Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 40 40. Wild Mushrooms

When I called, the message kept saying that the service area was not open.

Ao Fugui wiped the dust off his face and said, "No need to call, the old guy must have gone out to sea. It's no wonder that he never goes out. Anyway, Longtou is never idle."

Ao Muyang said, "Don't say bad words in front of the children. OK, let's go down the mountain and prepare for dinner."

Lu Zhizi waved his hand and said, "Help me clean up the back of the house first. There are a lot of wood piled there. I'm afraid it's damp here after the heavy rain, which will attract mosquitoes and breed too many bacteria and viruses."

The school is very small, with the playground and the house each occupying half of the area. The playground is on the east side and the house is on the west side, separated by a wall with an archway.

The layout of the house is in the shape of a field. The "cross" inside the "field" is two roads. The north-south main road is the main road. The north entrance of the road is the school gate. On the south side is a large screen wall with images of Comrade ** holding a submachine gun and fighting the wind and snow to defend the border.

Then, there are two rows of houses separated by this road. The two rows on the west are smaller. The front row is the teacher's dormitory, and the back row is the office and conference room.

The two rows on the east side of the road are classrooms. Each row has three rooms. The six rooms together are six grades, and each grade has a class.

The wood is piled up behind the classroom house. Ao Muyang went to take a look. Most of them are poplar and locust wood. They have been piled up for many years. They are worm-eaten and bird-pecked, and are dilapidated.

It is dark and damp here, and it has just rained, so many mushrooms grow on the wood.

The mushrooms grow from the bark. The caps are large and small. The large ones are six or seven centimeters, and the small ones are like fingernails. These caps have smooth surfaces and bulges on the top, which look like bamboo hats. The color is light khaki and cream.

Seeing these mushrooms, Lu Zhizi said, "Get rid of the mushrooms first. Everyone, be careful. They may be poisonous."

Ao Muyang shook his head and said, "They are not poisonous. Not only are they not poisonous, but these mushrooms are also very delicious. We have dinner."

There are many trees and wood on Dalong Mountain. Wild mushrooms always grow after rain. They call this kind of mushroom wild mushrooms and think it is a kind of straw mushroom.

But after Ao Muyang had been in Kyoto, he felt that this mushroom was more like a famous mushroom, that is, the chicken mushroom that is famous in China, Japan and South Korea!

The geographical encyclopedia says that the chicken mushroom is produced in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan in China, and is rare in other regions. Ao Muyang now looks closely and thinks that this is the "rare" chicken mushroom.

Especially, there are termite nests on these dead trees, and many termites are climbing, which can further prove the identity of the mushroom as the chicken mushroom:

As far as he knows, the chicken mushroom will coexist with termites in nature. While building ant nests, termites cultivate the mycelium of the chicken mushroom to form a common ecosystem.

If this is indeed chicken mushroom, the wood behind the house is very precious. As long as the mycelium is preserved, chicken mushrooms will continue to grow when the conditions are right.

Chicken mushroom is known as the king of mushrooms. It is rich in nutrition and tastes delicious!

He personally picked all the grown mushrooms. No matter whether they are chicken mushrooms or wild mushrooms, they are very delicious. This is a precious ingredient.

After picking the mushrooms, he found a girl named Ao Xiaodi to hold them carefully: "Don't break them. We will eat this tonight."

Lu Zhizi asked worriedly: "Is it really edible?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Ask later."

After finding wild mushrooms, these woods can't be thrown away casually. Ao Muyang asked Ao Fugui to go back and push the cart, carefully move the wood onto the cart and push it down the mountain, and put it behind the wall of his old house.

The back of the old house wall is even more humid, which is very suitable for wild mushrooms to survive.

Along the way down the mountain, they went to Ao Mufeng's fishing house.

The fishing houses in the village are decorated in a unique way. There is no shade net in the yard of Ao Mufeng's house, but a rope is pulled up, covered with grape vines.

In this way, the lush grape vines can provide shade in summer, and the fallen branches and leaves in winter will not block the light. There are still grapes to eat in autumn and green leaves and buds to appreciate in spring. The benefits brought by it can be enjoyed all year round.

Seeing Ao Muyang and Lu Zhizi coming with more than a dozen children, Ao Mufeng smiled and said, "Two teachers, what are you doing? Campus activities?"

Lu Zhizi went to take a shower, and Ao Muyang said, "Fengzi, stop nagging, go get some fruit to reward the children. Your awareness is not as good as that of a child. Other children go to work, why don't you go?"

Ao Mufeng awkwardly changed the subject: "Haha, don't I have to look after the store? But Teacher Lu is amazing. He has only been here for two days and has linked up the students?"

A child said, "Xiao Niu found us. Teacher Lu bought us ice cream and snacks. That's great."

Ao Mufeng went to wash apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, etc. Ao Muyang took the mushrooms to his kitchen and said, "I'll use them for a while. We'll have dinner at your house tonight."

"By the way, can you help me make a few dishes?" Ao Mufeng smiled shyly.

Ao Muyang ignored him, quickly washed the wild mushrooms and put them on the rack to drain.

Seeing that the kitchen was fully stocked with meat and vegetables, he cooked two fish dishes, a pot of spicy chicken and a pot of mixed fleet.

The so-called mixed fleet is a large pot of rice cooked with various shellfish, including scallops, mussels, clams, mussels, razor clams, clams, etc.

Just as these dishes were cooked, the water of the wild mushrooms was drained, and he tore them into strips and asked, "Fengzi, where is your lard?"

Ao Mufeng pointed at the rack and said, "What? I only boiled that little lard, you can save it."

Ao Muyang scooped a bowl and poured it into the pot. As long as the fire was low, the lard melted and exuded a unique fragrance of animal oil.

The oil pan was boiling, and he put the wild mushrooms in and fried them vigorously. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound of oil explosion, and the originally shiny chicken oil became turbid.

This was the wild mushrooms releasing water. Ao Muyang let it fry by itself and turned to prepare the seasoning. Suddenly, the dried chili peppers and fresh chili peppers were cut into sections, and then there were peppercorns, crushed peanuts and sesame seeds.

The seasoning was ready, the wild mushrooms had also released water, and the lard became shiny again. Seeing this, he poured some salt into the pot, and after frying a few times, he poured the chili peppers and peppercorns together, and the crushed peanuts and sesame seeds were added last.

Suddenly, an indescribable fragrance spread throughout the kitchen. The fragrance was different from the aroma of meat, oil and vegetables, and it was very unique.

There was cold rice left over from lunch in the pot. Ao Muyang took the eggs and made egg fried rice. This was child's play for him. In no time, a pot of egg fried rice with distinct grains came out.

Ao Mufeng exclaimed beside him: "Wow, Brother Yang, you are really my brother, this cooking skill is amazing!"

Ao Muyang pointed at the egg fried rice and wild mushroom oil and said: "You can say nice things, but these two are mine."

Ao Mufeng saw that his little thoughts were exposed, and he immediately whined: "Damn, Brother Yang, leave some for me, I won't sell it, my parents and I will eat it ourselves."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang reluctantly nodded: "Then leave some for you."

When Lu Zhizi and the children finished cleaning up, it was almost dark, just in time for dinner.

Ao Muyang brought the fried rice, wild mushroom oil and a pot of mixed fleet to the table together. Various aromas ran around in the small courtyard, and tourists in the fishing house came out of the room to order dishes and eat.

The mixed fleet made a lot, which could supply several tables. Ao Mufeng was so happy that his face was blooming. He could make a small profit tonight.

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