the sky and the stars. It has a cone face, big eyes, a slim figure, and a white complexion. It is absolutely a white and rich beauty in the ocean.

Ao Muyang was waiting confidently for the hook to be taken, but the fishing line soon began to shake. He was about to put away the fishing rod, and then he saw a big shadow in the water under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The tiger is coming...

It is estimated that the tiger noticed him when he reached out to clean the lure in the water just now, and it was bored, so it came to Ao Muyang to play.

In this way, Lao Ao can't think of fishing. Once the killer whale appears, there will be no fish or shrimp within a hundred meters!

He sighed and put away the hook. His movements were very fast. If he was not fast enough, he would be swallowed by the tiger.

Sure enough, just after he put away the hook, the tiger's giant sickle-like dorsal fin appeared on the sea surface.

Seeing this, Yang Shuyong, who was not far away, laughed out loud: "Lao Ao, it's hard for you to beat me today!"

Ao Muyang said: "Don't be so confident..."

"What's wrong, don't bully the poor young man?" Yang Shuyong was very happy.

He raised the fishing line to protest to him: "See? What is this? A hairtail! A big hairtail!"

The hairtail was hooked, and its silver-white body kept twisting. The man next to Yang Shuyong took the hook out of its mouth with pliers and threw it on the boat, saying: "Brother Yong is awesome."

Yang Shuyong said proudly: "It's just so-so. Let's see how I beat Lao Ao today. I have to beat him by this number today!"

As he said that, he stretched out two fingers.

"Two?" The man asked curiously.

Yang Shuyong shook his head: "Double digits!"

This is not bragging. Hairtail is relatively easy to catch. They usually move in groups. It is not a problem for an experienced person to catch two or three hundred in one night. In ancient times, fishing was limited by technology. Fishing nets could not reach the deep sea, and hairtails were caught by fishermen.

Now many novice anglers who want to learn boat fishing choose to start with hairtail.

Lao Ao shrugged, letting you old boy be arrogant: Tiger, go, go over there!

He waited for the tiger to float in the water and pointed at Yang Shuyong. The tiger received the order and rushed over immediately.

The adult killer whale rushing in the sea is extremely terrifying. The waves it brought up when swimming close to the water surface are like a big ship cutting through the water surface. Yang Shuyong's raft suddenly shook. The fish he had just caught was struggling in the raft. When one end of the raft sank, it jumped out like a snake and escaped into the water...

"Fuck!" Yang Shuyong cursed.

While the tiger was away, Lao Ao hurried to hook the fish. He handed Jiang Caoqi a strong flashlight and said, "Lighting engineer, shoot it down, shoot it hard!"

It was already night time, the sun disappeared, and the light weakened.

Hairtail is a nocturnal fish, prefers weak light, and is good at chasing small fish. Unfortunately, Lao Ao only has a raft. If he drove a yacht, it would be easy. The yacht has underwater lights. When the time comes, find a suitable water area and turn on the underwater lights, the small fish in the sea will flock to it, and the hairtail will chase the small fish and the lights.

However, it is also OK to use a strong flashlight. Ao Muyang used fish skin lures to catch hairtail when he was a teenager. At that time, they used flashlights to attract hairtails on the reefs by the sea in October.

The winter nights were rough and cold, and the raft was shaken by the beating, which was very dangerous. So after Ao Muyang caught ten hairtails, he immediately ran away.

Yang Shuyong was still fighting wits and courage with the tiger over there. He racked his brains to drive the tiger away, but to no avail.

Seeing Ao Muyang rowing away, he could only row away.

Ao Muyang asked, "God Yong, why don't you fish?"

Yang Shuyong said angrily, "What the hell is fishing? I've fed all my bait to your killer whale. What else can I use to fish?"

The cutlassfish that have just been caught will not die immediately, which is different from those caught with nets.

The cutlassfish caught with nets come from deep water areas. When they are dragged up, they will die after getting on the boat because of the change in water pressure and the squeezing of each other.

When Ao Muyang returned to the boat, the Big Dragon Head had already caught two nets. A large number of cutlassfish were piled up on the boat and were ready to enter the ice cabin. They were entangled with each other like a pile of silver ribbons.

The cutlassfish he held in his hands were still alive. They were struggling violently, but after getting on the boat and seeing the corpses of their kind everywhere, they suddenly calmed down.

It's cruel!

Lu Wuyi came over and asked, "Brother-in-law, how about making chicken curry tonight? I found a few boxes of curry in the kitchen."

Ao Muyang said, "There is no chicken."

Lu Wuyi said, "Then make dry-fried chicken nuggets?"

"I told you there is no chicken!"

"You said there was some before." Lu Wuyi was very dissatisfied.

In fact, the fishermen had no time to eat properly. After they cleaned up the hairtail, they each hurriedly ate a bowl of mutton soup noodles, and then hurried back to pull the crab cages.

It takes six to eight hours to put the crab cages in the water, and it takes another two hours to pull them all up and put them back down. In fact, crabbing is more difficult and tiring than fishing, but if you are lucky enough to encounter a group of crabs, the harvest will be much greater.

This time they had a great harvest because of precise positioning. There were steamed crabs in the crab cages, big and small.

The fishermen on the Dalongtou have developed the habit of taking the big and giving up the small. They use the palm as the standard, and those smaller than this standard will be thrown back into the sea to let them continue to grow.

Ao Muyang talked to Yang Shuyong, who thought it was a pity: "The palm is the standard? This standard is a bit high, my friend. Now the steamed crabs can be sold at a good price."

"I'm not discussing with you, I'm giving you an order."

Yang Shuyong said: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, Xiao Si, Xiao Si, open your hand to show the brothers, and use your palm as the standard."

Xiao Si is 1.5 meters tall, so his palm is naturally the smallest.

Once the steamed crabs are collected, the fishermen will not be able to sleep tonight.

They are in a team of three, one person takes the crabs out of the crab cage, and the other two tie the crabs with rubber bands. The steamed crabs are big and strong, so they have to be wrapped with several rounds of rubber bands, otherwise they will stretch!

The crabs are tied and put into the wet box, and the crab cages have to be put into the water again, and another wave will be harvested after dawn.

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