Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1215 1222. Floating Fish on the Sea (3)

The area outside Longtou Village was not the hardest hit area, and the entire southern Hongyang Sea was not severely affected. Therefore, the working group led by Jin Wei left in the afternoon, and the Coast Guard followed them, and they went to work in the northern sea.

It is said that Yang Shuyong and his gang were also taken away and were brought to help by Jin Wei.

After Ao Muyang heard the news, he kept touching the roots of his ears. No wonder he felt his ears felt hot in the afternoon and thought he had a fever. It turned out that Yang Shuyong had scolded him.

This is good news. The sea area here is a blessing in disguise. The red tide disaster is not serious. The current outbreak of noctiluca will not cause the water environment to deteriorate, but will create an emerald-like seascape at night.

However, Lao Ao arrived with live sardines. It is estimated that these fish will eat Noctiluca, so he is doing bad things with good intentions...

He told Lu Zhizi the news, and Lu Zhizi was stunned: "This, this person is not as good as God? You didn't go to the sea in vain, you ruined this beautiful scenery yourself!"

What can Ao Muyang say? He spent so many gold drops to bring back some sardines.

Just a minute ago he was lamenting that he had brought back too few sardines, but now his butt was turning and he regretted bringing back live sardines!

Ao Mudong and others who followed him off the boat didn't know why. Seeing his annoyed look, they smiled and said, "Longtou, are you worried because it's summer? Our fishing nets have dragged those fish for several hours. How many of them are alive?" It’s okay, nothing happened at all.”

A girl wearing a light down jacket jumped over and waved happily as she ran: "Oppa, you are back!"

Seeing this pretty girl, Ao Mudong was very happy: "Longtou, let me introduce to you, this is my wife, how is it? How is my wife?"

The girl was a little shy. When she saw a group of big men staring at her, she hid behind Ao Mudong.

Ao Muyang greeted her with a smile, and then asked: "Brother Dong, what did your partner do in your hometown before? Are you planning to find a suitable job for her?"

Ao Mudong said: "This job is not easy to find in our village. Her previous job was dealing with mosquitoes."

"Dealing with words? Oh, a writer." Ao Muyang was immediately in awe, "Then why is it so hard to find this job? There are not many other things in our country now, but there are many writers. They are all online writers. If you have a computer, you can Work.”

Ao Wenchang waved his hand and said: "Don't go into this line of work. The life of an Internet writer is too hard. You have to work every day and rack your brains in front of the computer to come up with plots to please readers. The results are often unpleasing. You have to be scolded by readers and you can't make any money. How much does it cost? I have a college classmate who is an online writer and works part-time as a garbage collector in the community.”

Ao Mudong said: "Stop, stop, stop, where are you talking about? My wife used to sell mosquito coils and mosquito killers in her hometown."

Ao Muyang stopped talking and could only show an awkward but polite smile: "That's it, oh, that's it, well, you are a good partner, really good."

"Yes, it's really good. It's better than what Brother Dong found at KTV before." Ao Mupeng said enviously.

Ao Mudong took the little girl and left quickly. Ao Muyang looked at the backs of the two and shook his head: "Oh, in this world, old cows eat young grass."

Lu Zhizi squinted at him and said, "From what you say, I'm quite envious, jealous, regretful, and greedy, right?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "The foundation of love is trust. My dear, you have to trust me."

"If I didn't trust you, I would have added luteinizing hormone to your porridge." Lu Zhizi said with a smile, "Can I talk to you so much?"

Ao Mupeng asked in confusion: "Longtou, what is luteinizing hormone?"

Ao Muyang didn't know much about it, but he knew about corpus luteum, but this was the first time he heard about luteinizing hormone.

It happened that Li Ji was still awake and was staying on the beach, so Ao Muyang went to ask him: "Teacher Li, do you know about luteinizing hormone?"

Li Jidao: "I know, the hormone secreted by the basophilic cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is a glycoprotein. Why do you ask about this?"

"Teacher Lu threatened to eat it for me. What will happen if I eat this?"

Li Ji was horrified and said: "If you don't have poison, you won't have a husband! Bah, this is the most poisonous woman's heart!"

"When luteinizing hormone enters the male body, it will promote a series of endocrine reactions in the body and ultimately inhibit the formation of testosterone. In short, this thing can perform chemical castration!"

Ao Mupeng asked: "So, where can I buy it?"

Ao Muyang asked: "Do you want to use it?"

"Spring is here, for my cat."

"Damn it, no poison, no husband. If your cat knew the truth, he wouldn't let you go even if he were a ghost."

As night falls, people who have been exhausted from a day at sea are returning home.

By the next morning, the village was bustling with activity.

There were so many sardines floating on the sea that I couldn't count them.

Needless to say, these are the fish that fishing boats dragged back with trawl nets yesterday. Eighty or ninety percent of the fish died. After the trawl net was put away, they floated on the sea.

Fishermen have rowed boats out to sea to catch these fish. Although sardines are common, they are indeed a delicacy. There is no need to dip them in bread crumbs. Just wrap them in egg white and put them in the oil pan. The fried taste is no worse than that of small yellow croakers.

As for these sardines being dead? It doesn't matter, because there is a red tide, but dead sardines are more hygienic.

Live sardines will prey on red tide algae, which is poisonous, but they are tolerant and will not be poisoned to death. They will only accumulate in the body and affect human health after being eaten.

Dead sardines are not a threat. In addition, at this temperature, sardines that have died overnight are still considered fresh, at least fresher than those fish that have been frozen for several months before being sold in the market.

Every household goes out to sea to catch sardines floating on the sea. They will catch them together with the red tide algae in the sea. Although the amount of red tide algae caught by the fishermen is not large, it is still a contribution to resisting the red tide disaster.

Fishermen row boats and use nets to catch fish on the beach. While catching, someone found crabs on the beach, swimming crabs!

Swimming crabs are produced on the beach all year round, and there are fishing seasons in spring and autumn. Every spring, female crabs come to the shallow waters of the shore to lay eggs, but they usually appear in April and May, and there are still relatively few in March.

The reason why the swimming crabs are running to the shore now is because of the red tide. Swimming crabs are very sensitive to oxygen. The village borrowed dozens of oxygen generators yesterday to supply oxygen to the seawater on the shore. It is this oxygen that attracts some swimming crabs that were trapped by the red tide algae.

The villagers did not take action when they found swimming crabs. Ao Muyang has stipulated that the fishery resources in the sea area outside the village must be protected, and no one can use fishing gear to fish. It is okay for tourists to occasionally roll up their trousers to catch fish and shrimps, as long as they do not use fishing gear.

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