Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1226 1233. Find out (4)

Sun Beilong briefly told Geng Jinhu about the ship. Geng Jinhu's mouth twitched and he soon lost his previous bravery. He stammered: "Brother, how could this happen?"

The baseball cap shouted: "Boss Beilong, hurry up and save people. The pheasant was swallowed by the coffin. There is a coffin in the cabin, two adults and one child, a family of three!"

Geng Jinhu panted and said: "Fuck, don't talk first, brother, how could this happen? We, we, didn't you say we would wash our hands of business?"

Sun Beilong frowned and said: "This matter has nothing to do with me, I only found out about it afterwards. If you want to blame someone, blame Ermao. I have already driven him away. Let's not talk about it for now. Let's get on the boat and see what's going on. "

Geng Jinhu whispered: "Ah? Get on the boat?"

Seeing him like this, Sun Beilong was immediately very dissatisfied. He pushed Geng Jinhu and said: "Huzi, what's wrong with you? How come you are so timid after a year of study?"

Geng Jinhu said: "I'm not afraid of other things, but this ghost thing, brother, let me tell you the truth, this time I encountered this thing in there, someone died in a cell, and during that period of time, I heard crying at night, and there were people walking in the corridor outside..."

"Shut up, this is all fake, how many years have you been in the underworld and you actually believe in these things?" Sun Beilong gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, Guangmingding, Laodian, Youfeng, you guys lead the way for me, I want to see what's going on, all of you come up with me!"

He climbed up the ladder to the boat, As a result, when he looked back, he saw that the boat was dark and lonely, so he went up by himself. The six people including baseball cap stayed on the speedboat obediently, just like watching the fun, staring at him stupidly.

Sun Beilong's suppressed anger exploded, and he roared: "Fuck, what are you doing down there? Are you waiting for me to prepare a coffin for you? Come up, all of you come up!"

The six people in baseball cap were badly tricked by Ao Muyang. Lao Ao also said that he would lead the team in, but when they ran out in fear, they saw that there was no sign of Lao Ao on the boat. Lao Ao had already returned to the wooden boat.

After being scolded by Sun Beilong for a few words, several people came to their senses. Geng Jinhu was going to threaten them, and they were so scared that they climbed onto the boat with bitter faces.

Ao Muyang also got on the boat afterwards. He was very interested in this matter. There was definitely no ghost, but someone was playing tricks. He wanted to see if he could find some traces.

What Sun Beilong did was irritating to heaven and people. From a legal point of view, the murder of Ma Jiabao's family of three had nothing to do with him, or even his subordinates, but from a logical point of view, he was the culprit.

Without his usual indulgence, how dare the fishermen in the fishing ground be so arrogant?

More than a dozen strong flashlights were shone, and the shadow covering the black ship immediately dissipated a lot.

Ao Muyang carefully scanned the hull with a flashlight and found that the fire started from the cabin at the bow. The traces of the fire there were the clearest, and it was lighter in the cabin, and there were no traces of fire at the stern.

Sun Beilong shouted, "Where are the ghosts?"

Youfeng shrank his head and pointed at the bow, saying, "Someone over there threw paper money at us..."

"There was blood at the stern, and it was frozen, all blood."

"Not only was there blood, but there was also someone smiling at me, damn, that person's face was very white, very white, very scary."

"In the cabin, in the cabin, someone was crying, women and children were crying, and there were coffins inside, two big and one small, three coffins!"

Sun Beilong strode towards the bow, and several men protected him tightly and surrounded him in the middle.

When he reached the bow, he used a flashlight to illuminate the surroundings and saw a lantern and two boxes hanging on the upright iron pole.

The iron pole was not high, and after he looked at it, he winked, and one man squatted down and the other man stepped on his companion's shoulders, so that the man below stood up, and the man above held the iron pole to reach the lantern.

As soon as he touched the lantern, the dark lantern suddenly lit up. The man was startled and subconsciously shouted, "Fuck!"

The young men who followed him timidly wanted to turn around and run away. Sun Beilong shouted, "What are you afraid of? With so many brothers here, even if the King of Hell comes up, he will have to behave himself!"

With his encouragement, the man calmed down and took down the lantern.

The lantern shook and went out, and then it occasionally lit up and went out while shaking. After it was taken down, it was handed to Geng Jinhu. Geng Jinhu flipped it and said, "Shit, it's a battery, the contact is bad, so sometimes it goes out and sometimes it lights up."

"Who threw the paper money?" a young man asked in a low voice.

The man who stepped on his companion's shoulder took down the other two black paper boxes on the iron rod. He said, "Boss Beilong, the paper money must have come out from here. Look, there are two more inside."

The paper box was tied with a rope. Sun Beilong shone a flashlight on the deck and then found a loose place. He dug out the loose iron plate. There was a rope underneath. The rope passed through the center of the iron rod and connected to the paper box.

Now the truth was revealed. The loose iron plate on the deck must be a mechanism. When stepped on, the paper box will be pulled open by the rope and the paper money inside will be released.

After solving the bow, Sun Beilong went to the cabin again.

The cabin was burned by fire. It was pitch black inside. When you touch it with your hand, you will feel a handful of black ash.

After they rushed into the cabin, they did hear crying. One was the sobbing of a woman and the other was the crying of a baby. Both cries were muffled and not very clear, as if they were blocked by something.

There were some shelves placed in a mess in the spacious fish hold, and there were three coffins at the end. As the baseball cap said, there were two large coffins and one small coffin, and there was a person lying in front of the coffins.

Seeing this scene, although there were many people in the cabin, everyone couldn't help shivering, and several sounds of sucking in cold air sounded at the same time, making the night seem even colder.

Sun Beilong carefully avoided the iron shelf and dragged the young man lying on the ground back. A man went up and touched his neck and opened his eyelids to look at him, saying: "He was scared to death."

"Fuck, you are a coward!" Sun Beilong was so angry that he raised his foot to kick the young man.

After raising his foot, he controlled his temper again and said in a deep voice: "Carry him out for me, let him blow the sea breeze, blow it well."

Two big men came up and held the young man and dragged him out. Sun Beilong pointed at the coffin and said: "Open it, the sound is coming from inside."

At this time, everyone knew that there was no ghost at all, but someone was pretending to be a ghost.

Geng Jinhu became fierce again. He went up and pushed the coffin open. A foul smell immediately came out. The coffin was dark and full of feces, urine, rotten meat and other things. There was also an MP3 player playing.

The problem in the cabin was solved, and they went to the stern again.

It was indeed frozen here, red blood-colored ice, and there were two paper figures in the corner. Seeing this, Sun Beilong kicked them up, and there was a "smack" sound. Then Sun Beilong screamed: "Ah! Damn!"

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