Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1423 1430. Very fat (2)

Only then did Lao Ao realize that not only could the dolphin not open its mouth, it was actually in a weird state of excitement.

Li Ji also discovered it and said, "This unlucky dolphin is poisoned. What did it bring you to find? Is it a jellyfish?"

Ao Muyang wiped a handful of sea water and said, "No, what it brought me was a few fish, which looked like soles to me."

After hearing his words, Li Ji showed a thoughtful expression on his face and asked: "Sole fish? Please describe to me what they look like."

Ao Muyang told what the sole looked like, and Li Ji smacked his lips and said: "Hey, can this be a leopard sole? I heard you say it is a leopard sole, and if it is a leopard sole, it makes sense. The dorsal fin of a leopard sole There are venom sacs at the base of the soft rays such as the fins and pelvic fins, which will release venom when stimulated. This is their ultimate move to compete for territory and defend against natural enemies. They can poison fish within one to two meters around them within 20 minutes.”

Ao Muyang asked: "Leopard sole? What kind of fish is this?"

He has seen a lot of fish and usually learns about marine life, but he has never seen a leopard sole.

Li Ji said: "A kind of sole fish, the most powerful sole fish, has a total of 240 venom glands in their body. These venom glands are distributed at the base of the dorsal fin and anal fin. Each gland has a small opening, and the milky venom is secreted from here. of……"

At this point, he patted his head and said: "I made the mistake of didacticism again. In short, leopard soles are relatively rare, and they are even rarer in our country's waters. The most common ones are in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. In our country, they are in the southern part of Baodao. There is some fishing in the northern seas, but there is not much production in the seas on the mainland. "

Li Ji didn't know much about the leopard sole, but he knew how to determine the identity of the leopard sole: find a wooden stick to poke the fish. If it is a leopard sole, it will quickly secrete deadly venom if it is threatened. , this venom is milky white and spreads out in all directions after being sprayed out. It can form a protective circle of more than 10 centimeters thick around the leopard sole in a short time around its body.

There was a harpoon on the boat, so Ao Muyang took it down.

Li Ji warned: "Be careful. The venom released by the leopard sole is quite powerful. I remember that according to research, even if the venom is diluted 5,000 times, it is enough to kill molluscs, sea urchins, starfish and small fish within a few minutes."

"So fierce?" Ao Muyang was surprised.

Li Ji comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, it's not particularly scary. It's a blood-neurotoxin. Human skin has defense capabilities. It's okay if it's slightly contaminated. Just don't soak in it."

Ao Muyang nodded and dived into the water, and the dolphins began to circle and jump around him again.

Only when he saw the active dolphin did he remember his original purpose. Having already dived into the water, he emerged from the sea and asked: "Teacher Li, if it is confirmed that the fish is a leopard sole, it will prove that the dolphin has been attacked by a leopard sole." Sole is poisonous, right?”

Li Ji said: "Yes, nine times out of ten, the dolphin wanted to prey on the leopard sole, but as soon as it bit it, the leopard sole sprayed poison. Its toxin is paralyzing, which can explain the problem of it keeping its mouth open. , its mouth is numb."

Ao Muyang dived into the water and stabbed the largest sole with a harpoon. This fish had average athletic ability. As the harpoon approached, it did not run away, but burrowed into the sand. It seemed that it wanted to imitate the ostrich and ignore it. for safety.

The sharp harpoon touched its skin, and immediately, some light milky white water flowed out from around its fins. These liquids quickly merged to form a protective circle, wrapping the whole body of the fish.

At this point, its identity is clear: this is the leopard sole.

Ao Muyang returned to the water and revealed the identity of the leopard sole. Li Ji said solemnly: "How can there be a leopard sole in the Hongyang? This is not their origin, and I don't know where there is a leopard sole breeding base around."

"Maybe it was released by tourists?" Ao Muyang said tentatively.

Tourists released wild animals into the sea and lakes indiscriminately. Some time ago, some people released water snakes into the lake. The village noticed and arrested the people and sent them to the police station. They were charged with endangering public safety to combat the phenomenon of indiscriminate releases. .

After listening to Ao Muyang's words, Li Ji nodded solemnly and said: "It's very possible that they are poisonous. We can't let them stay at the bottom of the sea. Fish them out."

No need for him to say, Ao Muyang had to do the same.

Why did he expand the coral belt here? Isn’t it just to create a diving resort and attract tourists to dive!

Leopard soles will release poison when stimulated, which is very dangerous. Ao Muyang used a harpoon to pick them up. There were four leopard soles in total. They were not many in number, but they were dangerous enough.

After he brought the leopard sole up, Li Ji picked the fish head with a stick and said, "Well, not bad, it looks very fat."

"What's the meaning?"

"Now that we've caught them, let's grill them for dinner tonight. There are four fish, one steamed, one oiled, one braised, and one grilled, perfect!" Li Ji said cheerfully.

Without waiting for Ao Muyang's reaction, he said happily: "I have long heard that leopard sole is delicious, but I have never had the opportunity to taste it. I will try it today. Well, it must be delicious. Sole tastes very good and they are all precious seafood. !”

Lao Ao gave a thumbs up, this is a real foodie.

However, he had never eaten leopard sole before, so he was really looking forward to the taste of this fish.

But there is a question: "This fish is poisonous, should we be careful?"

Li Ji said boldly: "What is this? Young people should not stand still, be enterprising, and be good at using existing tools to break through their own abilities..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go online and check how to eat this fish. There must be an introduction online."

Actually, there is no need to go online. Ao Muyang went to the resort and asked Tu Yichan to handle the four leopard soles.

Tu Yichan is worthy of being the former No. 1 seafood chef in Hongyang. He has cooked leopard soles and is very good at handling them. He directly peeled off a layer of skin, leaving the snow-white fish meat.

He handed the fish skin to Ao Muyang for processing and said, "There is venom in the venom glands of this fish skin. Be careful not to let people eat it by mistake, otherwise it will be a problem. But don't throw it away. Dry it and grind it into powder. This is a very useful Chinese medicine."

Ao Muyang has an unclear attitude towards Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. According to Li Ji, this fish was unique in the Central Plains in ancient times. When did traditional Chinese medicine discover that it was effective?

He brought the fish skin home and then carefully hung it on the roof, so that the naughty Wolf Two couldn't reach it. With so many naughty kids at home, he was most worried about Wolf Two.

But he was wrong to worry. Wolf Two had no interest in fish, let alone fish skin. The one who was interested in them was the Head of State!

And the Head of State was very capable. He could climb trees and walls, fly into the sky and hide in the ground, pee standing up, poop backwards, and do everything.

When it saw the fish skin floating in the wind, it became interested and climbed from the top of the wall to the roof, staring at the fish skin with the sharp eyes of a cat.

In the evening, when Li Jilai was preparing to eat, he saw the Head of State jumping around in the yard with his mouth open and his chin drooping...

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