Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1393 1400. Treasure Cake (2)

After listening to Shen Zhifu's words, Ao Muyang laughed. This old man was interesting. In order to encourage him to take risks, he even drew such a big cake for him.

So he smiled and said: "I'm not interested in these treasures. Besides, according to national regulations, the sunken treasures in the sea belong to the state. As a probationary party member, how can I pick up the wool of socialism and dig into the corners of communism?"

Shen Zhifu looked dull and asked, "Director Ao, are you teasing me?"

Ao Muyang said seriously: "What's so funny? I'm serious!"

Shen Zhifu immediately took a breath: "I have been a party member for fifty years, and I have never seen a young man as enlightened as you. It is a blessing to the country and the people to have you."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "In that case, Professor Shen, can you do me a favor? Go find new creatures in the black chimney. Aren't you trying to kill me? Don't talk about unfounded treasures, just make sure there are treasures. Is it my destiny to find a destiny flower?”

He said this casually, mainly to find a way to politely refuse, but Shen Zhifu misunderstood.

Shen Zhifu said: "Do you think I was lying to you just now? What I said is true. Jiangsu and Zhejiang have been rich in all directions since ancient times and have been a golden area for maritime trade. In the early 19th century, that is, in the early and middle periods of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, we are now The southeastern coastal area where we are going is very active with armed gangs. At that time, pirates, navy masters and merchants performed countless stories on this sea. Let me tell you in detail. "

Ao Muyang smiled dryly and said, "Isn't it necessary?"

Shen Zhifu coughed seriously and said: "Why is it not necessary? It is very necessary! Let me tell you about Cai Qian first. Cai Qian was the most famous among the dozens of pirate leaders who roamed the southeastern coast at that time. In 1800, during the fifth year of Jiaqing Two years later, on May 31, 1802, Cai Qian led hundreds of fishermen and boat owners who had lost their livelihoods to raid Kinmen Island. On Dadan Island and Erdan Island, they killed the local defenders, burned and looted the islands, and gathered a lot of treasures! "

"Some people are pirates, and some are officers and soldiers. Cai Qian's mortal enemy was Li Changgeng, the commander-in-chief of Dinghai at that time, a senior general of the Daqing Navy. The two men, one a bandit and the other an officer, had been competing in the southeastern waters for more than ten years, and they could be said to have fought to the death. ”

"In the seventh year of Jiaqing, the imperial court sent Li Changgeng to supervise the construction of large ships in the Zhoushan area. He built 30 warships and more than 40 cannons to deal with Cai Qian's fleet. After several years of wars, Cai Qian suffered repeated defeats, and finally There are only more than 30 small warships left, carrying treasures looted over the years and disappearing on the sea.”

"After reappearing at sea, it was August 1809. Cai Qian went into battle lightly and fought continuously with the Qing navy. He was besieged by the Qing army. In the end, he was outnumbered. He fired a cannon and broke the boat. He sank with his wife, children and more than 250 people from his tribe. He died in the sea. After his death, the Qing army tried their best but failed to find the treasures he looted. So where did the treasures go? "

Shen Zhifu explained eloquently, and then looked at Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang spread his hands and said: "I don't know, Professor Shen, you don't think I know the information about this treasure, do you?"

Shen Zhifu laughed dumbly and said: "Of course you don't know, and I don't know either, but Lao Lu and his group probably know that they have worked hard on this. As long as you often move around with them, they lack powerful divers, and you will definitely I need your help, so you can get inside information?"

Ao Muyang understood that this old man was still determined to convince himself to work for him.

He had no choice but to refuse, so he sighed: "Okay, Professor Shen, I listen to you, but I have something to say first. I can help you, but I won't risk getting close to the underwater hot springs. It's too dangerous!"

Shen Zhifu smacked his lips and said, "In this case, I will arrange for my students to get close to the hot springs first, and then you can make sure there is no danger before you go, okay?"

Seeing his unwillingness to give up, Ao Muyang felt angry and said, "Professor Shen, you are risking your students' lives like this!"

Shen Zhifu said helplessly: "No, there is no risk. Director Ao, you will know by then that the undersea hot springs are not that dangerous, and I will first let the students send undersea robots to collect information in the hot springs. If there is danger, then The undersea robot will feed back."

Seeing that Ao Muyang still looked unhappy, he sighed and said: "Fear comes from the unknown. Let's put it this way, Director Ao. Anyway, we are still far away from the target sea area. You follow me into the cabin first, and I will explain the details of the submarine heat." The spring is our black chimney.”

Undersea hot springs and black smokestacks are both common names. The academic name of this kind of marine landform is deep-sea hydrothermal vents. They are often hidden deep in the seabed. The principle is similar to natural hot springs on land: when the seawater flows downward through cracks on the seafloor, Seepage, heated by the magma heat source, then concentrated upward flow and eruption, forming a "chimney"-like deep-sea hydrothermal vent.

Ao Muyang roughly understood this, so he asked: "What is the temperature of the deep-sea hydrothermal fluid that is ejected?"

Shen Zhifu said frankly: "The temperature is very high, between 200 and 340 degrees."

Just when Ao Muyang was about to clap, Shen Zhifu immediately said: "But this is the temperature at the center of the jet. In fact, because seawater has strong thermal conductivity, the temperature in the area around the jet will drop sharply and will never exceed fifty degrees. I will use the undersea robot to produce a specific seafloor temperature distribution map and will not let you venture into high-temperature areas.”

Including the driver, there were four people and a dog in total. The speedboat refueled once during the journey, and then arrived at the target sea area in the evening.

Ao Muyang had never been to this place, but he knew it. He knew this place when Shen Zhifu mentioned the horseshoe island reef.

As the name says, there are many small islands and reefs here. They are similar in shape, like horseshoes. They are usually submerged under the water and only slightly emerge from the sea surface during low tide.

On the periphery of the horseshoe island reef, a large ship was anchored. It was the marine research ship led by Shen Zhifu. In addition, there were small boats anchored near the horseshoe island reef in the distance. Shen Zhifu introduced it to him and said that Lao Lu and others were on those ships.

After listening to the introduction, Ao Muyang asked, "Can't they also spend the night on the boat?"

Shen Zhifu was stunned, then said, "No."

Ao Muyang asked, "Then where do they go at night? Do they have a big ship?"

Shen Zhifu coughed and said, "Ahem, they also live on our research ship. I said, we are partners. The cost of building a research ship is very high. Our laboratory cannot afford it, so we cooperate with them and share the cost together."

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