Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1467 1474. I'm on my way (1)

After seeing Lu Wuyi, Ao Muyang looked for his future mother-in-law, but he couldn't find her figure after searching around. So he guessed that it was because he and Lu Zhizi didn't pick up the plane, and the mother-in-law was in a mood and refused to come.

When the ferry docked, he went to pick up Lu Wuwei and asked, "Where is your mother?"

Lu Wuyi pointed to the VIP seats on the second floor of the ferry and said, "It's up there."

"Why don't you come down?"

Lu Wuyi laughed and said, "Let the others go first. My mother doesn't like to compete with others."

Ao Muyang looked at him with suspicion, and he could only say: "She is putting on makeup, and there is a lot of chaos on the boat. She is afraid that someone will soil her clothes and shoes."

After all the tourists were gone, a bright and beautiful figure walked down slowly.

Xue Yuying takes good care of herself and is almost as old as a grandmother, but her skin is still delicate and firm, and her hair is still dark and neat. Just looking at her facial features and figure, no one would guess that she is over fifty years old.

After seeing Ao Muyang, Xue Yuying's oval face showed a trace of anger, and she said coldly: "Where is Xiao Zi? I don't have time to talk nonsense, let her go back to Jinling with me!"

Ao Muyang said: "She is not here..."

"Oh, you came to pick me up yourself? Well, you are such a polite kid, and you know how to come to the pier to pick me up in person. It's amazing. Ha, this really gives me face."

Ao Muyang smiled awkwardly and said: "No, you misunderstood..."

"No need to explain, I understand." Xue Yuying interrupted him without squinting, treating him as a ball of air, "You don't need to say anything to me, I'm not here to see you, it doesn't matter whether you pick me up or not, I If you want to see Xiao Zi, I want to take her home."

Seeing her laying out the score in front of him, Ao Muyang became rude. Anyway, he never expected to win the love of this mother-in-law, and he didn't even plan to treat Xue Yuying as his mother-in-law. The reason why he married Lu Zhizi Notifying the other party is just a courtesy.

So, he smiled and said: "Well, I have to explain that I didn't come to pick you up specially. I was here to take people to work at sea, and it happened to happen."

After speaking, he whistled at Ao Mubing and his party, and stepped onto the fishing boat gracefully.

Xue Yuying was stunned, and then she became very angry. She picked up the crocodile skin bag and wanted to throw it to the ground. But she looked at the ground at the dock and found that it was dirty and smelly. The bag would probably be ruined as soon as it landed on the ground.

At the same time, Lu Wuji said: "Mom, be careful when you drop the bag into the sea. This bag is not waterproof. It will be ruined if it falls into the sea."

After hearing this, Xue Yuying quickly took back the raised bag.

Seeing Ao Muyang approaching, Ao Mubing wondered: "Don't you say you can't go anymore?"

Ao Muyang said: "It's a bit surprising, I still have to go."

Ao Mubing nodded and did not ask any more questions. He looked at Xue Yuying intently. When the fishing boat was far away and out of sight, he swallowed his saliva and asked Ao Muyang: "Longtou, where did that familiar girl come from?"

"My mother-in-law."

"Ahem!" Ao Mubing's saliva swallowed halfway and went into the trachea. He coughed a few times and glanced at Lao Ao with a guilty conscience, and asked in a low voice, "Huh? Is it Teacher Lu's mother?"

Ao Muyang said: "Yes."

Ao Mubing said with a smile: "It doesn't look like her at all. She is so young, so beautiful, and so temperamental. I thought she was a female star from somewhere."

When he said this, Ao Muyang tilted his head and looked at the sky and began to think about Xue Yuying's image. Was Lu Wuji's love for mature women influenced by her? From a psychological perspective, most people who like mature women have an Oedipus complex.

The boat entered the green tide waters not far away. Driven by the waves, the green sea surface was undulating.

There was a green tide in the past, and the Enteromorpha algae on the sea surface was sticky and exuded a pungent smell.

This time it tasted much better, the fishy smell was not that strong, it was mainly fishy, ​​not much of a stink.

Ao Muyang signaled the fishing boat to put down the fishing net and start fishing for Enteromorpha. The villagers didn't know much about Enteromorpha, so they asked, "Why are we fishing for this? They can't enter our village, right?"

"They can be eaten." Lao Ao said simply.

Not only can enteromorpha be eaten by humans, but it can also be used as feed after being simply dried in the sun. It is perfect for feeding to piglets.

If further processing is carried out, the enteromorpha can be turned into aquaculture feed or feed additives for aquaculture, which can effectively improve the meat quality of fish, shrimps, shellfish and other organisms, and can also increase their yield, disease resistance, etc. In short, it is indeed nice one.

In fact, ordinary Enteromorpha can also be used as feed after deep processing. However, since the outbreak of Enteromorpha in Hongyang Bay only lasts for a few days or more than ten days every year, it is difficult to form a specialized industrial production in terms of time.

The only problem with these Enteromorpha prolifera is that they are not professionally cultivated. They reproduce naturally and float out to sea with the sea water. They are mixed with other types of seaweed, seaweed and sediment, which makes cleaning them troublesome.

However, if it is dried and fed to pigs and cattle, there is no need to wash it, because the animals are not so delicate.

After an afternoon wandering on the sea, the fishing boat returned to the village with a load of Enteromorpha.

Seeing fishing boats returning to the port, tourists and some villagers habitually want to come and see what suitable seafood is available.

As a result, it turned out that all the enteromorpha was piled up on the boat, and all the visitors changed their expressions and backed away one after another.

Ao Muyang explained: "This is an enteromorpha, which is a sea vegetable and can be eaten."

A tourist said thoughtfully: "Its color is not very auspicious. It is better for men to touch it less."

"Men should eat more, it can replenish yang and strengthen bones!"

"Is it true?"

"Absolutely true!"

Some people are getting ready to make a move.

Ao Muyang and the fishermen packed the Enteromorpha into boxes and sent them off the boat. When Lu Wuyi learned that he was back, he hurried over and whispered to him, "Brother-in-law, something happened. Hey, you have a green head!"

This shocked Old Ao. He glared at Lu Wuyi and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense. I trust your sister very much! What's going on?"

Lu Wuyi stretched out his hand and swept his head, pinched off a bunch of Enteromorpha and said, "What does it have to do with my sister? What's this thing on your head? It's really green!"

After a pause, he said, "Oh, what's going on, my sister and my mother had a quarrel!"

So that's what happened. Ao Muyang gritted his teeth and really wanted to beat him to death!

He handed the task of transporting the Enteromorpha to Ao Mubing and followed Lu Wuyi home.

On the way, Lu Wuyi complained to him: "Men are too tired, too much pressure, too many responsibilities, the tangible and intangible pressures are almost crushing my back!"

"Speak directly, don't talk nonsense."

"My sister and my mother quarreled, if I hadn't stopped them, they almost fought!"

Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "How could this happen?"

Lu Wuyi said frustratedly: "How could it not be like this? In fact, the two of them have always been at odds. In my memory, my sister has never even called my mother mother."

As he said, he sighed and looked at the sky with a melancholy look: "Alas, the grudges of the rich, the big family is like this."

Ao Muyang glared at him and said: "You're going to stop, this matter involves one of your biological sister and one of your biological mother, why are you still so dramatic?"

As they talked, they walked to the door of the house. After he entered the house, he saw that Lu Zhizi didn't see Xue Yuying, so he asked: "Where is your mother?"

"Whose mother?" Lu Zhizi's face gradually turned cold.

"My mother." Lu Wuyi smiled quickly.

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