Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1479 1486. ​​Going down to pick up the net (1)

Deer can be seen in deep forests, and fish can be seen in deep waters.

At this depth, the number of fish, shrimps and crabs is much greater than in the shallow waters before.

But it is still difficult to harpoon them, mainly because these fish are very clever. Once there is a disturbance in the water, they will immediately shake their heads and tails and run away.

Ao Muyang wandered around the beach for a while but didn't catch a single fish, which made him very depressed.

After he came out of the water, he looked at the sixth sister and found that the sixth sister had no harvest.

The sun had risen, and the weather quickly became hot. The sixth sister's dark little face was sweating. She began to impatiently thrust the harpoon into the water randomly, which was to vent.

The general swam around Ao Muyang. It was omnipotent in floating and diving, and it swam freely with its flippers open.

After seeing it, Ao Muyang had an idea. He fed the general some golden drops and let it go diving to catch fish.

The ability of a water hound like a golden shorthair is not to dive into the water to catch fish. No land animal is as flexible as a fish underwater. Unless by chance, a water hound cannot catch fish even if it dives in the sea.

The general dived into the water to chase for a while, and it was so exhausted that it could not catch a single fish.

It is a dog of faith. When it failed to catch a fish, it dived and caught a big crab, which was as big as Ao Muyang's palm. The head was quite impressive.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to walk to the shore with the harpoon and the crab in his hand. This job of catching fish on stilts was too hard, and he didn't want to do it anymore. It was not interesting at all.

Seeing him coming up, Zhu Zhu asked excitedly: "Uncle Xiaoyang, how many fish did you fork?"

Ao Muyang clenched his fist and punched the air a few times. Zhu Zhu counted carefully and smiled: "Five? You are really amazing. Where did you put them? Why are there none in your net bag?"

"What the hell did you fork!" Ao Muyang said unhappily.

Sixth sister followed him back to the shore. She untied the stilts and looked frustrated.

Ao Muyang asked: "How many fish did you fork? Or what did you fork?"

Sixth sister snorted: "I am much better than you, what did I fork!"

Ao Muyang said: "Actually, I lied to you, I didn't get nothing, look, I forked a crab this big."

He took out the crab to show Sixth sister, and then sighed: "It seems that old ginger is still spicy."

Sixth sister said: "I hope my ginger will never be spicy, I hope you can quickly become the spiciest one in the village."

Ao Muyang smiled: "Hey, you little girl have become eloquent? Gouzi, you have changed."

Although he didn't fork any fish this time, Lao Ao was not without gains. He found that there were already many fish, shrimps and crabs in the shallow waters of the seashore, and he could definitely get a wave.

So he went back to the village and called a few people, preparing to set up fishing nets at the seashore to catch these fish.

Fishing at the seaside uses a ground-lifting net, which is also a very old traditional fishing method. In the past, fishermen called those who had boats at home "raising boats" and those who had ground-lifting nets "raising nets".

The ground-lifting net has a wide range of uses, from river beaches to the seaside.

This is a custom-made net placed in the intertidal zone to catch fish. It is rare now. There are no fish in the shallow sea, and even fewer fish in the intertidal zone. It is difficult to get fish by casting nets in vain.

Speaking of the traditional operation methods of fishermen, most of them have disappeared so far. The reason is that fishermen did not have the ability to enter the deep sea in the past, and they mainly fished at the seaside. Since the popularization of fishery automation and the development of social industrialization, marine pollution and overfishing have led to no fish at the seaside across the country.

There are not many ground-lifting nets in the village. Ao Muyang asked Ao Qianwen to search for them. After finding the ground-lifting nets, they connected them and finally put together a two-kilometer-long fishing net.

The length of two kilometers is not short, but it is not long for a ground-lifting net. In the past, a ground-lifting net could be more than ten kilometers long when it was opened, which was very spectacular.

At the beginning, Hongyang was not a city. It was a fishing village like Longtou Village, but it was a large fishing village. At that time, there were few fishermen and fishing villages. Each village would occupy the coastline as a territory and set up ground nets on their own territory to catch fish.

Longtou Village had a time in history when it relied on ground nets to feed the villagers. At that time, the conflict between them and Wangjia Village was even more serious. At that time, the two villages had to fight several times every year for the territory to set up ground nets.

It was good after the reform and opening up. There were no fish on the beach, and everyone didn't need to fight for it.

The ground nets that Ao Qianwen found were all old nets, patched up, but they had a historical atmosphere.

Ao Muyang led people to set up ground nets, preparing to organize a wave of shallow sea fishing before the National Day holiday ended, which could attract tourists to participate and also add reserves to the village kitchen.

After gathering the ground nets that day, he led a few people to get busy on the intertidal zone by the sea.

Ao Muming, who came to help, wiped his sweat and asked: "Village chief, haven't we been protecting the resources on the beach? Why do we have to go to the field to pick up the nets now?"

Ao Muyang said while inserting bamboo poles on the beach: "Isn't protecting resources for better utilization of resources? It takes a thousand days to raise an army and use it for a moment, so we have to protect resources for a thousand days, right? It's time to harvest."

Ao Muming smiled and said: "I thought the fish on the beach were for tourists to fish."

Ao Muyang said: "It's mainly for everyone to fish, but isn't it late autumn soon? After late autumn, it will be winter, and the weather will be cold, so there won't be many people coming to fish, so we catch a batch now, which will not affect the overall situation."

Chatting casually, he looked around and saw that the bamboo poles on the beach were stuck in a mess.

This made him very dissatisfied, and he shouted: "Brother Bing, Yaozi, what are you guys doing? If you don't want to work, go back and see what you are doing!"

The ground-lifting net is a net tied to bamboo poles and connected together. The bottom of the net is half-fixed on the seabed, so that when the tide comes, the fishing net will float forward with the tide, and fish, shrimps and crabs can pass through. When the tide recedes, because the bottom of the net is half-fixed, the net will not open backwards with the tide, and fish, shrimps and crabs will not be able to escape.

This requires the fishing net to be fixed well, otherwise the fish will escape.

And the bamboo poles are used to fix the fishing net. These bamboo poles must be parallel to the coastline and inserted in a fixed direction. They cannot be inserted randomly.

After being shouted by Ao Muyang twice, Ao Mubing and his men stopped making a fuss and honestly inserted bamboo poles in the sand.

Some tourists came to watch out of curiosity. A young boy asked timidly, "Uncle, are you filming a TV show?"

Not far away, Su Chenglong was holding a camera and zooming in to film.

Ao Muyang looked back and smiled, "No, I'm just fishing for fun. We'll pull the nets tomorrow at noon. You can come to help. If we catch any fish, we can give you a few. How about that?"

The young boy saw that he had the opportunity to join the fishing activity, so he grinned happily, "Okay, I'll definitely come."

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