Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1154 1161. Another year (2)

In front of a big iron pot, Lu Wuyi sighed: "Brother-in-law, you are really a good village leader in China. You are really risking your life for the development of the village."

Ao Muyang glanced at him and said, "Where are you risking your life? Shouldn't I just lead you in cooking a few dishes? Go ahead and soak some dried bamboo shoots for me. We'll need them tomorrow."

"Soaking, drying and drying bamboo shoots?" Lu Wuyi said, confused, "Two questions, first, who are the bamboo shoots? Second, I know both soaking and drying, but what does hair mean?"

Ao Muyang said: "Do you feel uncomfortable if you don't act like a gangster for a day? The key is, what's the use of playing a gangster to me?"

Lu Wuwei said with a playful smile: "If I act like a gangster to others, I will easily call the police and get caught."

"But I'm a man."

"I act like a gangster to other men, what if they take it seriously?"


A box contains the fresh bamboo shoots picked in the past two days, as well as some dried bamboo shoots. The fresh bamboo shoots are winter bamboo shoots, and the dried bamboo shoots are spring bamboo shoots. The dishes made from dried spring bamboo shoots that have been soaked in place are even more delicious than fresh winter bamboo shoots.

Lu Wuji didn't know how to soak dried bamboo shoots, so Ao Muyang just asked him to wash them.

In spring, many people in the village collect bamboo shoots. In addition to eating them fresh, the rest are cut into dried bamboo shoots.

Lao Ao estimates that there will be no leftover spring bamboo shoots in the village next year. He will have to contact some villages in the south that are rich in bamboo shoots and directly buy bamboo shoots from there to be dried and made into dried bamboo shoots. It is better to keep some of the bamboo shoots in the mountains.

While thinking, he put the washed dried bamboo shoots into the iron pot and started cooking: "Watch the time, it's two o'clock now, cook for half an hour and simmer for a while, then cut off the old roots and wash them several times." ”

After he gave Lu Wuyi's instructions, he said to the two women washing rice next to him: "Aunt Yao, Aunt Nian, don't throw away the rice washing water, leave it for my brother-in-law."

A woman with a fat face and body asked curiously: "Village chief, why are you keeping the rice water for watering the flowers?"

The deer said listlessly: "No, don't throw away the water after washing the rice. Keep it to be coated in egg liquid, sprinkled with bread crumbs, and fried with peanuts until golden brown. The whole family will love it..."

The two women looked confused, and Ao Muyang explained: "Ignore him, he's crazy."

Some dried bamboo shoots are easy to process. These are sent by some fishermen themselves. Soak them in warm water for a day or two in advance, and then cook them on a high fire for a while.

Pork head and beef were stewed in a pot next to it. The large iron pot was propped up on the ground, and the bottom was filled with dry firewood. The flames were licking the bottom of the pot, and soon the aroma of the sauce came out.

He sniffed and said, "Chef Tu, this smells good."

Tu Yishao, who was sent to control the situation, wiped his apron with his hand and said with a smile: "That's for sure, village chief, let me tell you, our cooking skills are not just for show. You can't find a second best in Hongyang." Come on. So, can you give me a salary increase?"

Ao Muyang said: "Why do you need so much salary alone? Are you gambling again?"

Tu Yishao waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't dare to go to the casino again. I can only gamble for pearls in the village. The main reason is that I owed a lot of debt to my old brothers in the past and I haven't paid it off yet."

Lu Wuyi interrupted: "Uncle, you can't owe such a debt casually. If it's not handled well, it will cause anal fistula."

The dogs in the village gathered around the drying ground to help dispose of the garbage, including chicken and duck waste, pig, cattle and sheep bones, and soaked fish bones. These items did not need to be thrown into the trash can, as they would quickly disappear without a trace when thrown on the ground.

Today is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. As usual, the annual gathering lasts from morning to evening and is huge.

There were a lot of vegetables, fruits and meats sent to the drying ground. When the village distributed new year's goods in the morning, Tu Yisho led some people to do the big shopping last year.

After tidying up, it was getting very late.

Ao Muyang was too lazy to go back and make dinner, so he just packed up a little and took it back.

There are some packaging cartons in the drying field, which are owned by some hotels in the county and city. Tourists packed and brought food to eat, but later left the packaging boxes and packaging bags at Yujiale, and they were kept by the villagers for packaging.

He packed some fresh beef stew and other things in hotel packaging boxes and took them back. Zhu Zhu, Liu Mei and several other children played at his house until very late.

Seeing this, he left the teenagers to eat at home.

The teenagers looked at the hotel name on the packaging box and packaging bag, and they all looked forward to it: "Uncle Xiaoyang, did you go to the city to be corrupt again tonight?"

Ao Muyang said angrily: "What kind of corruption? Just eat honestly."

When they arrived at the dinner table, several teenagers rushed to eat the vegetables in the packaging box first. The food they ate was cleaner than what a dog licked. While eating, they praised: "The food cooked in this big hotel is really delicious."

On the thirtieth day, Ao Muyang stopped going to the drying field to take charge. All the people there were handed over to Tu Yisho. He rested at home in the morning, and in the afternoon he took the general, Lang Da, and Lang Er to visit his parents' graves.

After burning paper and incense, he lit firecrackers, knelt in front of the grave and kowtowed three times respectfully.

He arrived early to visit the grave, and the cemetery on the mountain was relatively deserted at the moment, so he sat in front of his parents' graves for a while, combing the hair of the general and the Lang brothers, and talking to his parents for a while.

There are curls of smoke rising from cooking fires in the village, and many of the smoke columns are thicker than in previous years. This is because fishermen are happily preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Because there were many tourists, and the tourists brought their children to have New Year's Eve dinner, the atmosphere was much livelier than in previous years. Even from far away in the back mountain, he could hear faint laughter and laughter.

He sighed and said, "Mom and Dad, the village has changed a lot now. Everyone doesn't have to go out to sea or worry about their livelihood. The family is rich, and your son is even richer. He has tens of millions of black money. So, if you know, don't worry about anything. I live a good life and make the village prosperous..."

The general could feel his melancholy and sadness, so he ran over and put his head on his shoulder, and rubbed his neck with the soft fur on his mouth to comfort him.

The big wolf also lay quietly beside him and put his head on his thigh. Only the second wolf continued to jump around. I don't know who came to visit the grave early. When firecrackers sounded in the graveyard, it howled and pounced on Ao Muyang, and then Old Ao felt dizzy...

He sat on his parents' grave for a long time, until the back mountain became messy, and then he packed up and walked down the mountain.

Standing on the hillside, Ao Muyang looked down and saw the afterglow of the setting sun shining on the whole village. The village in winter was colorful, black and white, red, yellow, blue and green, and the colors of car paint and people's new clothes were colorful.

From now on, a pier stretched into the sea, with large and small fishing boats moored on both sides. There were also firecrackers from the seaside, and the startled seabirds flew up and down.

Ao Muyang looked far away, and what he saw to the south was the vast sea. In the evening, the wind was light, and the waves were not visible in the distance. He saw a golden color slowly fading away, and finally connected with the fiery red sky.

The years were quiet and good, and it was the New Year.

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