Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1462 1469. Fisherman’s Jelly (2)

Today, he harvested harp mantis shrimp, so he steamed them. They are big, so steaming a dozen of them is enough for everyone to taste.

Of course, it was just for a taste. If they wanted to rely solely on harp mantis shrimp to fill their stomachs, then steaming all the ones they caught in the afternoon would not be enough.

Mantis shrimps are best eaten in spring, when they are full of fat. Now it is almost Mid-Autumn Festival, the season for eating crabs, and mantis shrimps are already very thin.

But harp mantis shrimps are different. They are big and have a lot of meat all year round. The steamed big mantis shrimps are bulging, and there is still fat shrimp meat under the shell.

Ao Muyang waited for the mantis shrimps to cool down before cutting them into pieces and distributing them to everyone. The meat of this big mantis shrimp is high in water content. He opened the shrimp shell and took a bite, and it was all meat!

The meat of the spotted mantis shrimp is extremely sweet, tender and smooth, light and soft, and has a special and attractive freshness, which is much more delicious than ordinary mantis shrimp.

Ao Mudong ate his portion in two or three bites, wiped his mouth and said: "Dragon Head, this is not tasty, too little, steam a few more?"

Ao Muyang snorted: "You are like Zhu Bajie eating dog shit, you can't taste it even if you steam all the rest. Here, there are salted crabs, how about salted crabs?"

Ao Mudong immediately refused to do it. He saw that there was meatball soup in the pot, so he quickly scooped a full bowl for himself, all meatballs.

According to Ao Muyang's meaning, the two ships continued the previous rules and fished in the South China Sea for three to four days before returning.

But the fishermen refused to do it, because they thought that the policy delayed their opportunity to make money because of the three-month fishing ban before. Now that the sea is open, they are ruthless and want to recover unlimited losses in a limited time.

This is a small peasant mentality, but considering that the weather has been good recently and there are occasional winds and waves on the sea, Ao Muyang acquiesced to their request and continued fishing in the South China Sea.

It was not until mid-September that he had to go back. First, the elementary school was about to start, and Lu Zhizi had to start classes; second, the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon.

This time Ao Mudong supported his decision because he missed his wife...

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the two ships returned to the village dock. During the period, they passed through the fishery. Ao Muyang unloaded the harvested mantis shrimp and South China Sea abalone and put them into the fishery for breeding.

As the two ships returned to the village dock one after another, the whole fishing village became very lively, as if the Mid-Autumn Festival had already begun.

Every fishing house sent people to select the catch, and customers from the town, county and even the city who received the news in advance came to purchase fresh seafood.

Ao Muyang handed the seafood processing work to Ao Daguo, and took some agar and Lu Zhizi home first.

The new semester of the elementary school is coming. Lu Zhizi is busy organizing the teaching log. She said while looking through the materials: "Lao Ao, I have reserved a class for you this semester."

Lao Ao, who was cleaning agar, turned back and asked in confusion: "You reserved a class for me? What class?"

Lu Zhizi rolled his eyes at him and said: "Don't play dumb. Didn't you feel empty and bored last semester? At that time, I told you to find an activity class and let you teach the students."

Ao Muyang recalled that it seemed to be true. He scratched his head and said: "What class should I teach them?"

"I don't care, anyway, you promised me at that time."

Hearing this answer, Lao Ao was anxious: "No, I I might be free then, but I'm busy now, right? It's not appropriate for you to ask me to teach students again. "

Lu Zhizi waved his hand and said, "I have written your activity class into the teaching plan. It's too late for you to refuse now."

Ao Muyang said, "I have no experience at all. You ask me to teach children. Is this okay?"

Lu Zhizi smiled and said, "Of course, the quality education that is popular now is to let students have more contact with society, reality, and all walks of life. You can prepare a class and tell them about fishing and shrimping at sea."

Lao Ao is good at this, but he didn't figure out the direction after thinking about it, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

After returning home and packing up, he began to rest. After a night, he got up the next day and started to wash the agar-agar again.

Lu Zhizi asked in wonder, "How many times have you washed these agar-agar? What are you going to do with them?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "To make jelly."

He wanted to make the fisherman's specialty jelly, which required washing agar-agar dozens of times. After all, it is a marine vegetable and has a fishy smell. If it is used to make pig skin jelly, chicken jelly or sea jelly, it is okay, but if it is used to make jelly, its own fishy smell is very deadly.

Since he picked up the agar-agar on the boat, he had to wash it several times a day, and today he finally washed it almost.

In the morning, he used scissors to cut off the stems of the agar-agar and put it in a pressure cooker to stew it.

The pressure cooker is very powerful. He stewed it for a long time. After opening the lid, a pot of sticky nectar was revealed.

Old Ao rinsed it with gauze and found that the agar-agar had been thoroughly stewed and melted into the water, so he smiled with satisfaction.

The agar-agar nectar is light yellow in color, with a little reddish brown in it, like gelatin.

In the refrigerator, there are jams he made in the summer, including cherry jam, strawberry jam, pear jam, mountain red jam, etc. They are now in use. After mixing them with agar-agar syrup, they are placed in the refrigerator for a while and then taken out to make jelly.

He scooped a bowl of jelly, inserted a slice of lemon and a small umbrella on it, and then handed it to Lu Zhizi: "Come, try the jelly made by your man."

Lu Zhizi was very impressed by his ability: "Ha, Brother Hu was right at that time. Let's not talk about other benefits. Just talking about food and drink, I really can't be wronged if I follow you."

Ao Muyang smiled proudly: "That's for sure."

Lu Zhizi scooped up the jelly and took a bite. His big eyes quickly narrowed into a crescent: "Well, it tastes great. This is real jelly, pure fruit-flavored frozen."

Ao Muyang said: "I remember that Fourth Aunt's family has a plastic small bowl packaging machine. This time I made a lot of jelly, which can be divided into small bowls. You can send it to you when school starts tomorrow. students as gifts. "

Lu Zhizi nodded thoughtfully and said, "Good idea."

Then she smiled sweetly: "Thank you--husband."

Ao Muyang smiled and asked, "Don't thank me, how are you feeling now?"

"Very good." Lu Zhizi said subconsciously, and then she quickly reacted, looked at him vigilantly and asked, "Are you going to tell me some bad news? For example, you want to find a mistress or something like that?"

Ao Muyang shouted, "What nonsense? How is it possible? Absolutely not!"

"Three consecutive denials?" Lu Zhizi became even more suspicious.

Ao Muyang raised his hand helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll tell you the real purpose. I plan to marry you next year. What do you think?"

"Okay." Lu Zhizi said immediately.

Ao Muyang was stunned and said, "You answered so quickly? I thought you would hesitate. Aren't you afraid of marriage?"

"I would be afraid of marriage for other men, but never for you." Lu Zhizi smiled.

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