Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1401 1408. Joining the gang (1)

In the afternoon, after he returned from another dive, he saw Lao Lu and his group also returned.

When he took off his deep diving suit, Lao Lu came up to him and handed him a cup of hot tea and said with a smile: "Director Ao is amazing. Professor Shen just told us about your brothers' achievements. You are simply underwater dragons."

If you are too kind to others, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Ao Muyang said politely: "It's nothing. We brothers do this job."

Lao Lu praised him a few more times, and then he got to the point: "Director Ao, you are a great diver. We brothers can't even compare to you. Now I have an unwelcome request. I hope you can help us."

Ao Muyang understood what he meant and asked: "Help you to drag those sunken ships from the hot springs to a safe place?"

Lao Lu nodded, smiling: "Yes, Those sunken ships are really important to us. As you know, we are looking for a treasure. If you are willing, you can join us and we will make a fortune together! "

Ao Muyang politely refused: "I think these treasures are unreliable."

Old Lu looked at him firmly and said: "Director Ao, please believe us. Cai Qian's pirate treasure is true. We have investigated a lot of information and finally narrowed the scope to this sea area. The treasure must be buried here!"

Ao Muyang said: "Well, even if we can find the treasure, according to national regulations, those things do not belong to us. Even if we can salvage them, we still have to hand them over to the country in the end."

Old Lu laughed and said confidently: "No, no, no, as long as we can salvage the treasure, the treasure belongs to us, and we will not deal with them in China. Maybe you don't know that in fact, the five of us brothers are not Chinese nationals. We are foreign nationals. We have ways to send the treasure abroad for processing."

After hearing this, Ao Muyang thought of the series of English wanted posters in the cabin.

He knew that he was under control. Although Lao Lu was nominally inviting him to join the gang, he was actually forcing him to work for them. Now he was toasting, and if he didn't accept it, he would have to drink a penalty drink.

Looking at the confident smile on Lao Lu's face, Ao Muyang asked again: "Does Professor Shen know about this?"

Lao Lu's smile became even stronger, and he said meaningfully: "Professor Shen has done enough scientific research, and he wants to taste the life of a rich man in his lifetime."

Ao Muyang's eyes narrowed, and he looked at him and asked: "What do you mean?"

Lao Lu patted his shoulder intimately and said: "Shh, don't say it, don't ask me, you understand, that's what you understand."

Ao Muyang said: "I can't understand."

Lao Lu laughed immediately, and he said: "I may be a little arrogant to say this, but Director Ao, you are facing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity now. As long as we get the treasure, the rest of our lives will not only be free from worries about food and drink, but also endless enjoyment!"

Ao Muyang fell silent, he glanced at King Kong, Lao Chai and others, who were gathered together smoking. Although they were chatting, Ao Muyang could sense that their attention was on him, and occasionally they looked over, and they were very aggressive.

So he asked, "How do we divide the treasure now that we have it?"

Old Lu said, "We won't treat you unfairly. You and Professor Shen will each take one-tenth. How about that?"

He went on to say, "Most of Cai Qian's treasures are gold and silver antiques, and the antiques are very valuable. According to our investigation and statistics, the total value is tens of billions, so even one-tenth is still a billion dollars, and it's in US dollars!"

Listening to his inspiring words, Ao Muyang finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it then."

Old Lu immediately stretched out his hand to him and smiled, "Welcome aboard, but I'll have to send you off the ship soon. Hurry up and drag out the fragments of the sunken ship. We have to move quickly."

Ao Muyang wondered, "Why? Are you in a hurry to spend money?"

Old Lu shook his head and said, "Of course not. Because of the black chimneys, this sea area has been designated as a scientific research area by the country, and marine scientific research teams will come from time to time. According to the information we have collected, it is speculated that Cai Qian's treasure may be in..."

Here he coughed, touched his nose and said nothing more.

Ao Muyang was a little unhappy and said, "We have said that we are all in the same group, why are you still hiding it?"

Old Lu smiled and said, "It's not that I don't trust you, but everything is speculation now, which may not be accurate. We still need you to give professional advice after diving. If I tell you our speculation, it will inevitably affect your judgment."

These words are very beautiful, but in the final analysis, people still don't trust him.

Ao Muyang didn't force the question. Old Lu urged him to go into the water, and he took Heilong to change into a deep diving suit and went into the sea.

Lao Chai is also a diving expert among the group. When he was changing his deep diving equipment, Old Lu came to Ao Muyang and said, "Director Ao, you are a diving expert. Please take care of Lao Chai underwater. He has never conducted deep diving activities below 250 meters before."

The current world record for human diving is more than 320 meters, but that is a world record held by the top divers, and the athletes are doing static diving, that is, he dives underwater without making any movements.

Ao Muyang and his team had to work underwater, so normal people could not achieve such a record. Lao Chai could dive 250 meters, which was considered a master in China.

After listening to Lao Lu's instructions, Ao Muyang stretched out his hand to make an OK gesture, and then began to try to enter the water.

Returning to the water this time, he had to lower a rope to the sunken ship.

According to the 3D water temperature table drawn by the robot, the shipwreck is located exactly between three hydrothermal springs, and the temperature in that area is between 55 and 70 degrees.

The water temperature of 50 degrees is okay, and it can be tolerated at 60 degrees, but the human body cannot bear any higher temperature. Ao Muyang knows that even if the human body is soaked in water at 50 degrees for too long, it will cause low-temperature burns.

Compared with the 3D thermometer, they wandered on the seabed.

Ao Muyang went to look at Lao Chai and asked, "How do you feel?"

Lao Chai said solemnly: "Fortunately, my heartbeat is relatively fast, and my blood pressure feels a bit wrong, but I should be able to hold on for ten to twenty minutes."

Ao Muyang said: "Don't hold on. If something doesn't feel right, let's surface quickly. You have to know that at such a depth, it takes at least an hour to buffer from being underwater to surfacing."

Lao Chai said: "I've got the count, let's work first."

The job they have to do is simple and simple. It is simply to throw the iron claws they brought down onto the sunken ship and let it hook onto the wooden planks of the sunken ship. But this is difficult to say, after all, it is under the deep sea at this time!

Lao Chai was holding an iron hook in his hand. Just like Armstrong walking on the moon, he walked very slowly on the bottom of the sea.

Ao Muyang was much more flexible than him. He swam in the water like a big bloated fish.

Lao Chai envied and admired his diving skills. Unlike Lao Lu and others, he was a professional diver and knew very well how strong Ao Muyang's professional skills were.

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