Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1211 1218. Dragon King Blood (4)

After Song Qiumin called her family over, she gave them money according to the dividends. She was not a person who valued money by nature. In addition, her brother and sister-in-law were also simple fishermen. The two sides agreed to settle the accounts every month. After deducting the expenses, she and her brother's family split the accounts 40% and 60% respectively.

At the table, several people talked a lot and ate a lot. Wild vegetables in spring are the best to eat with rice. Ao Muyang ate so much that his belt buckle loosened two holes.

Shepherd's purse and seafood rolls can be used as both vegetables and rice. This one is baked with oil. When you eat it, you can smell the fresh fragrance of shrimps and crabs, the fragrance of shepherd's purse, and the fragrance of peanut oil. In addition, the shepherd's purse is still tender at this time, which is really delicious.

Especially this kind of wild vegetable roll can be eaten with garlic paste, which is appetizing. Lao Ao was very happy when he ate it.

What made him even happier was that the big dragon head came back and caught a lot of sardines.

The annual season for catching sardines by jumping fire boys is coming again.

But, happiness turns to sorrow.

After Lao Ao was happy for a few days, something happened that made him very unhappy.

He had just gotten up that morning, and then the general started barking at the door.

Inexplicably, Ao Muyang suddenly thought of Sun Beilong. When he heard the general barking, he thought that Sun Beilong had come to the door again.

As a result, he went over and opened the door, and found that it was Erdeng who was knocking on the door.

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked unhappily: "When did you come back again?"

Since he found out that Erdeng colluded with outsiders to frame him last time, he completely lost his good impression of Erdeng. The attitude of the villagers was the same as his. They were picky about Erdeng. Erdeng was considered to have some eyesight, and later he ran to live upstairs in the county.

However, he returned to the village during the Chinese New Year. Ao Muyang knew it, but pretended not to know. He was too lazy to argue with this guy.

Erdeng said with drooping eyelids: "Well, isn't it almost Qingming Festival? I have to come back to sweep the graves of my parents? No, village chief, this is not important. I have something important to tell you. Dragon King's blood appeared in the sea. I saw it when I went to repair the boat this morning. I came to you to report this to you."

Ao Muyang was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Dragon King's blood appeared in the sea? Why didn't I receive any news introduction? This thing suddenly appeared?"

Dragon King's blood is a common name, which is actually red tide.

The formation of red tide has existed since ancient times, but the local fishermen in ancient times were ignorant and did not know the reasons for the formation of red tide. They saw the sea water turning red and a large number of fish and shrimps died, and they regarded it as the blood flowing out of the dragon's injury.

In addition, the current red tide is often caused by the rich nutrition of seawater and the explosive reproduction of plankton, but in ancient times, the ocean pollution was light, and it mostly appeared after natural disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes.

These natural disasters caused the sea water to fluctuate violently, and the plankton in the sea was enriched in large quantities, which in turn caused the seaweed to reproduce wildly.

How could the ancient fishermen understand this principle? They thought of natural disasters, believing that there were evil dragons fighting in the sea, which led to the disasters. In addition, the result of the fight was that the evil dragons were injured and bleeding, and then the dragon blood dyed the sea red.

Upon learning that the red tide had formed, Ao Muyang hurried to the beach to check. There were manatees, turtles, dolphins, etc. living in the sea outside the village. They either ate seaweed or fish and shrimp. Once a red tide occurred, it would have a great impact on them.

Many red tide organisms secrete red tide toxins. This thing has a professional name called shellfish poison. Its toxicity is 80 times higher than cobra toxin and 100,000 times stronger than general anesthetics such as procaine and cocaine.

Common red tide toxins include paralytic shellfish poisoning, diarrheal shellfish poisoning, neurogenic shellfish poisoning, amnesia shellfish poisoning, Ciguatera fish poisoning, etc. Among them, paralytic shellfish poisoning is the most widely distributed and most harmful type of toxin in the world.

When fish and shellfish are in the toxic red tide area, they feed on these toxic organisms. Although they cannot be poisoned to death, biological toxins can accumulate in the body.

In this way, if the poisonous fish, shrimp and shellfish are accidentally eaten by people, dolphins or turtles, it is easy to cause poisoning of the body, and in severe cases, it can lead to death.

Sure enough, he went to the beach and looked carefully, and saw that the sea surface was dark red.

Ao Muyang knew that the process of the long and short of red tide can be roughly divided into four stages: initiation, development, maintenance and extinction. In the initial stage, there are a certain number of red tide organisms in the sea area, and the various physical and chemical conditions of the water environment at this time are basically suitable for the growth and reproduction of certain red tide organisms.

However, the sea water in the initial stage cannot see the color change. As long as the color change occurs, it has at least entered the development stage.

Ao Muyang quickly called Ao Daguo and asked him to bring people out to sail and cast nets to catch these seaweeds to see the situation.

Erdeng volunteered: "Village chief, my boat is in good condition. I just repaired it."

"No need." Lao Ao was very annoyed with him. Damn, a cheating man. As the village chief and the richest man in the village, he didn't cheat. Why did this grandson dare to cheat?

Ao Daguo drove his own boat and cast a small-mesh fishing net to sweep the sea surface. Ao Muyang squatted on the dock and thought hard about countermeasures.

The cause of red tide is phytoplankton, which are mostly single-cell plants, among which dinoflagellates are the most, as well as diatoms, green algae, blue algae, golden algae, etc. These phytoplankton are very small individually and can only be seen clearly under a microscope, but they can be caught when they are connected together.

The fishing net was dragged around the sea surface and collected. It was full of small seaweeds of various shapes, which fell apart when squeezed by hand.

Ao Muyang smelled the smell, there was no bad smell, it was indeed in the early stage.

He called Dai Zongxi and told him about the discovery of the red tide.

Red tide is a disaster for fisheries and can destroy the ecological balance. Because red tide organisms are too small, they can gather on the gills of fish, causing fish to suffocate and die due to lack of oxygen. In addition, after the death of red tide organisms, the algae will consume a lot of dissolved oxygen in the water during the decomposition process, causing fish and other marine life to die due to lack of oxygen. The third is toxicity, which can remain.

Hearing his words, Dai Zongxi was a little puzzled: "It's still early March, how can there be a red tide?"

Red tides occur most in May and June, and in April and August. March is indeed rare.

Ao Muyang said helplessly: "It depends on your official investigation and results. I think it may be related to the warm winter in the past."

He just searched on the Internet and found that there are many reasons for the formation of red tides. The inducement is seawater pollution. Eutrophication of seawater is the material basis and primary condition for the occurrence of red tides. Changes in hydrological meteorology and physical and chemical factors of seawater are important causes of red tides.

Among them, experts in oceanography have found that there is a precursor to the occurrence of red tides, that is, the water temperature suddenly rises by more than two degrees Celsius within a week.

Lao Ao thought about it. This year is a warm winter and a warm spring. The temperature rises quickly in spring. The sunshine is very good these days, so the sea temperature may rise quickly.

However, what makes him desperate is that the sea water here is the clearest and the pollution is the lightest, but why does the red tide occur here first?

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