Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 539 542. Indifference (1/5)

Chapter 539 542. Indifference (15)


Wen Yirui was a little annoyed by Ao Muyang's aloofness, so he came over and said, "Hey, Xiao Ao, don't go into the water with your emotions. You know how dangerous diving is. If you don't want to go, don't force yourself."

Ao Muyang said, "Yeah, I know. I'm fine."

Wen Yirui nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay, then you take care of yourself, but you'd better be more enthusiastic towards your buddies, otherwise people may not be willing to go into the water with you."

Ao Muyang said, "Then I'll be in a group with you."

Wen Yirui was choked by these words and stared blankly. He felt that his personality was cold enough, but compared to the person in front of him, he was quite enthusiastic.

"Are you sure you're in a group with me?" Wen Yirui asked unhappily, "Then if you get into trouble underwater, no one will help you."

Ao Muyang said, "Nothing will happen."

Wen Yirui rolled his eyes and was choked.

The seawater here is not deep, only about ten meters, so there is no need to wear deep diving suits. The divers put on jellyfish suits, carried oxygen tanks, and then prepared to go into the water.

When changing clothes, the team members helped each other, and Ao Muyang was alone and could only do it by himself.

Wen Yirui was just a little cold and uncommunicative, but he was not a bad person. Seeing this, he felt sympathetic and came to help: "Turn your back and I'll put the oxygen tank on you."

Ao Muyang said: "No need."

Wen Yirui was amused by him: "What's the matter, buddy, are you isolating yourself from communicating with the outside world? Oh, I understand..."

He thought of psychological problems such as autism and depression, so he continued: "Xiao Ao, you can't always isolate yourself in a space like this, you have to go out, make friends, chat and laugh, and it's better to find a girlfriend..."

Ao Muyang took out a photo on his mobile phone and showed it to him, saying: "This is my girlfriend."

Lu Zhizi appeared again with a bright smile, her white long skirt fluttering in the wind, the sea breeze blowing her hair, floating like a fairy.

Wen Yirui was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and walked back to the crowd. A diver asked him, "Team leader, what's going on?"

"Oh my god, that brain is hopeless." Wen Yirui shook his head, "There's something wrong with his brain, everyone should have less contact with him."

"Then don't let him die underwater." A diver said.

After hearing this, Wen Yirui sucked his teeth in embarrassment, walked back and said: "Can you change your equipment by yourself?"

Ao Muyang pretended to be indifferent and said: "No equipment, one dive is twenty minutes, I just hold my breath."

Wen Yirui was amused by this: "Brother, you are finally willing to joke."

Ao Muyang looked at him with an idiotic look and said: "I'm serious."

Wen Yirui couldn't laugh anymore: "Are you crazy? Brother, hold your breath underwater for twenty minutes? Are you Stig the Breathless?"

Stig the Breathless, a Danish diving master, the holder of the Guinness record for underwater breath holding, can hold his breath for twenty-two minutes at a depth of twenty-seven meters underwater, extremely tough.

"What the hell is he?" Ao Muyang despised him.

Wen Yirui was driven away.

The shark net began to be lowered. This net is very heavy. Its service life is one year, which is two months longer than the life of the previous generation of shark nets.

Ao Muyang was not unfamiliar with this thing. When he was a child, he saw his parents helping the government replace the shark-proof nets in the county waters. The shark-proof nets at that time were not comparable to those now, and their service life was only about one month.

He fed the electric eel a little gold drop, and the electric eel suddenly became vigorous.

Then, he carried the electric eel into the sea.

This time, the electric eel was still slightly uncomfortable with the environment in the sea, but it was much better than before. It swam uncomfortably. A beautiful sea fish with a green body was curious about it and approached it to see what was going on with it.

As a result, the electric eel shook its head, and the green sea fish turned its belly upside down and died...

To electrocute the sea fish, the electric eel went over and opened its mouth to swallow it whole, which was somewhat similar to the eating of a sea snake.

Ao Muyang didn't know if this was its underwater taser gun ultimate move. The green sea fish was a little small, and it didn't have to use the ultimate move to electrocute it, so he couldn't judge.

Since he decided to adopt this electric eel, Ao Muyang gave it a name.

Tiger, general, head of state, queen, and a snake king. He didn't need to name this one, it had a domineering name. Except for Youfu, the names he gave to other pets were all domineering.

There was no way, the fennec fox couldn't be domineering, and Lu Zhizi wanted it to have a cute name, so Youfu came about.

Ao Muyang prepared a more domineering name for the electric eel: Thor!

As he sank to the bottom of the sea, he was thinking.

This name won't work, he won't be able to keep a pet in the future. These names he gave are more domineering than the other, and they have reached the level of Thor. What can he call a new pet in the future? Zeus? Gaia? Odin?

Thor didn't know he had a name. He swam around Ao Muyang, and as soon as a sea fish approached, he would immediately float up with his belly turned up.

Except for the green sea fish he ate at the beginning, he didn't eat other fish, that is, he didn't electrocute these fish for food.

When Ao Muyang was on the island, he looked up information about electric eels. One thing that was introduced said that electric eels discharge electricity due to physiological needs, not necessarily for hunting. They will randomly shock any opponents they encounter. Because of this characteristic, they are considered to be destroyers of fisheries.

But at this time, when he was observing in the water, he felt that the Thunder God electrocuted these fish not for hunting but also because he was murderous, which could be seen from the fact that he did not chase any fish.

In his eyes, the Thunder God's behavior was more like protecting him: the fish he electrocuted were all close to Ao Muyang, although these fish were not dangerous.

However, the Thunder God did not know whether they were dangerous or not. In short, he was loyally accompanying Ao Muyang and electrocuted the other party as soon as a living thing approached.

This was a bit arrogant and unreasonable, but nature was not a place for reason. To be honest, it was quite cool. The electric eel was like an electric magician. It seemed that he could kill the other party without taking action. It looked very cool.

The heavy shark net fell down. It had a layer with hooks, which had to be careful. Once it was touched, it would definitely lose a piece of meat.

These hooks were used to deal with sharks. In order to extend the life of the shark net, it was necessary to minimize the impact of sharks. In other words, if a shark set its sights on something in the shark net, it would be best to kill them quickly.

The hooks are used for this purpose. In addition, they have barbs. Sharks that die in the shark nets will be hooked and sent to relevant institutions on land for research. Of course, the shark fins are probably eaten by high-ranking officials and wealthy people...

There are fixed devices underwater, which are set up in advance. The fixed devices also have hooks, which are used to connect to the shark nets. The divers' task is to hang the hooks on the bottom of the shark nets.

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