Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 65 65. Ambergris Lake

On a hot day, no one has much appetite at noon.

Ao Muyang simply took Lu Zhizi to the town on a speedboat. While the other party was going to apply for a new bank card, he went to buy some fruits and a juicer, as well as a bunch of chicken, duck and fish.

He planned to treat the neighbors to a meal tonight. Last time Ao Qianxin and Ao Zhiyi came to his house to bully him, Ao Fugui and his mother brought many people to help. This was a favor.

Carrying large and small bags to the pier, he started the speedboat and prepared to leave.

Lu Zhizi handed him a pair of sunglasses and said, "Put them on."

Looking at the brand new sunglasses, Ao Muyang asked: "Did you just buy them?"

Lu Zhizi nodded: "Well, I'll make do with this for now, and I'll buy you a pair of Ray-Bans later. I think your face has very strong lines, and the Ray-Bans will match you very well."

Ao Muyang had heard of the sunglasses brand Ray-Ban. It initially supplied sunglasses to the U.S. Air Force and pilots, and later switched to civilian use, quickly becoming the world's top brand.

Ray-Ban sunglasses are very expensive. He waved his hand and said: "No need, they are too expensive. This one is very good."

Lu Zhizi also put on a pair of women's sunglasses, smiled and waved his hand forward: "Let's talk about it later, knight, let's set off on the waves!"

"Yes, Her Majesty the Queen." Ao Muyang hit his chest with a fist in his right hand, then bent down and gave a knightly salute in a decent manner.

Then, the speedboat roared into the sea.

For lunch, he made a fruit salad with some fresh shrimp meat, which was rich in nutrition and tasted good.

He squeezed the juice again and gave the pulp to the general.

Dogs can eat fruit pomace, which will help cleanse their intestines.

The fruit residue is sweet and the general enjoys it.

Ao Xiaoniu happily took a glass of orange juice and ran to the general, shaking his head and shaking his butt: "I drink the fruit juice and you eat the fruit pulp. I have a beautiful smile. Haha, you go and poop, yoyo!"

The general glanced at him: Is he another idiot?

After lunch, Ao Muyang squeezed several large glasses of fruit juice, including orange juice, pear juice, watermelon juice and pineapple juice. He put them in the refrigerator to make them taste better when chilled.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, so he prepared for fishing in the evening.

Lu Zhizi bought a few books to read. Occasionally he looked up and saw Ao Muyang rubbing grubs and asked, "What are you doing? Loose their bones?"

Ao Muyang said: "Well, aren't we going to use them as bait later? Let them feel good before they die. Digouzi has a characteristic, that is, when they feel good, they will release a hormone or something, which can attract The fish takes the bait.”

Lu Zhizi said in surprise: "Really? What did it release? It does have a weird fragrance."

The general also smelled the fragrance, sneaked close to Ao Muyang, then lowered his head and lowered his ears, picked up a small bottle and slowly backed away.

Ao Muyang didn't pay attention and said with a smile: "Aren't you an encyclopedia? How about it, you don't know this anymore?"

Lu Zhizi smiled and said, "I really don't know about this, but I know that the bottle of sesame oil you used to fool me is gone."

Ao Muyang's touch was empty. He turned around and saw that the general dropped the bottle of sesame oil and ran into the yard...

The grubs themselves are indeed fish delicacies, and after applying sesame oil on them, they can better attract fish.

In the evening, the weather turned cooler, so Ao Muyang took Lu Zhizi and set off.

Seeing that Ao Muyang did not leave the village but walked towards the east end of the village, Lu Zhizi asked: "Aren't you going to go fishing on the sea?"

Ao Muyang brought a fishing rod and several large glass bottles, and then said with a smile: "Fishing on the sea is boring. I will take you to Ambergris Lake. The carp and crucian carp there are delicious."

Lu Zhizi pointed to the glass bottle he was carrying and said, "You want to go fishing, why do you bring this thing?"

Ao Muyang smiled mysteriously and said, "I'll show you our fishing skills here later."

When passing by the door of his uncle Ao Qianxin's house, the general ran over again, crossed his legs and peed on his door...

Ambergris Lake is a large lake with an overall area of ​​more than 60 square kilometers. Several surrounding villages rely on it to provide domestic and agricultural water.

The lake maintains its original ecology, with no dam protection or protective nets, and the surrounding beaches are completely open.

As the setting sun shines, the lake is full of light. Dozens of small wooden boats are floating on it, and a white yacht is galloping. There are also women washing clothes and children having water fights by the lake. It has its own pastoral fun.

Lu Zhizi walked to the edge of the lake, looked around, and said with a smile: "This lake is not bad. Boats are like floating in the sky, and people are like walking in the mirror."

Ao Muyang said: "Hey, do you want to fight poetry with me? Then let me say something that will steam Yunmengze and shake Yueyang City!"

"Where is Yueyang City?"

Ao Muyang changed his words: "The steam is steaming over Yunmengze, and the waves are shaking Longtou Village!"

Lu Zhizi applauded and exclaimed: "What a poem, what a poem, my brother is really a talented person!"

A wooden boat rowed over and docked. Ao Muyang waved and said, "Fourth uncle, can you lend me the boat? I'll take Teacher Lu to fish."

The middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth smiled and said, "Sure, you can do whatever you want. There's no need to say hello."

Ao Muyang got on the boat. The lake was sparkling, and the small wooden boat was unstable and swaying.

Lu Zhizi stepped on, and the wooden boat shook even more violently. Ao Muyang quickly reached out to hold her arm and said, "Be careful."

"I almost fell into the water." Lu Zhizi said with lingering fear, "I almost let you enjoy a picture of a beautiful woman taking a bath for free."

Ao Muyang shook his arm, and Lu Zhizi, who had just boarded the boat, was almost shaken off, causing her to scream subconsciously.

Finally, he succeeded in scaring Lu Zhizi once, and Ao Muyang laughed.

The general saw them rocking the boat, and didn't understand what they meant, so he jumped on the boat to help rock the boat.

The boat almost capsized, and Ao Muyang was scared. He kicked it without saying a word: "What the hell, go!"

The general was kicked into the water, and the boat drifted into the lake. It swam innocently behind.

Ao Muyang paddled the boat, staring at the water, looking for a suitable place to put the hook.

Seeing that he was still not hooking, Lu Zhizi asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Fishing requires patience. You can't be impatient. I'm looking for a fish nest."

Lu Zhizi said, "Fish nest? Looking for a place where fish gather? Can you see it if you look like this?"

Ao Muyang said, "I'm not looking at fish. I'm looking at the water color. Different water colors reflect different water temperatures. You know, fish have a temperature instinct. They will look for water layers with suitable water temperatures. If they find this water layer, they can find fish schools, which will be more efficient."

Lu Zhizi still didn't understand, "I know that the temperature is different at different water depths, but the lake is a whole. Even in different areas, as long as the water depth is the same, the temperature is the same, right? Then what are you still looking for?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said : "But the visibility in different waters is different, the light penetration is different, and the temperature may not be the same in the same water layer."

"Also, there are undercurrents under the lake, which will cause temperature changes. If we want to fish, we have to find a place with surging water and relatively good water quality."

"The surging water will bring plankton and water grass seeds, which are food for fish. In places with relatively good water quality, the sunlight shines smoothly, the water temperature changes evenly, and the fish will feel more comfortable."

Lu Zhizi sat on the bow and stretched out his hand to support his cheek and said: "Isn't it true that there are no fish in clear water?"

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, but how can the water in this lake be so clear? Let's find a relatively clear place and find some stone crawlers. I'll make a good dish for you tonight."

As he said, he put on goggles and put his upper body into the water to check.

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