Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1413 1420. Giant Ship Breeding (1)

Seeing Ao Muyang was interested, he drove a motorboat close to the ship: "This ship is really big. You can't see it from a distance. I'll take you to the front. It's quite shocking!"

The giant ship is now old. This kind of ship needs a lot of maintenance. The maintenance cost during its service life is higher than the cost of buying a new ship. The Coast Guard Brigade obviously has no money to maintain it. Since it was towed back, it has been anchored and thrown into the sea.

After several years of wind and rain, the abandoned giant ship finally ushered in its end.

But after all, it is a steel behemoth. A skinny moose is bigger than a camel. Its sturdiness is no problem. The escalator is like a staircase, all welded steel plates. Ao Muyang climbed up holding the handrail, and his feet stepped on it with a thumping sound.

After he climbed up the giant ship and looked around, he was shocked by what he saw: "Fuck! Why is this ship like this?"

This is a cargo ship. It used to be full of containers. Its shipboard should be flat as a whole. But now the planks are gone, no wonder Su Jinnan said it was a piece of iron. Now it only has the hull and keel left, and the upper layer of planks has been peeled off, revealing multiple separated cabins.

Subconsciously, Ao Muyang felt that this was not a ship, but a continuous breeding pond.

Breeding pond? This idea made him feel moved.

Su Jinnan, who followed behind and climbed onto the boat, laughed and said, "Surprised? Haha, I told you, this ship is just a metal shell, it's an empty ship, everything else has been unloaded."

Ao Muyang asked, "What were the planks unloaded for?"

Su Jinnan said, "The planks were not unloaded, but cut off. Two years ago, the city built a bridge. Originally, they wanted to build a steel bridge deck, but they thought the cost was too huge. Later, the designer thought of scrapping the planks of large ships, and then cut them and used them in bridge construction. In the end, only this thing was left, a complete waste."

Ao Muyang pondered and said, "In fact, this is not a waste. If used well, it is a treasure."

"Isn't that nonsense? Even a pair of underwear or a piece of toilet paper has its use." Su Jinnan took over his words and responded subconsciously.

After he finished speaking, he came to his senses and asked, "What's the use of it?"

Ao Muyang squatted down and rubbed his chin and said, "Look at these cabins. If they are filled with seawater, they can be used to raise fish. According to my idea, do you think this cabin looks like a chain breeding pond?"

Su Jinnan smacked his lips and said, "Don't say it, it does look like it, but who would use a boat to raise fish? This boat is made of steel, which contains a lot of rare elements. After years of decay, they will enter the water, which is harmful to marine life."

"Also, marine aquaculture requires constant replacement of water sources. If you use this cabin to raise fish, the sealed box is a good one, don't even think about changing the water."

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "You have considered it quite comprehensively."

Su Jinnan smiled and said, "After all, I am a talent who returned from studying abroad."

"Studying abroad is all in vain." Ao Muyang shook his head again, "The problem you are talking about is actually a problem. As long as the seawater circulates, there is no problem. "

Su Jinnan was stunned, and then said angrily: "Yes, what will you do if the seawater circulates? Make a water circulation system? How much does it cost?"

Ao Muyang said: "You are right. It doesn't cost much to equip the cabin with a water circulation system. Just open the iron plates at the bow and stern. Although there are intervals between the cabins, they are not airtight. Then the water can circulate..."

He first said his idea, and finally asked: "Lao Su, I am very interested in this iron shell. Is there any way to get it?"

Su Jinnan said: "This is simple. Come over when the non-transferable assets are auctioned next time. I will tell the leader to add the boat to the auction list. "

Hearing him speak easily, Ao Muyang was relieved and asked: "When is the next auction?"

Su Jinnan said: "At the beginning of each month, it's almost there, and there is still a week."

The two decided on this matter, and Ao Muyang patted the boat board and returned to the motorboat.

There are indeed many ships seized by the Coast Guard, most of which were not auctioned off and were anchored on the sea. Su Jinnan enthusiastically accompanied Ao Muyang to shuttle among them and asked him if there were any other ships he was interested in.

Ao Muyang was interested in the big ship. He wanted to tow it back to the village and anchor it on the seashore to carry out a tourism aquaculture project.

Ordinary seawater aquaculture is boring. If this big ship is used as a gimmick, different seafood can be raised in different cabins, and some seaweed and seaweed can be added at that time, it can probably be set up as a tourism project.

After returning to the village from the Coast Guard, Ao Muyang waited for the end of the month to come to participate in the auction.

On the 27th, the old man who was herding pigs in the village came over in a hurry and said to Ao Muyang: "Village chief, something big has happened!"

Ao Muyang, who was reading a book on the table, stood up suddenly and asked: "What big thing has happened?"

The old man's name is Ao Zhigao. He sighed and said: "Oh, I made a mistake, village chief. You asked me to herd pigs, but there was a problem with the pigs. One pig died, and several pigs were not quite right. Oh, oh!"

After hearing this, Ao Muyang was relieved: "Look at you, Mr. Gao. What a big deal! You scared me. I thought it was swine fever."

Ao Zhigao waved his hand and said: "It's not swine fever. I know this. I raised pigs before. This pig seems to be poisoned. This is a big deal. Could someone have poisoned it?"

Ao Muyang asked curiously: "Poisoned? Someone poisoned? That shouldn't be the case. Come on, take me to see it."

Ao Zhigao and Ao Zhibing are cousins. The two brothers are also well-known in the surrounding villages. Ao Zhibing started raising fish when he was young, while Ao Zhigao raised livestock. He raised cattle, sheep, rabbits, foxes, minks, and of course pigs.

After Ao Muyang brought the fragrant pig back, he took care of it for only two days before retreating. It happened that Ao Zhigao had nothing to do after the New Year, so Ao Muyang invited him to herd pigs.

The old man has been serving livestock for a lifetime. He likes these furry things. He doesn't mind the dirt or the smell. The fragrant pig is especially cute. Ao Zhigao is quite fond of them, so he took this job.

Walking on the road, Ao Zhigao kept muttering: "Oh, how could this happen? I have raised them for these days, nothing happened, just this afternoon, suddenly, oh, suddenly one of them died..."

Ao Muyang comforted him: "Grandpa Gao, don't care about this kind of thing. These piglets have poor resistance and are easy to die. This is none of your business. Don't have psychological pressure."

Ao Zhigao was still sad: "It's not a question of who is responsible. These piglets are honest, obedient, and look good. They are like pets. They died suddenly. I don't know how they died. I feel sad."

Ao Muyang asked hesitantly: "Now you feel sad because only one died. When they grow up and wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival, if they are slaughtered in batches, will you be even more unbearable?"

Ao Zhigao said: "It doesn't matter. They can die, but they can't die inexplicably. What a pity."

As a result, more regrettable things are coming later.

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