Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1457 1464. Parallel (3)

Steam was rising from a row of large iron pots. Prawns, eagle claw shrimps, mantis shrimps, freshwater crabs, swimming crabs, red crabs, scallops, clams, razor clams, conchs, and all kinds of seafood were put into the pots. Soon, the whole dock was full of freshness.

Ao Muyang directed the fishermen in the village to work. Suddenly, someone pointed at the sea and shouted, "What's coming out? Look at the sea, look..."

Not far in front of the dock, the waves were surging on the sea, and a long and curved fish fin emerged from the water, like a giant sickle.

As soon as he saw the fin, Ao Muyang knew that it was a tiger.

The tiger is the most famous of the four sea pets. This is not only due to the advantages of genetic genes and natural race, but also due to its unremitting efforts. Killer whales are cute, and they are smart and get along well with tourists. During the peak tourist season, they can eat a lot every day.

Other villagers and tourists also recognized the identity of the tiger, and the panic atmosphere disappeared immediately.

But Ao Muyang was still nervous. Although guardrails had been temporarily built on both sides of the pier, they were not strong. If something unexpected happened and caused tourists to hit the guardrails, they would still fall into the ocean.

He was worried that the appearance of the tiger would create such a crisis - it was not that the tiger scared the tourists and made them run around, but that the tiger attracted tourists to gather at the edge of the pier to tease it, so he quickly got on a wooden boat and rowed the boat towards the tiger.

Lao Ao knew the reason for the tiger's appearance. It must be that he did not take the tiger out to sea during the three-month fishing ban. The tiger could not stand the loneliness. Now that there were many people at the pier, it came out.

After the tiger appeared, it did not rush to swim to the side of the pier. It popped out half of its head not far away to float and peek, and its two eyes kept turning out, trying to check the situation at the pier.

Finally, it turned its eyes and saw Ao Muyang in the boat, and it became excited immediately.

I saw its huge body swimming quickly in the water. With the help of the inertia of swimming, it suddenly jumped out of the water!

Fortunately, it was too big now, just like a fat killer whale. Inertia could not support its whole body to jump out of the water. The tiger just leaned out the front half of its body to welcome him.

Seeing the tiger rushing to him, Ao Muyang took a breath of cold air, and the tourists watching on the dock not far away began to feel sorry for him: It's going to be miserable!

The tiger was coming for Ao Muyang's wooden boat. It jumped up to hit the boat. Even if it failed to jump out of the water, it was still scary to stick out the front half of its body...


With a loud bang, the tiger fell down, pushing down the golden mountain and overturning the jade pillar, just like an underwater volcano erupting. A wave surged up and suddenly overturned the wooden boat.

Ao Muyang fell into the sea and faced the tiger.

If it were an ordinary person, this scene would scare him to death. The adult killer whale is so big that it gives people a terrifying feeling of oppression underwater, especially when the tiger opens its mouth. The killer whale is a toothed whale with big teeth!

Fortunately, Lao Ao is used to this scene. He flicked his hand and released two golden drops. The tiger opened its mouth and siphoned the sea water and the golden drops into its mouth.

Ao Muyang really hasn't been with it for a long time. In the past, the tiger was his mount and ocean hound. Now that he has the ability to move underwater, he doesn't rely on the tiger for transportation.

In addition, the past three months were a sea ban period, and he didn't go fishing. The tiger's identity as an ocean hound had nowhere to play its ability, and the man and the fish were separated for some days.

The tiger ate the golden drops and swam around Ao Muyang, bumping into him several times, knocking him tossing in the water.

After the first day of the seafood buffet, Ao Muyang led the team out to sea that night. Naturally, he had to bring the tiger this time, and the tiger was eager.

The two large ships formed a fleet. If they wanted to harvest a full warehouse, they had to sail towards the South China Sea and the distant sea.

September was a good day. Although the weather was still hot, it was the autumn tiger struggling to survive. From the perspective of the season, it had already entered autumn.

The autumn was clear and refreshing. It certainly didn't feel that way today, but the weather at sea was relatively good. There were no severe conditions such as storms and huge waves, which was suitable for long-distance sailing.

In order to take care of the big dragon head, the dragon head slowed down its speed so that the tiger could keep up. Ao Muyang went on the tiger's back.

This year, the elementary school started late. Lu Zhizi was free, so Ao Muyang took her out to sea. At this time, they also sat on the tiger's back.

The saddle on the tiger was an improved version. The small saddle in the past could no longer be fixed on it. The current saddle was wide and comfortable. After Ao Muyang took Lu Zhizi's hand and sat on it, the tiger jumped out.

It was not the first time that Lu Zhizi sat on the tiger's back, but she had been at the seaside before, but now she was in the deep sea. She was a little nervous and said, "Ah! Let the tiger slow down!"

Ao Muyang hugged her waist and smiled, "It's okay, you can't fall down. The tiger can't slow down, otherwise it will not catch up with the two ships."

The tiger first drove close to the sea surface and then began to dive underwater.

Lu Zhizi hurriedly put on goggles, and Ao Muyang adjusted the oxygen tank for her, handed her the breathing mouthpiece, and let her hold it in her mouth.

The killer whale dived and they saw the underwater world.

The sea water here is clear, but there is no life, especially Lu Zhizi's vision is not very good, and she can't see far, and soon she felt that it was meaningless.

Just when she wanted to gesture to Ao Muyang to let him control the tiger to rise, Ao Muyang pointed forward.

Lu Zhizi looked forward with wide eyes. At first, she saw nothing. Soon, many small and agile fish appeared - this was a herring school.

The tiger dived to find this school of fish. The herrings swam quickly in the upper waters. After discovering the killer whale, the herrings were shocked, but the school of fish as a whole did not change, but the forward speed was much faster.

As the tiger rushed into the herring school, Ao Muyang and Lu Zhizi were also inside the school of fish. They were surrounded by herrings!

Close observation showed that the herrings were much more lively and beautiful than the dead fish seen in the market.

Countless large and small herrings swam around them one after another. The bubbles in front of Lu Zhizi began to spit out quickly, and she was stunned.

The killer whale swam at an amazing speed. After catching up with the school of fish, the tiger's tail swung vigorously. It made a long rainbow, rushed from behind the school of fish to in front of the school of fish, and passed through the entire school of fish with domineering and powerfulness.

Lu Zhizi looked back and saw dense herrings swimming up and down, and the gap formed by the tiger swimming past was quickly filled.

Ao Muyang pulled the thick reins held in the tiger's mouth, and the tiger reacted to the power of the reins and floated up again, so that the two emerged from the water.

Lu Zhizi was still amazed at the scene he had seen before, while Ao Muyang used a waterproof radio intercom to notify Ao Wenchang on the Dragon Head and asked him to lead people to cast nets to catch herrings.

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