Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1448 1455. Pray for Rain (3)

The believers praying to the Second Saint outside the village are not pious, and the ones in the courtyard are also quite annoying. Previously, everyone was quite active in fighting for position. After kneeling down, they stopped doing business. Most of them were praying for themselves and their families.

Ao Muyang trudged through the crowd with difficulty. After entering the open space in the courtyard, he said dissatisfiedly: "People nowadays love to take advantage too much."

Yang Shuyong asked casually: "What's wrong?"

Ao Muyang said: "Didn't you hear what these people are praying for? What a mess. We have invited the Dragon Prince out for a serious business. We asked him to preside over the rain. It's better for you guys to take this opportunity to go through the back door. Just make your own plans in front of the Dragon Prince."

Yang Shuyong chuckled and said, "Is this okay? It's just an activity."

Hearing what he said, Ao Muyang looked at him suspiciously: "What you said seems wrong to me. Have you also prayed to God for yourself?"

"Absolutely not, Lao Ao, you are so unjust."

"That means you have begged for your wife and children, right? You have to tell the truth to protect the Dragon Prince."

Yang Shuyong said angrily: "It's just a matter of picking up grass and hunting rabbits."

At this time, the wooden door of the main hall of the temple was pushed open, and several shirtless men wearing red belts appeared carrying the statue of the Dragon King.

The statue was placed in the middle of the yard. Ao Wenchang sighed, held up a red post, walked up to the door and read: "Haitian Buddha Kingdom, Buddha's power is boundless, bless all living beings, Nanhai Guanyin, compassionate and relieving people in danger." …”

In the main hall, a colorful sculpture of Bodhisattva sits firmly opposite. Her expression is gentle and smiling, as if she is really listening to the prayers of believers.

After reading this post, Ao Wenchang turned to face the Dragon King under the sun and read: "East Sea Water Palace, the God of Longtan, the power of the Dragon King, the responsibility of making clouds and rain, and the responsibility of managing water... "

Compared with the sacred message read to the Bodhisattva, this sacred message read to the Dragon King has more words and longer content.

Ao Wenchang read a lot of it eloquently, and finally said: "The road that has not jumped to the sky lies in loneliness, and the clear water overflows the sea and the mountainside.

Although I have been in Tibet for many days, the wind and thunder are stirred up in one day.

If you have the intention to change, how can you unintentionally lead to dryness and scorch?

The traces of the gods are promised to the common people, and may the sincere fragrance fly to the sky! "

A seven-rhythm poem was read in a cadence, and Ao Mudong from behind applauded and cheered: "Okay!"

Lao Ao turned around and kicked him: "Damn it, do you think you're watching Peking Opera? Just scream, be quiet."

Ao Mudong smiled and said: "The scholar did a good job in reading this poem."

According to the rules, after reading the divine message, the next step is to expose the Dragon Prince to the sun for three days.

But the essence of praying for rain this time is not to really hope for rain. Ao Muyang is coping with the anxiety of the villagers, while Lu Zhichao is holding such an activity to coordinate with the revival of the fishermen tradition he initiated.

Therefore, three days of exposure to the sun is not enough. Too long a time interval will reduce the interest of everyone, especially tourists, so they discussed in advance and changed the three days of exposure to three hours of exposure.

In this way, after carrying out the statue in the morning, they would continue the process that afternoon.

Because many tourists came to visit this rain praying event, they would take photos with the statue of the Dragon King. Ao Muyang was worried that someone would damage the statue, so he personally led people to stay in the temple and watch.

The weather is very hot, incense and paper are burned inside the temple, and there are high walls surrounding it, so it is naturally even hotter.

Yang Shuyong had a strong horse and a strong fire. At noon, he couldn't bear it anymore and sweat was pouring down: "Old Ao, just watch here. I'll go out and find an air-conditioned room to rest."

Ao Muyang frowned and said, "Why rest? We haven't worked, are we tired?"

Yang Shuyong complained bitterly: "If you really let me work, I won't say anything. But this is a fire pit where eagles are cooked. I can't stand it. I'm about to be roasted into dried meat."

Ao Muyang pointed to the statue outside and said, "What kind of heat is it here? Look at the Dragon King outside, that's the heat from the sun."

Mentioning this, Ao Mudong, who was waving a cattail leaf fan, laughed: "Longtou, the Dragon King's job is not easy to do. He has to ensure the safety of the people when they go to sea and the good weather in the four townships and eight villages. Otherwise, he will be pulled out for corporal punishment. Ha ha."

Ao Muyang said: "In the adult world, what kind of work is easy to do?"

"Yes, besides, the Dragon King is the God of Rain. He moves clouds, spreads rain, and regulates water. This is his bounden duty. If he can't do his job well, then we have to give him some trouble, otherwise What is the purpose of providing him with so much incense?" Ao Wenchang said.

Ao Mudong asked: "The foreigners always say that God bless them. If they have a bad life, will they also pull God out and give him a physical punishment?"

Ao Wenchang smiled and said: "This kind of thing is rare. The national conditions are different, the customs are different, and the belief environment is different..."

Seeing that he was going to have a long talk, Yang Shuyong couldn't bear it anymore: "You can talk if you want. I can't do it anymore, so I'll say goodbye to you all."

Shortly after Yang Shuyong left, Ao Muyang's Mercedes-Benz G stopped at the door of the temple.

Lu Zhizi got out of the car and put on a pair of sunglasses. She waved and someone picked up thermos bottles from the trunk of the car.

Seeing this scene, Ao Mudong wiped away his sweat and said, "I wonder, Dragon Head, have you provoked Teacher Lu recently? This will bring us hot water. Teacher Lu is going to force us to death."

Ao Muyang said: "Nonsense."

Lu Zhizi also brought two thermoses into the main hall and said with a smile: "Is it hot today? Come, I've prepared some iced herbal tea for you, drink a bowl quickly."

The thermos was opened, and white steam came out, but it was not hot air, but cold air.

When they heard that she brought iced herbal tea, the people in the hall were overjoyed and quickly handed over paper cups to drink herbal tea.

Ao Muyang drank two cups in a row, and the cool and slightly sweet herbal tea went into his stomach, which finally made him feel better.

The weather was too hot, and everyone was not in the mood to eat at noon, so they each made a bowl of sea jelly, added more minced garlic, and started to make it.

Three hours and six hours ended at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was a little cooler now, and the rain-praying activity began to get down to business.

Ao Wenchang continued to recite the divine petition. This time the petition was "The Divine People's Prayer for Rain from Xietan". He wiped the sweat off his face and read: "The people are tired, so don't stop the seedlings; the sky has fulfilled its wish and sent down a downpour. I respectfully throw myself on the eagle ridge and pay my respects to the dragon abyss. Sprinkle the dust on the road, and cover the ground with a solemn flower curtain; rise up the clouds and the air, and look for the water to fill the fields. As long as I am alive, I dare not forget the great gift..."

"What are you reading?" Yang Shuyong asked.

Ao Muyang glanced at him and said, "You are uneducated."

How could he know what he was reading?

Yang Shuyong smiled awkwardly: "What on earth are you reading?"

Ao Muyang said disdainfully: "You are so uneducated!"

Yang Shuyong swallowed twice and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

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