Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1274 1281. Black and White War (2)

Ao Muyang thought that the seabirds that rushed out were petrels. They were about ten centimeters long, with black-brown feathers, gray-white lower body, long pointed wings, flying and rolling in the air, with a chic posture.

When they mixed with the seagulls, they fought. The black birds and white birds began to peck and scratch each other. From time to time, a few feathers fell from the air, and from time to time, a pool of bird feces fell...

The black birds and white birds had their own victories and defeats. When a black bird flew close to Ao Muyang, the sunlight shone on its feathers and showed a faint blue color. This was different from the petrels, whose feathers were not so beautiful.

Intermittently, black birds flew up from the cliffs to join the battle. The domineering seagulls could not bear it, so they flew towards the blue sky or the sea to avoid.

The black birds did not pursue the victory. After driving away the seagulls, they flew back and drilled into the cracks of the cliffs.

Ao Muyang didn't recognize their identities, so he walked to the north of the island. The road conditions here were very bad, with rugged rocks. The waves hit the island and made a banging sound. The splashing waves were very high, and the humidity at the seaside was also very high, resulting in moss all over the rocks.

It was not easy to walk up, so he looked up and saw that this was already the highest point on the island. Some reefs stood out abruptly. When he climbed up again, he heard some "gurgling" bird calls.

Because there was no road here and it was steep to climb up, Ao Muyang had to crouch down, so that the queen could not continue to hold his shoulders and stand on it, so she flapped her wings and flew up.

As soon as the queen flew up, several black birds discovered her, and the calls suddenly changed from low "gurgling" to harsh "clucking".

Hearing the clucking calls, some black birds came out of the gap again. They should have thought that they had encountered another invasion of seagulls, and after coming out, they were ready to attack aggressively.

As a result, the blackbird looked up and saw that the one in front of them was not a seagull of the same size as them, but a giant, a Steller's sea eagle!

They may not have seen a Steller's sea eagle before, after all, there are very few of these birds, but their fear of sea eagles is written into their genes. When they saw the Steller's sea eagle, they screamed and flapped their wings to fly high.

The queen ignored them. Since she followed Ao Muyang, the queen had fresh fish to eat, and she didn't even eat carrion, let alone these small birds with hair.

Unless they are so hungry that they can't find food, sea eagles will not prey on birds.

There was a moment of chaos on the cliff, and the birds' calls were unprecedentedly rapid and sharp. A blackbird also flew out from a reef depression above Ao Muyang's head. When it came out, it saw Ao Muyang and immediately started to cry.

Ao Muyang wanted to take a closer look at its appearance, but the bird flew up quickly. He had to climb up and look at the reef depression. As a result, he saw a gray-white bird's nest with two white eggs in it.

The bird's nest was quite thin, about the size of his palm, with a round middle and ear-like protrusions on both sides. The entire bird's nest should be hung on the rock wall by these protrusions.

After seeing the shape and color of the bird's nest, he subconsciously thought of bird's nests. He used to work in a high-end hotel in Kyoto, so he had seen bird's nests many times.

Bird's nests are produced in many countries in Southeast Asia, but Hongyang has never appeared. He tiptoed to look at the bird's nest carefully. The grayish-white color is quite similar to bird's nests. There are horizontal filaments in the composition of the bird's nest, as if it is woven with wool, which is also in line with the structure of bird's nests.

However, he is not an expert. The bird's nests he has seen are all washed and cleaned and can be put into the pot, which is different from this one with eggs.

This discovery only made him look at it with interest for a while. Even if it is a bird's nest, he can't touch it because there are swallow eggs in it.

Lao Ao took a few photos and wanted to go back to find an expert to confirm it. There is no doubt that this is a bird's nest, but it is hard to say whether it is the kind of bird's nest that can be eaten.

There are no swiftlets in Hongyang. There are not many species and numbers of swiftlets in China. However, it is not only the swiftlets that can make edible bird's nests. Some sea salts of the same genus also have this ability. As long as they use saliva and down feathers to build nests, they can be considered edible bird's nests.

If these bird's nests are edible, then Brick Island will be valuable. For the sea swallows, their bird's nests cannot be recycled. After the eggs hatch and the birds learn to fly, the bird's nests will be discarded.

Steller's sea eagles were circling nearby. The black sea swallows were so scared that they trembled and chirped and dared not return to the nest. Ao Muyang blew a whistle and waved his hand. The Steller's sea eagle followed him and flew away.

The petrels and seagulls can finally breathe a sigh of relief and return to their nests.

The sea breeze blew, and the raging waves hit the island, which was extremely scary.

After circling the island, he returned to the stone house. There was nothing to do on the island, except strolling and preparing to cook.

So he went to the fishing grounds to dive and look for some, and found a few eels that had just died. This fish will die after laying eggs, and the taste and meat quality are not as good as before laying eggs, but after all, it is a treasure of the ocean, and it is still delicious.

Ao Muyang brought the eels back, and then asked Ao Zhibing: "Grandpa Bing, I sent you some bamboo shoots last time, do you have any more?"

Ao Zhibing put down his pipe and smiled: "Yes, yes, I salted them and prepared to make red pepper salt bamboo shoots in summer."

Ao Muyang said: "That's perfect, take them out, today we will use salt bamboo shoots to stir-fry eels, this is more exciting than pike hot pot."

Pieces of spring bamboo shoots pickled in salt water were fished out of the pickle jar. Seeing this black earthenware jar, Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Oh, Grandpa Bing, this jar looks familiar to me. Did you bring the one from home?"

The old man also smiled, and his wrinkles were stretched out: "The house at home was rented out for a good price. The owner wants to do business. I sorted out the things inside, threw away the useless ones, and brought the ones I couldn't bear to throw away to the island. I guess I will live on the island in the future. . "

Ao Muyang said: "If you don't want to stay on the island, just tell me and go to the village to enjoy yourself."

Ao Zhibing waved his hand and said: "It's good to stay on the island, quiet, not noisy, go around the sea for a few laps, come back to smoke and drink old wine, comfortable and exciting!"

This coarse pottery jar was made by the old man himself. During the Great Leap Forward, there was not much steel in the fishing village, but the commune set up a furnace, and it couldn't be burned in vain, so the village began to dig mud and burn ceramics, hoping to support national construction.

As a result, the soil outside the fishing village is not suitable for making porcelain, and can only be burned into coarse pottery. No one would want this thing if it was sold outside, so the villagers burned some pottery pots and jars for their own use.

Ao Zhibing has lived alone for many years, and there is no one to miss. For him, these old things that have accompanied him for many years are his relatives, so he is reluctant to throw them away.

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