Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1430 1437. The coral turned white (3)

Although artistic creation is a noble thing, Lao Ao is not a noble person.

After receiving the fish rubbing painting from Yan Wenzi, he decided to go back and frame it, and then he went back - as for helping Yan Wenzi, Ao Mupeng woke up, and it was time for him to show his skills, so he should go back and catch up on his sleep.

Seeing him taking the fish taku out, Yan Wenzi took two quick steps to catch up with him: "Mr. Ao, wait a minute, wait a minute."

Ao Muyang smiled and asked: "Is there anything else?"

Yan Wenzi looked around. It was early in the morning, and not many people in the village had woken up. Even fewer people came to the door of the village committee. Seeing this, he showed a relieved expression and said: "I want to ask you something, Mr. Ao. This matter is more private. If you think your privacy is violated, you don't have to answer."

"You say."

Yan Wenzi asked mysteriously: "Mr. Ao, are you married?"

Ao Muyang shook his head and said: "No."

Yan Wenzi's face suddenly brightened, and said: "Then you need a wife, look at my daughter..."

Ao Muyang's heart skipped a beat. Is this the father matchmaking for his daughter?

He quickly said, "Sorry, I'm not married, but I already have a partner, and we plan to get married next year."

Yan Wenzi waved his hand indifferently, saying, "It's okay if you're not married, my daughter can compete fairly with that girl."

Ao Muyang couldn't bear to take out Lu Zhizi's photo to hit him, so he said tactfully, "Sorry, Teacher Yan, I have a good relationship with my partner."

Yan Wenzi smiled and said, "It's okay, you can get along with my daughter, maybe you will find that your relationship can be better."

Ao Muyang shook his head firmly and said, "That won't work, Teacher Yan, my love for my girlfriend is stronger than gold. Besides, we have only known each other for one night, so you are confident to entrust your daughter to me? "

Yan Wenzi looked at him and said, "I am very confident in my vision. You think he is a good man suitable for a woman to entrust."

This made Lao Ao happy. He smiled happily and said, "That's true. You are not wrong, but a woman has already entrusted her to me."

Yan Wenzi smiled slightly and said, "Then are you interested in entrusting another one?"

Seeing that his face was different, the artist added, "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines!"

Ao Muyang secretly thought that those who engage in art are open-minded, and he was annoyed why he became a fisherman instead of doing art. Unfortunately, he has been a fisherman for a long time, and his mind has become rigid, and he can't accept this kind of thing.

He smiled and waved his hand, backing away, while helping the other party to divert fire: "The young man in the room, Ao Mupeng, is a very good person, and is also particularly suitable for the girl to entrust her life to."

Yan Wenzi pouted and said: "The young man who can only say 'wow' and 'awesome' after seeing my work? I don't think he can do it."

Ao Muyang said: "Then Teacher Yan, you are wrong this time, he must be able to do it! Absolutely! My brother is a slow-heating type, you have to be more patient and let him show himself more!"

After saying this, he retreated quickly.

Yan Wenzi was helpless. He sighed and looked back at Ao Mupeng from the window, muttering to himself: "Alas, why are golden turtles so cunning now? Why is it so difficult to catch a golden turtle son-in-law?"

He walked back and forth at the door for a few steps, and Yan Xiaotu shouted inside: "Dad, hurry up and make a second picture, the fish body will soon dry up."

"I'm coming." Yan Wenzi replied, and then made up his mind, "No, this opportunity has come and can't be missed. Ao Muyang is rich, has status and is educated. I have to go find him later!"

When he finished his work and went to the door again, he found that Ao Muyang was gone.

He asked around, and someone told him that Ao Muyang had gone to the fishing grounds in the outer sea for something.

Yan Wenzi asked, "Does he have a fishery?"

Jiang Xiaoyu replied, "Of course, our village chief's fishery is very large, covering hundreds of square kilometers. In ancient times, this would be the King of the Sea!"

Hearing this, the artist was even more excited. He stamped his feet and said, "Then I'll wait for you and see how long you can hide from me."

He thought Ao Muyang went to the fishery to avoid him, but that was not the case.

Ao Muyang was also miserable. He went back to bed and had just had a dream, and then he was woken up by the phone.

The caller was old man Ao Zhibing, who asked, "Boss, are you awake now? Didn't I wake you up?"

Normally, Old Ao was really awake at this time, and the old man was considerate of him, but he didn't sleep last night and was catching up on sleep today.

He looked at the clock dazedly and asked, "I'm awake, what's up, Grandpa Bing? If it's not urgent, we'll talk later."

Ao Zhibing smiled bitterly and said, "It's really urgent. Yesterday evening, I was diving to check the fishery and saw small white spots on your most precious coral area. I told Chen Anquan about it. He said it was very serious and asked me to tell you..."

Before he finished, Ao Muyang, who wanted to turn over and continue sleeping, woke up: "What? There's something wrong with the coral?"

Ao Zhibing said, "Yes, there are small white spots. I haven't picked up this thing, so I don't understand. Chen Anquan said it's a serious problem."

This is indeed a big problem. Ao Muyang turned over and got up.

Since he started raising corals, he has been studying this aspect. The appearance of white spots on corals is a precursor to coral bleaching. The most obvious example is that due to global warming, white spots have appeared on hundreds of kilometers of corals in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. He saw experts at the time that if the bleaching phenomenon continues to worsen, the corals in the Great Barrier Reef will face the risk of death.

Healthy corals have colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. These colors are formed by the colors of symbiotic algae and the pigments of the coral polyps themselves. When the environment is damaged, such as rising water temperature, turbid water or insufficient light, the symbiotic algae will die or leave.

Once the symbiotic algae are lost, the coral will lose its bright colors, leaving only gray-white coral polyps, which is the phenomenon of coral bleaching.

Ao Muyang quickly called Heilong to go to the fishing ground. It is not clear what the specific reason for the appearance of white spots on corals is, so he did not ask experts such as Li Ji or Su Penghui, and could only go and see it himself.

Heilong drove the boat, and he took the time to search for relevant knowledge about the problem of coral bleaching.

As he remembered, bleaching is a precursor to the death of corals. There are many reasons for bleaching, but they are all related to coral symbiotic algae.

Ao Muyang read it for a while and then closed the information book. He didn't know any experts in coral cultivation, so he didn't know what to do when he encountered such a thing. He decided to spread gold drops when he went there to improve the vitality of coral symbiotic algae.

When he arrived on the island, the first person to greet him was Chen Anquan.

Chen Anquan wore a bamboo hat and big shorts, revealing his dry chest. The dark skin on his body was peeling, obviously because of excessive exposure to the sun.

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