Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1391 1398. Gift of Time (3)

Ao Muyang met Shen Zhifu, an expert in marine biology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a refined man who loved to wear perfume and was well-groomed.

More than a month ago, he had been looking for sea hares for Shen Zhifu, so when he suddenly saw Shen Zhifu this time, he asked in surprise: "Ah, Professor Shen? What kind of wind brought you here? Do you need sea hares again?" La?"

Shen Zhifu opened his fan and blew in the wind, with a smile on his face: "No, no, no, Director Ao helped me catch enough sea hares last time. For my project, the number is more than enough. I am here this time for Other things, first of all, I want to thank you for helping me last time and bringing you a small gift this time.”

After he finished speaking, he put away his fan, opened the briefcase he carried with him, and took out an exquisite small photo frame.

The photo frame has a simple style, with smooth wood and natural texture, exuding a reddish-brown light, like a mahogany texture. What is embedded inside is not a photo, but a piece of yellowed paper. The order of writing on the paper is from right to left and top to bottom. You can tell it is old at a glance.

Ao Muyang took the photo frame and looked at it. The paper was written in traditional Chinese characters. He couldn't understand it for a while. He only noticed that the last time marked was 'September 1, 1950 AD', and he Subconsciously asked: "Professor Shen, what is this?"

Shen Zhifu gave a long laugh and said: "I don't know if Xiao Ao knows about the recovery situation of your Hongyang's fishery work in New China. Let me tell you something I know."

"In early June 1950, Wu Mian, director of the Hongyang Military Control Commission, Wu Yizun, a senior official of Hongyang City, Mayor Liu Bo and other party, government and military leaders decided to implement the order issued by the central government to restore all industries in New China and deployed in Hongyang to resume fishery and industrial and commercial production , restored the power plants, hospitals, schools, etc. that had been looted and destroyed by the enemy, and decided to establish the Hongyang Fishery Production Association.”

"At that time, Hongyang was in ruins after years of war, and everything was in ruins, and fishery was the foundation industry of this area since ancient times. After the establishment of the association, it urgently mobilized various enterprises in the business community to open businesses and raise funds for the fishery industry in the second half of 1950. Produce funds, raise funds to repair power plants, hospitals, build new junior high schools, and restore nine primary schools. Among these tasks, the most difficult thing is to restore fishery production. Do you know why?”

Ao Muyang shook his head. Things that happened more than half a century ago were too ancient for him. How could he know the inside story?

Shen Zhifu said with a smile: "This is because historically, Hongyang's fishery production model was based on the relationship between fish stacks and fishermen lending money. The production association has not been able to reform it. Therefore, in order to resume fishery production, we must first clear up the financial debts before liberation. Dispel the worries of the fish shop owner."

"Beginning in June, the association organized representatives of the fish store merchants and their trading fishermen to hold consultation meetings on the debt issues of the fishing funds in the first half of 1950 to find a reasonable solution. After more than two months of repeated negotiations, in 1950 In late August, the problem was finally resolved."

“On September 1st of that year, the association organized the first fishery production meeting in Hongyang since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Representatives of fish store traders and fishermen representatives signed the first fishery production agreement in Hongyang after the liberation of Hongyang on the spot, which is what you are holding in your hand. Zhang agreement."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this our first fishery production agreement after the liberation of Hongyang?"

Shen Zhifu nodded slightly, tapped the photo frame with his closed fan, and said: "Look here, there are two agreements. The first one is about the fishermen returning the old fishing equipment owed to the fish store merchants in the first half of 1950, and the currency value The conversion standard stipulates that one yuan of counterfeit silver dollar certificates shall be converted into RMB 4,070 yuan. If the account is paid in gold, the silver dollar certificate shall be converted to RMB 4,070 yuan per yuan based on the current gold price. "

"Looking at the second item, the debt repayment date is based on the two fish-producing seasons with strong winds in the south and strong winds in the north. If there is a special production volume in the hairtail season and the debt cannot be repaid, the debt should be repaid accordingly."

After that, there are rows of names of government units and signatures of leaders. Finally, there are two big red seals. The handwriting is a bit blurry, but if you look carefully, you can still make out the words on the first red seal are "Hongyang City Fishery Production" Association signed'.

This is an agreement that should be put into the Hongyang Museum. It is very precious to the Hongyang fishery, especially the fishery history after the founding of New China.

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "Professor Shen, this agreement is too precious. Why do you give it to me?"

Shen Zhifu smiled and said, "I'll give you a thank you gift. Thank you for your time and effort in helping me find a batch of rare sea hares for testing last time."

Ao Muyang continued to wave his hand and said: "Don't be like this, Professor Shen, it's just catching a few nudibranchs, what does it count? This agreement is too precious, you should take it back."

Shen Zhifu suddenly opened his fan to block the photo frame he handed back. He said with a straight face: "Director Ao, do you dislike this agreement?"

Ao Muyang smiled bitterly and said: "How is that possible, Professor Shen, this is our Hongyang's first fishery production agreement after the founding of New China. It is a cultural relic, and it is important to the fishery work of the entire Hongyang and even the entire country. It’s all very important. It’s a witness to history. How could I look down on it?”

"Then you accept it." Shen Zhifu said, "I, Old Shen, have never asked for favors in my life, just because I don't want to owe others favors. You helped me a lot last time, and I must return this favor, otherwise I can’t even sleep well.”

Ao Muyang said: "But there is no need to give such a generous gift, right?"

Shen Zhifu said: "This is the only thank you gift I can think of. I learned about our Longtou Village and found that the village is mainly engaged in tourism. I wondered whether the village would build an exhibition hall or museum of fishermen's traditional culture in the future? What if? If you have needs in this regard, this agreement can help.”

This is true. Ao Muyang once thought about setting up an exhibition hall in the village, but he really didn't have much to show.

Now the town wants to hold a fisherman's culture festival on fishermen's traditions and customs. The relevant notice has been conveyed. Lu Zhichao once said in a meeting that the town government wants to build an exhibition hall of fishermen's culture. So this is The agreement is of great use and can become the treasure of the museum.

After thinking for a while, Ao Muyang accepted the agreement and said solemnly: "Professor Shen, thank you very much for this generous gift. If you need any help from me in the future, I will do my best!”

Shen Zhifu opened the fan again and fanned it. He smiled and said: "Director Ao, you are so polite. As long as you like this gift, it's fine. I spent a month searching for it."

Ao Muyang said sincerely: "I like it very much, it is so precious."

Shen Zhifu said: "That's good, Director Ao. In addition, I have another purpose in coming to the village this time, and that is to ask you for a favor."

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