Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1238 1245. Going Home (1/5)

Chapter 1238 1245. Going Home (15)

While collecting the fishing net, Lao Ao glanced at the fishing boat.

The fishing boat was large in tonnage, longer, wider and deeper than the Big Dragon Head. Several fishermen stood on its bow, eating melon seeds and chatting, while looking at him with interest.

The grouper fry in the fishing net were fluttering, and Ao Muyang used all his strength to fix the net on the stern, and then prepared to leave.

A large fishing boat came over, and someone on the bow asked with a smile: "Hey, buddy, are you Chinese?"

Ao Muyang said coldly: "Yes."

Someone else asked with a smile: "You rowed such a small boat to the deep sea, you are quite capable, it's so dangerous, do you want to get on our boat, and we will take you back when the time comes?"

This was considered a kind greeting, and Lao Ao patiently pointed to the Dragon Head in the distance and said: "I came out with the big ship, look, it's over there."

A man on the boat asked: "Oh, is that your boat? Your boat is quite interesting, is it a fishing boat? Why is it so long and narrow? It doesn't look like a fishing boat."

Ao Muyang said: "It's a fishing boat, a fishing boat converted from a warship."

"You are really good at bragging." The people on the boat laughed together.

If you don't agree with me, you can't say more, and Lao Ao has to raise his head to talk, so he has no interest in staying to chat. After tying the fishing net, he rowed the boat to drag the net away.

The fishermen on the boat suddenly became unhappy. Someone said, "Hey, we were chatting with you. Why do you leave just like that? You are so rude."

"Brother, don't leave yet. What are you fishing for here?" A small boat came out from behind the fishing boat, and the people on the boat also carried fishing nets.

Lao Ao didn't answer. He increased the speed of waving the oars, and the raft quickly sailed towards the Longtou.

The strange boat also increased the speed. Two people were rowing on the boat. They were both veterans. One of them chased him and teased him, "Hey, brother, why are you running? Let's chat. We have been out at sea for almost a week. It's really boring. Stay and chat with us."

"Yes, play with us brothers." Another person added with a smile.

Ao Muyang contacted Longtou with the waterproof radio he carried on his body, and Longtou drove towards him to meet him.

Originally, he didn't want to get involved and wanted to scare the two away with the Dragon Head, but the two fishermen got excited. They probably thought Ao Muyang was a coward for running away when he saw the two of them.

The Dragon Head had already come over, but the boat behind still didn't leave.

Several people on the bow were puzzled. Ao Mudong scratched his head and said, "Did Longtou go fishing? He didn't see any fish, but how come he saw two men?"

"He caught two mermaids."

"You call it a mermaid? I'm screwed. I think Longtou is a human trafficker now."

Looking at the people on the boat chatting and laughing, Ao Muyang was a little dissatisfied and shouted, "What are you still laughing at? Don't you see I have a tail behind me? Get ready, you guys beat someone up!"

Ao Wenchang thought about it and shouted, "Longtou, give me a hint."

Ao Muyang was stunned and asked, "What hint? I want you to beat someone up."

Ao Wenchang looked around and asked, "Did you guess it?"

The people around him were also confused: "What did you guess?"

"Didn't Longtou give a puzzle? He said we should beat someone up." Ao Wenchang explained.

Ao Mudong rolled up his sleeves and said, "The leader wants us to beat people, go down and beat them!"

Ao Muyang said angrily, "What are you still talking about? I want you to beat people! These two bastards followed me all the way and spoke rudely, teach them a lesson!"

The people on the Dragon Head ran to the side of the boat with wine bottles and rotten fruits. The two fishermen were scared and quickly rowed back with their heads down.

"Do you want to chase them?" Ao Mudong asked.

Ao Muyang shook his head and said, "Just scare them. Come, drag the fishing net up. There are spotted fish fry in it. Find a water tank to raise them and put them in my fish farm together later."

The fishing net came out of the water, and the strong fish fry in it swung their tails and struggled. Soon they were put into the water tank, and then they returned to calm.

Old Ao went over and sprinkled some gold drops into the water, and they started to fight fiercely again.

The reason why he didn't go to find the two fishermen was because he understood what they said. Indeed, for people in the inland, the vast ocean is full of charm, but for fishermen, the vast ocean looks the same, which is really boring.

If there is not much catch after going out to sea for many days, the fishermen will be very bored.

The Dragon Head has only been out for two days, and Ao Muyang is also bored. He watched the fry in the water tank fighting for the golden drops for half an hour.

However, there are indeed fish in the surrounding waters. They encountered a school of mackerel. The fishermen on the boat quickly got busy and caught a lot of fish.

After drifting on the sea for three days, this trip to the sea was rewarded, but not as much as the last time. The fish caught were common sea fish, nothing rare.

Ao Muyang lost interest and directed the fishing boat to go home.

Ao Qianwen said, "Dragon Head, we still have supplies on board, so don't rush back. We can stay at sea for a few more days, and maybe we'll run into something else."

Ao Muyang shook his head, "Forget it, let's go back. I didn't check the almanac for this trip, so it's meaningless."

Ao Qianwen was stunned and said, "What's the point of going to sea?"

Ao Muyang felt that this trip to the sea was boring, so he might as well go back and do some farm work. His peanut field should be cleaned up. This year he also planned to plant peanuts to raise grubs to feed fish.

Ao Mudong also wanted to persuade Ao Muyang to continue to go around the sea. He was thinking about other things: "Dragon Head, the spring tide is coming soon. Every time there is a high tide, there will be a big harvest. Let's continue to go around."

Ao Muyang said: "I just want to take advantage of the high tide to return to the village. Every time there is a high tide, tourists will go to the sea randomly. I have to go back and watch it myself. If someone is swept away by the waves when going to the sea, the village will be in big trouble!"

February, the waves are rolling over the mountains.

This February refers to the second month of the lunar calendar. There will be spring tides at about this time every year, big or small. Last year's spring tide was not too big, and the village did not organize sea-hunting activities.

According to the rule that the tide comes once a year, this year's spring tide will be larger, and there will definitely be more people coming to the sea.

The Dragon Head went to the fishing ground first, where he put the fry of the spotted grouper in, and fed the remaining eels with some golden drops, and then returned to the village dock.

After returning to the village, the boats were busy unloading the seafood, and Ao Muyang took the general home leisurely.

Now that the village is on the right track and the fishing grounds are going smoothly, his life has become leisurely and comfortable. After no trouble, he can finally enjoy the quiet life of a fisherman.

The general couldn't sit still. When he returned home and saw that he had nothing to do, he ran through the backyard to the mountain.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang had to follow him. Now he could dig spring bamboo shoots. Dalong Mountain is a treasure house, and there are good things waiting to be discovered all year round.

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