Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1246 1253. Going to the Sea (4)

In fact, on the morning when the tide goes out, Longtou Village is not quiet or warm at all. Everyone is rushing to pick up fish from the sea.

Ao Muyang walked barefoot on the beach, and the generals jumped around him. From time to time, they would dig on the beach with their claws, and they would often dig out a hermit crab or the like.

Several children were digging on the beach with plastic shovels. They were looking for hermit crabs and fiddler crabs. Whenever they found something, they excitedly called their parents to come over and take a look. The parents quickly took photos as soon as they arrived.

Young parents are very talented. After their children grab the shells of fiddler crabs or hermit crabs and take photos, they will teach their children to send them into the sea.

Ao Muyang had to tell them: "Just throw it on the beach. There is no need to put it in the water. Hermit crabs and fiddler crabs don't like to stay in the water, but like to dig holes on the beach."

Jiang Xue asked him: "Village chief, can we take him away?"

Ao Muyang said magnanimously: "Yes, but don't be too greedy. Just catch one or two and take them back as a souvenir. If you catch too many, it will be a waste, because they will not survive."

Most of them would not survive if they were left on the beach. He bought them all last night and dumped them on the beach. In the end, there is a high probability that they will not be able to adapt to the environment here.

Jiang Xue smiled sweetly: "Thank you, village chief, I will pick up two small shells."

Ao Muyang waved generously again: "Whatever."

Anyway, he had people collect these shells and conch shells and scatter them on the beach. These shells cost two yuan a pound. If you pay two more yuan, the boss will stuff a few live ones in them.

There are many live shells and snails on the beach. First, Ao Muyang bought them and scattered them. Second, there are indeed many things left after the tide goes out.

Fishing has been prohibited in the sea outside the village for more than two consecutive years. The fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish on the seashore are able to thrive and are recovering in population.

The receding tide revealed the reef, and someone shouted excitedly: "Wow, look what I found?"

There is a brown-red starfish crawling slowly on the reef. It has suction cups on its tentacles. It is not easy to take it off the reef.

The tourists who found it didn't touch it. They couldn't eat or play with it. They might as well keep it as a surprise for others and take photos by the way.

A child ran over and tried to catch the starfish: "Patrick, our good friend Patrick!"

The child's parents picked him up and said, "It is your friend. You have to protect it instead of dragging it off the rock."

Ao Muyang hoped that the child would take away the starfish. This must have been mixed in when throwing seafood into the sea last night. I don't know who threw a starfish into the sea.

Someone discovered the anomaly and said in confusion: "Starfish like to chase corals. They are coral killers. If there are no corals here, how can there be starfish?"

Ao Muyang explained for him: "Starfish not only eat corals, but also eat other things, such as algae or organic debris attached to the reef, even some food residues, human and animal excrement, and dead fish They all eat shrimp carcasses.”

"There are corals here, and the sea turtle protection area is over there." A young man said with a smile.

Lao Ao was stunned. Damn it, he had forgotten this.

He hurried over to take a look. It was possible that the starfish was heading for the coral colony he had finally cultivated.

Compared with the vast beach, the coral grove on the beach is very small, only a few hundred square meters. This is the result of Ao Muyang's hard work.

Coral polyps are too small, and the formation rate of corals is very slow. Lao Ao always spends money to buy corals from tropical cities, and first moves them to the Brick Island fishery to let them adapt to the conditions of the red ocean in the warm current, and feeds them gold drops, and then Then move to the sea outside the village.

Just such a coral bush of several hundred square meters has cost the village more than 500,000 yuan.

But it's worth it, as hawksbills and sea turtles love to hang out among the corals, and visitors enjoy looking out over this particularly gorgeous shallow sea.

Ao Muyang still has to spend money. He plans to use five to ten years to build a coral area on the seaside outside the village.

He went to the coral area to search, but luckily he didn't find any starfish. A hawksbill turtle came out of the greenhouse and was swimming in the seawater in the coral area.

In this way, he went back with peace of mind. On the way, he saw a beautiful girl holding a selfie stick and talking to herself on her mobile phone: "Many times, traveling across mountains and rivers, walking in some remote island villages, there is no need for any reason, just pure love, just like I feel the same way about Longtou Village..."

Ao Muyang had a question mark on his face. Our Longtou Village has opened a mountain road and an official sea route. Is this still considered remote?

Just as he was about to walk over, the girl suddenly smiled and waved to him: "Wow, little brother village chief, a very handsome little brother, can we take a group photo?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Okay, do you know me?"

The girl smiled and said, "Of course, you are an internet celebrity. Many travel posts have introduced your fishing village and you."

Ao Muyang touched his nose, little brother, am I so famous?

He stood behind the girl, who turned around and shouted sharply: "Du Xingyi, come here and take a picture for me!"

Soon a young man with a face full of youth and loneliness ran over. Ao Muyang praised: "My brother is in good physical condition and he runs really fast."

"I'm single." The young man chuckled.

After taking the photo, Ao Muyang saw that the girl was still talking to her phone. She was sometimes facing the village, sometimes the ocean, and sometimes the dogs running around on the beach.

Seeing his puzzled expression, the young man said, "This silly girl is doing a live broadcast."

Ao Muyang suddenly said: "Oh, no wonder."

The young man said to him: "Brother village chief, you can do a live broadcast in your village, or post videos of fishermen on some video apps. You are sitting on a treasure mountain, and you will definitely be famous!"

Ao Muyang said: "I have a general understanding of what you said, but I haven't had much contact with it. The main reason is that I am a conservative person."

The young man looked at his face carefully and said: "Brother, I don't think you look like a conservative person."

Ao Muyang asked in astonishment: "You can also read faces? In fact, I just look coquettish, and my soul is very conservative."

The young man showed him a tacit smile and said: "Can a conservative person say this?"

The two of them made a small joke casually and then separated, but the young man was still very polite. He handed him a business card and said: "My name is Du Xingyi. I started a business with three friends and set up a small new media studio for fun. If you have any ideas in this regard, you can contact me. To be honest, your village is a treasure mountain!"

Ao Muyang took the business card and continued to stroll on the sea. Someone suddenly shouted that a sea snake was found. He was startled and ran over quickly.

When he ran over, he found out that it was not a sea snake but a sea cucumber hidden in the cracks of the rocks. Now the discoverer is showing it off on his palm.

The coastline outside the village is long, and many people in the village step on the trough to catch sea cucumbers. Not only the tourist found sea cucumbers, but some villagers also caught them.

From this point of view, the resources in the sea area outside the village have been well restored after protection.

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