Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1286 1293. Bad Boy (4)

Although the catfish is big, the meat is not old. On the contrary, the large pieces of catfish meat are refreshing to eat.

Ao Muyang used chili sauce to make the sauce, which was fragrant and spicy. The group of people who ate it kept gasping for air, as if there was a north wind blowing in the yard.

The night was full of dark clouds. Fortunately, God gave face and it did not rain during the dinner until the early morning.

This is the second spring rain since the beginning of this year, and the villagers are very happy.

Originally, because there was no rain or snow last winter, the provincial weather forecast said that this year would be a drought, which scared them very much. Now that they saw that the two rains were good, the villagers put their hearts that had been hanging in their throats and eyes for a whole winter back into their stomachs.

The rain fell very fast during the daytime of the second day. There was a period of heavy rain. The whole sky and earth were full of water mist, and the visibility was only a few meters.

The rain lasted for more than 20 hours and stopped only on the second night.

The next day, the sun was out again. Although it had just rained, the weather was warmer. This is the difference between spring rain and autumn rain. The autumn rain is colder with each rain, while the spring rain is warmer.

The paddy fields in the village have been fenced off long ago. After such a heavy rain, the families with paddy fields began to prepare to plant rice.

There are mountains all around, and there are not many farmlands in the village. There are even fewer that can be fenced off for paddy fields. A family can only have one and a half acres at most. Such a small farmland area is not worth using machines.

In addition, Longtou Village has no habit of using machines no matter what crops they grow. There is no other reason. The mountain roads were not built before, and large machines could not enter.

Affected by this heavy rain, the water level of the Nanhe River surged, and it flooded the bridge deck for the first time in several years.

Ao Muyang took off his shoes, rolled up his trouser legs, stepped on the bridge deck and looked upstream at the river. The flowing river water was quite fierce, and even rolled up in the narrowest part of the river.

So he told Jiang Xiaoyu to put a sign on the bridge to warn people not to fall into the ditch.

As usual, many teenagers cast nets and hooks to catch fish by the river. In the past few years, the local weather has been very dry, so some families fenced the river to raise fish.

So when the river water suddenly surged, the fish pond was swallowed up by the river. The river water was higher than the fish pond, and the fish in it escaped along the water flow.

Someone rode a motorcycle along the river bank and shouted. If he saw adults fishing by the river, he would talk to them in a friendly way, and if he saw children, he would threaten them.

Ao Muyang got angry when he saw this. He walked around the small bridge to the other side of the river and asked, "What's going on, buddy? The kids in our village are fishing in the river section of our village. Why do you care?"

The man was anxious because his fish were escaping along the river. He glared at Ao Muyang and shouted, "Look at these fish. They are all tilapia. Where can we find such fish in our local area? I raise them. They are all raised by me. Because of the rain, my pond was flooded and they ran away!"

Ao Muyang certainly knew about this, but he couldn't sympathize with these people.

Those who dare to dig up the river and divert water to their own ponds to raise fish are either village tyrants or those who love to take advantage of small profits. Since they do this, they must be prepared. Once the water in the river spreads due to heavy rain, the fish and shrimp they raise will definitely escape with the river water.

There is no need to say more about this. Both sides know it in their hearts, and the other party will not admit their mistakes.

Ao Muyang said: "Then go to the river in your village and cast your nets. Why are you coming to our village to scare the children?"

The man said anxiously: "Do I need you to remind me of this? I know, but who knew it would rain so hard? The fish have already escaped, and it's too late to cast the nets now. Hey, hey, hey, whose child is this? Stop fishing, put away all the fishing rods, take them all away!"

Ao Muyang frowned and said: "Brother, this is the river section of our village. Do you care if the children in our village catch fish here? They didn't come here specifically to catch your tilapia. What's the matter? Because your fish ran away, our villagers can't catch fish in the river?"

The man was tall and strong, and he looked like a tough guy. However, Longtou Village was so famous now that the man might not recognize Ao Muyang's identity, but he knew that he was in Longtou Village. He didn't dare to be too tough, so he glared at the kids fiercely and rode away on his motorcycle.

After he left, Ao Muyang said to the children: "It's time to go to school. It's not the weekend. Why are you all running to the river?"

A child said with a smile: "Uncle Xiaoyang, we don't have class today. It rained heavily yesterday. Some houses in the school are leaking. The teacher said that the house needs to be repaired today, so we are given a holiday."

"Holiday, holiday." The other children shouted happily.

Hearing what he said, Ao Muyang couldn't drive them away. He reminded them: "Be careful, the river flows fast. If you accidentally fall in, you will die, understand?"

After scaring them a few words to let these children know the seriousness of the matter, Ao Muyang went home first.

As a result, he was still walking on the road and had not yet reached the door of his house when a child panted and called him from behind: "Uncle Xiaoyang, Uncle Xiaoyang, wait for me."

Ao Muyang looked back and saw that it was one of the children who had just been fishing by the river, so he asked: "Xiaoguo, what's the matter?"

Xiaoguo wiped his nose and said: "It's, it's just that a few older children were bullying us. They took away our fishing nets, broke our fishing rods, and wanted to beat us. I ran away when they were not paying attention..."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang hurriedly ran back, asking as he walked: "Where did the big kid come from?"

Xiao Guo ran after him and said: "No, no, I don't know. I just know a guy named Cui Luming. He was a classmate of my cousin. He always fought in junior high school and was sent home by the teacher!"

Ao Muyang went out of the village and saw several bicycles parked on the river bank from a distance. Six or seven teenagers were slapping the children in the village.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Guo opened his mouth to shout, and Ao Muyang whispered: "Don't make a sound."

He walked over quickly. In order to avoid being discovered by these teenagers, he made a small detour and swam directly across the river. The Nanhe River was not wide. He fluttered in the water twice and swam to the other side.

After reaching the other side, he ran along the river bank to where the bicycles were parked, then kicked a bicycle and asked, "What are you doing?"

The teenagers were all quite old, and when they heard the sound of the bicycles being kicked down, they all turned back in shock. Ao Muyang looked at them and saw the mustaches that had grown on their lips.

When he found that the bicycles were kicked down, one of the teenagers was the first to get furious, and he shouted, "Fuck my bike, you dare to touch my bike?"

The young man was fearless, and he ran to the river bank, rushed up and punched Ao Muyang in the chest without saying a word!

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