Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1261 1268. He is really an elite soldier (4)

Ao Muyang told the information he knew and Sun Beilong's suspicions about Jixiang. He was not asking everyone to help him investigate the case from beginning to end, but was looking for evidence that could prove that the matter was related to Fu Jixiang.

As soon as he finished the introduction, someone knocked on the door. Ao Daguo opened the door and a middle-aged man in a crisp suit nodded and came in: "Hello guests, I am the front desk manager of this hotel. In this way, our hotel has prepared for our customers Fresh fruit, specially delivered to you, free, haha, free.”

The manager put down the fruit and left. Just when Ao Muyang was about to speak, Ao Xiaofei coughed and said, "Village Chief, what you just said was too much and it was a bit messy. I'll go over it for you. Do you want to listen?" ?”

"On March 25 this year, doctors A and B from the infectious disease hospital went to a barbecue stall for a late-night snack after working the night shift. After being promoted by the boss, they specially ordered a plate of roasted clams."

"On March 30, Doctor A conducted a routine physical examination. On that day, some self-media platforms released examples of citizens in the city who were found to be infected with the hepatitis A virus due to eating hairy clams."

"On the morning of March 31, Doctor A received the report and found that hepatitis A virus was found in his body. He immediately thought of the hairy clams he had eaten before and reported the relevant situation to the Food Inspection and Quarantine Bureau."

"At the same time, the Food Inspection and Quarantine Bureau noticed the anomaly and immediately established an investigation team together with the police, industry and commerce, and fishery, and quickly discovered that the poisonous clams came from the dock market. At 11 a.m., they quickly blocked the market and began to conduct inspections. At about 2 p.m. Zhong and the others found the source of the poisonous cockles, the stall belonging to Sun Beilong's gang."

"On the evening of the 31st, Sun Beilong invited you to dinner and you made a deal. You helped Sun Beilong's gang investigate the case. After the incident was completed, Sun Beilong's gang gave our village ten stalls. During this period, Sun Beilong gave the suspect Fu Jixiang, right?"

Ao Xiaofei said a few words, and the matter was explained clearly according to the timeline. Ao Muyang admired him for this, and it was obvious that he was right to call him and Ao Muying.

"That's it, but there's something wrong with what you said. What do you mean I'm trading with Sun Beilong's gang?" Ao Muyang asked.

Ao Xiaofei asked: "Isn't it?"

Ao Muyang thought for a while and said dejectedly: "Okay, yes."

Ao Xiaofei immediately became excited and said, "There is a problem with this matter, have you found out?"

Ao Mudong said: "If you have any questions, just ask."

Ao Muying rushed to say: "What a simple thing. Where did the self-media get the news? Moreover, many self-media have released relevant news one after another, urging citizens who have been in contact with hairy cockroaches recently to go for relevant inspections. Isn't this a ghost? ?"

Ao Muyang nodded and said: "Yes, I have thought of this too, but we can't check it because we don't have the authority."

Ao Xiaofei said: "This matter is actually quite important. Let me ask, village chief, do you know when the poisonous clams sold at the dock market came on the market?"

Ao Muyang said: "I don't know about this, it should be before the 25th, right?"

Ao Xiaofei slowly shook his head and said: "No, I guess it was around the 30th, or maybe even on the 31st. The reason is very simple. The person who manipulated this actually understood the horror of putting poisonous clams on the market. , once a large number of citizens are infected with hepatitis A after being exposed to clams, it will be a social problem and serious criminal liability. If caught, they will definitely be sentenced severely!”

"That's why he contacted the self-media on the 30th to announce the discovery of poisonous clams in the dock market, asking citizens who have been exposed to clams recently to get a physical examination quickly."

"Actually, his purpose is to frame Sun Beilong, not to retaliate against society. I speculate that his most anticipated goal is for the doctor to discover that he was infected with the hepatitis A virus by contact with the clams, and at the same time, no one else will buy the clams, so that the matter can be controlled just enough to frame Sun Beilong again. It won’t affect anyone else.”

"This is why I guess he released poisonous clams on the market on the 30th or 31st. It is not difficult to verify this. The infectious disease hospital must have been testing many citizens for hepatitis A virus in the past two days. Just ask for the results. ”

Ao Mudong frowned and said, "What you say is true."

Ao Xiaofei said displeased: "Uncle Dong, why don't you believe me? I told you that my reasoning is professional. I will definitely open a detective agency when I get rich."

"Let's drive together." Ao Muying said with a smile.

Ao Muyang said: "It's not difficult to investigate this matter, but what's the point?"

Ao Xiaofei pointed at him handsomely and said: "Longtou, you are on to the point. The reason why I want to find out this node is..."

"Bang bang bang!" Someone knocked on the door again.

Ao Daguo opened the door and the manager came again: "Hello, dear customers, our hotel has prepared hot coffee and tea for every customer. May I ask?"

"We are not engaging in a pyramid scheme." Ao Muying went up to close the door. "Didn't I show you my police card? We are seriously investigating the case!"

The manager nodded and left, and Ao Xiaofei continued: "As long as it is proven that the poisonous clams were put into the dock market in the past two days, then we can determine the direction of the inquiry: the two doctors A and B and the barbecue stall owner, there must be at least one of them. There’s something wrong with both of them.”

Ao Muyang said: "There is something wrong with this stall owner."

Ao Xiaofei said: "Yes, but didn't you say that? Even the police can't find this stall owner so far, so we have to change the direction of the investigation."

Ao Muyang thought about it and nodded slowly: "I understand, you are right."

Ao Wenchang and others nodded, all with a look of sudden realization: "Yes, that's right." "Oh, I understand, Xiaofei is OK."

Ao Mudong was anxious, he asked awkwardly: "What is right? What do you understand, scholar?"

Ao Wenchang looked unfathomable, and said: "Ask Xiaofei and let him explain."

Ao Mudong got angry and said: "I'll let you explain!"

Ao Wenchang was silent for a while, and whispered: "Actually, I don't understand either."

Ao Daguo said: "Me too, what do you understand?"

Ao Mudong said angrily: "Then why did you keep nodding just now?"

Song Gongming said unhappily: "If you didn't nod at that time, wouldn't you look too stupid?"

Ao Muyang couldn't help laughing, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, you are really talented, I'll explain it to you, but I don't understand it either."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became lively, and everyone was happy after realizing that they were all equally stupid.

Ao Xiaofei said: "It's such a simple matter. Doctor A is the starting point of this case. He happened to have a physical examination, and he happened to go to the only barbecue stall in the city that sells poisonous hairy clams. He also happened to accept the boss's promotion and ate the poisonous hairy clams and was infected with the virus. Isn't this too coincidental?"

"The barbecue stall is not in front of the hospital. Why did these two doctors go to this stall for supper? There are two points to focus on. This barbecue stall has the only poisonous hairy clams in the city and Doctor A has no hepatitis A antibodies and is about to undergo an infectious disease physical examination!"

"Why is this the only stall in the city that has poisonous hairy clams?" Ao Mudong scratched his head and said.

Ao Muyang said: "Because this is a speculation, based on the current hospital examination results. As for whether it can stand up, you wait for me to make a phone call."

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