Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 599 602. Conclusion (1/5)

Chapter 599 602. Conclusion (15)

The general was so irritated that he vomited up his overnight meal. His limbs went limp and he collapsed to the ground.

When the other dogs saw that their boss had fallen to the ground, they were confused and too scared to move forward.

Ao Muyang had to cover his nose and drag the general out. The fart of this wild weasel was really too smelly. It was not just a simple odor, but also mixed with sulfur dioxide and other things. The vomiting effect was first-rate.

The weasel that was pushed to the ground by the general limped away under the cover of the stinky fart. Its desire to survive was quite strong.

Since Ao Muyang came back, the general has never lost face in front of his enemies. Even when he encountered a mountain python in the mountains, he was not afraid. Instead, he beat the mountain python.

As a result, this time he suffered a Waterloo...

This incident was a serious blow to the general. He vomited in front of his dog brothers and fell to the ground. This was embarrassing.

How will the bitches in the village look at me in the future? How will the male dogs in the village look at me? How will the chickens, ducks and geese in the village look at me? The general wailed and went home in disgrace, hiding under the bed and refusing to come out.

Ao Muyang dragged it out by all means, touched its head and said: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be arrogant when you win and don't be discouraged when you lose. Besides, you didn't lose. You just vomited because you were not prepared. It doesn't matter. Regain your confidence, my baby, and do it again!"

The general groaned a few times and refused to go out no matter what.

Until the next day, the general stayed at home honestly, and he was listless.

Without the general's suppression, the dogs were in chaos again. This time, with the general's lesson, they started fighting first, biting each other and fighting for the boss.

Ao Muyang saw that this would not work. It would scare tourists, and if children went to watch the excitement, they might bite them.

So he thought about it and sent the head of state out again.

Although the head of state is a cat, it is a very fierce cat. When it first came to Longtou Village, it bit the dogs raised by people in the front and back alleys. The dogs were no match for it because it was too agile and too fast, and the dogs could not catch up.

Several dogs were biting each other, and Ao Muyang threw the head of state out and said sternly: "Get it!"

The head of state pounced on it with lightning speed, with a fierce momentum, like a tiger descending from the mountain!

A dog bared its teeth and wanted to bite it, but the head of state jumped high as soon as it landed, twisted its body like a martial arts master, waved its front paws, and threw out a killing move: cross slash!

The dog screamed, and there were several claw marks on its forehead, and blood was dripping.

Other dogs came to encircle the head of state, but the head of state was not afraid. Its agile body moved freely in the dog pack, and the dogs' movements were slow motion in its eyes!

If it fights head-on, it may not be a match for the dog, but how can it fight head-on with the dog? It is just a guerrilla war, with a figure like a ghost. The dogs can't catch up or bite it, but are scratched by it with blood all over their heads.

Even so, the dogs did not retreat. Instead, their barking attracted more dogs.

Ao Muyang saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly called the villagers to take their dogs back.

The general is the same kind as them. After showing his fierce fighting power, the dogs chose to surrender. But the head of state is an alien, and cats and dogs are mortal enemies. No matter how dangerous they are, they must fight to the death!

The plan to deal with the weasel through the dog was shattered, but Ao Muyang was not in a hurry. There was a forest behind the village with many rats. The weasel would definitely leave the village and enter the forest.

In this respect, the weasel is a friend of mankind. They can prey on rats in large quantities and are the natural enemy of rats. Lu Zhizi told Ao Muyang that according to scientific statistics, a weasel can kill more than a thousand rats a year.

He thought, at worst, all the weasels would run into the mountains, and it would not matter if a few were left in the village. On the contrary, it would prove that the ecological environment of the village was good, and it would also be a surprise for tourists.

It was not scary to meet a weasel during the day. In fact, they looked very cute, with a slender body, small ears, black eyes, a mouth with a circle of white hair, and golden hair all over their bodies, which was quite beautiful.

If they were not called the scary name "weasel", but called by their scientific name, they would not be scary - yellow weasel.

As a result, the number of weasels did not decrease in the next two or three days. On the contrary, some people reported that weasels entered the house at night.

This is not right. Do weasels regard the village as their base? Do they all stay in the village?

Some villagers also reported that there were weasels in the mountains, and many people witnessed weasels running up the mountain at dawn.

Ao Muyang was puzzled: What's going on?

In addition, he asked about other villages and found that there was no such situation. There were no weasels in the nearby Wangjia Village and Longwang Village.

How to explain this? The feng shui of the village is good, so the weasels have taken a fancy to it. Do they want to become immortals here?

Ao Muyang pondered for a while and finally came to a conclusion: these weasels are not wild, at least they are not infiltrated from the mountains, but are put in by others to disgust their village.

The reason why there are so many weasels every day is probably that someone puts these things in the village every day!

This is the only explanation. If the water in a pool is constantly flowing out, it is always full, then someone must be pouring water into it!

After he made his guess, the village cadres nodded one after another. Ao Mudong gritted his teeth and said, "That's it. It must be the damned gang in Wangjia Village who did it. It's them!"

Ao Muyang is probably one of these bitches. Last month, he used some tricks to obtain the ownership of the crabs farmed in Ambergris Lake. He completely offended Wangjiacun in this matter.

Beginning in late October, Ao Muyang organized the villagers to set up a stronghold and went on duty at night to see who was secretly releasing weasels into the village.

The villagers stayed up late for two or three days in a row, but no one was caught.

But no one complained. It wasn't that Ao Muyang's prestige was too high that they didn't dare to complain, but when they went on duty to watch the night, the number of weasels in the village dropped sharply!

As Ao Muyang guessed, someone released weasels into the village!

After three days of no harvest, Ao Muyang withdrew his secret sentry. He held a meeting of village cadres and said coldly: "Everyone, it seems that there is a traitor in the village."

Upon hearing this, Ao Daguo slapped the table and stood up: "Madeh, who is eating the inside out?"

The old clerk Ao Zhiming was startled and said: "Da Guo, what are you doing?!"

Ao Muyang patted the table and said, "When are you still joking?"

Jiang Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Village Chief, you are using the same official style now."

Ao Muyang said: "I was just joking. Okay, let's go back first. Remove the sentries and see if there are any more weasels in the village. It may be that the weasels in the mountains have stopped showing up in the past few days."

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