Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1439 1446. Challenge (3)

The topic at the dinner table was boat boxing. Lu Zhichao quickly brought the focus of the conversation to Zhou Liyun. He said: "Our Comrade Xiao Ao is also very skilled. He has assisted the Navy and Coast Guard in completing many maritime law enforcement tasks. Master Zhou , you tell him about boat boxing, we are laymen watching the fun, you experts can see the rules. "

Zhou Liyun hugged Ao Muyang and said with a low-key smile: "Those who practice martial arts are chivalrous. As Mr. Zha Liangyong said, only those who serve the country and the people are worthy of their skills. Mr. Ao is not young at all." Although he is a big man, he has done so many good things for the people, and Mr. Zhou admires him."

Originally, he heard from people in the village that Ao Muyang thought Zhou Liyun was the kind of fake master who pretended to be much better than his fists and kicks. Now that they had met each other, he felt that this master was quite a good person.

Ao Muyang also clasped his fists at him and said: "I am not a martial arts practitioner. I just rely on diligence to cooperate with the navy and coast guard."

"If Xiao Ao can get Master Zhou's true biography, and add the skill of boat boxing, it will be even more powerful, right?" Another town leader laughed.

Zhou Liyun smiled and said: "Secretary Su is ridiculous. In fact, the true meaning of our boat boxing has been lost. What I have learned is only the superficial knowledge based on my own research. Therefore, in terms of learning fighting styles, compared to Tai Chi and other famous schools, I may look amateurish. Quite a bit. In addition, the pace and boxing style of boat boxing are completely applied to combat at sea. Unlike land, the sea is bumpy and rough, so it is very important to master the balance. In this case, you may be able to perform actual boat boxing. It would be funny."

He started explaining around the topic of the lost boat fist.

It turns out that Boat Boxing was introduced to the Zhoushan area during the Ming Dynasty. Because of its practicality at sea, it quickly became favored by local fishermen. At its peak, almost every fisherman could practice it.

"The boxing I am learning now is quite different from the boat boxing in history. The real boat boxing is affected by the turbulence of the sea and the restrictions of the ship's venue. The movements should be based on the axis of the body, turning on the spot, focusing on the legs, Hip and waist movements…”

As he spoke, Zhou Liyun stood up and started practicing, "This footwork is very important. It is a very heavy horse step. You must practice the horse step from an early age, so that you can stabilize your center of gravity in the wind and waves, so as to be stable when performing boxing."

He waved his fists, causing the wide sleeves of his clothes to grow like wild winds.

Seeing this, people all over the table began to applaud and cheer: "Well done." "The wind of the punch was like a storm. It hurt my face." "Master Zhou is really a master. It's great to be able to invite you to our town this time." It’s a blessing in my life!”

Zhou Liyun smiled and said: "Everyone, leaders, I am very complimentary. My boxing performance is more than valuable, but my actual combat ability is not enough. I am definitely not worthy of your praise."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang was particularly fond of Zhou Liyun. This master was not the kind of liar who relied on his martial arts to deceive the world and steal his reputation. He understood his situation very well and was honest and honest. He did not take the initiative to shape himself into the so-called Chuanwu master.

As the meal progressed, he became even more aware of this.

Zhou Liyun's Chuanquan training was mainly for performance, but the town leaders wanted to create some gimmicks, so they took the initiative to make him an unparalleled martial arts master.

The activities to revive the tradition of the fishermen are still going on. On the third day after dinner, the town started activities around the pier.

This activity is very valuable. Now the country attaches great importance to cultural construction and export. Local governments have received policies and are focusing on guiding the revival and diffusion of local traditional culture.

The traditional culture of fishermen is reflected in all aspects of local people's lives. It is not easy to make an effective overall plan. Therefore, when Qiantan Town took the lead in organizing such activities, the county and city were very supportive.

The event started again, and several media came to the city. Hongyang TV station also sent a column to follow up. They produced a program to introduce the event.

Ao Muyang was invited to attend the event and watched programs such as collective fishing songs, old sailors shouting slogans, and singing news at sea. Among them, Ao Fugui appeared in several programs and was considered a star in the town.

Finally, in the afternoon, a large wooden boat arrived at the beach, and Zhou Liyun, dressed in bunt, appeared on the bow accompanied by his disciples.

The fishermen are martial people, and many of them came to fight on the boat. When their master and apprentice appeared, loud shouts rang out from the shore and the dock.

The host of the event appeared with a microphone in hand. He explained in an emotional voice. He first introduced the origin of Chuanquan and then talked about the characteristics of Chuanquan: "Shuanquan is different from many boxing techniques that have been passed down through the ages. It incorporates all kinds of martial arts. The sect has its own lineage, forming a unique style that is similar to Nanquan but not Nanquan..."

As the host explained, the disciples on the boat began to box under the guidance of Zhou Liyun.

These boxing moves have names. For example, the first move is called Kowtow to Guanyin. The legs are strung into a horse stance, the body is swaying with the waves of the ship, the hands are clasped together, and the punch is thrown.

The second move is to open the door and see the sea, turn your palms inside and out, like undulating waves...

In addition, there are also moves such as riding the wind and breaking the waves, calming the sea, swinging the tail of two dragons, etc. These are introduced by the host, saying: "After thousands of years of practical training, Chuanquan has initially formed a form that has both physical strength and internal and external training. , hand-to-hand combat, imitating water fighting, strong and strong, unity of spirit and form, steady steps, and flexible dodging! "

Ao Muyang was almost blown away by this rhetoric. He thought it was funny, but the common people didn't feel that way. The common people liked this very much. They were amazed when they heard it, their eyes were shining, and they looked at the sea with really passionate eyes. .

Just after the host's explanation, a figure jumped onto the stage of the pier. He held another microphone in his hand and said to the host: "All talk and no practice, comrade host, since this ship Boxing is so amazing, so let’s show it to everyone and show it in actual combat, right?”

The audience thought this was an event arranged by the town, and upon hearing that they could watch actual combat, both tourists and local people became excited, opened their mouths and shouted:

"Okay, let's see the actual combat, let's see the actual combat!"

"It's so cool now, let's discuss swords in Mount Huashan!"

"What about a boat boxing fight? That young man looks a bit familiar. He seems to be a master of boxing too?"

The audience in the audience was enthusiastic, but the host on the stage was chilled because he knew that this was an emergency and there was no such practical link in the scheduled event.

For a moment, he couldn't react, so he asked hesitantly: "Who are you, who arranged for you to come here?"

The young man cupped his fists at him and said with a smile: "My name is Guo Xiaoxi. I am a martial arts enthusiast, a free fighting enthusiast, and a boxing enthusiast. No one arranged for me to come. I just read the introduction about our boat boxing master on the Internet, and then I thought Come to him face to face for advice.”

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