Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 693 696. Coral Killer (5)

The old man's reaction was quite extreme, as if there was really a hidden treasure in his home.

But Ao Muyang knew that Ao Zhiman's family was poor, and it was good that he had helped them in the past two years. It was said that the poor mice would cry when they got in.

Although his family was poor, a door in his house was sold for seven figures. Maybe his family really had some precious antiques passed down from his ancestors. Ao Muyang didn't care about this. He had to comfort Du Tanzhi now.

Du Tanzhi was generous. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I have experienced many setbacks."

"Can this be considered a setback? Do you think you are Tang Seng? There are 81 difficulties everywhere in life?" Jiang Caoqi laughed.

Du Tanzhi rolled his eyes at him, and then said to Ao Muyang, "I think this old man's mental condition is not right. If possible, I suggest you take him to the Sixth People's Hospital of the City for a check-up."

Hongyang City Sixth People's Hospital is a specialized psychiatric hospital, famous throughout the province.

Ao Muyang felt puzzled. This was the first time that Ao Zhiman treated him so rudely. The old man had a really strange temper.

He could only explain that the old man had a treasure hidden in his house, so he didn't want strangers to come to his house. You know, this time he was kind-hearted and wanted to bring some business to the old man to make some money. As a result, he pushed the money away!

Jiang Caoqi looked regretful and said, "It's a pity that there is no system of recommending filial and honest people now, otherwise my family would definitely recommend an official for the old man. I have heard of this person who doesn't love money, but this is the first time I have seen him."

The first time they met such an old man, the two young masters didn't care about his bad attitude. Usually everyone was respectful to them. If someone yelled at them, they would think it was quite strange.

Another thing is that the old man did help Du Tanzhi. He was very curious after seeing the models of the air-drying bed and the big sleeping bed, and immediately decided to use these two types of beds to install in the resort rooms.

The resort rooms are divided into grades. The low-end consumption rooms use air-drying beds, and the high-end consumption rooms use big sleeping beds.

The eldest son is the eldest son, and he is much more casual than the village chief Ao Muyang.

After making the selection, he patted Ao Muyang on the shoulder and said, "Old Ao, this matter is handed over to you. Go find a craftsman to make these two types of beds, which just correspond to the original fishing style of our house."

Ao Muyang said, "Okay, I'll ask about it. It's actually not easy to find. Most of the old craftsmen with this skill have passed away. Our traditional bed-making skills of fishermen are about to be lost."

"If there is a market, it will not be lost." Du Tanzhi said, "Why don't we build this market?"

After eating a fisherman's meal, he boarded the boat for the return trip.

When he boarded the boat, he muttered, "It's annoying to come here by sea every time. I feel seasick from the bumping around. Is this road not repaired yet?"

Ao Muyang said, "The part of the village connecting to the provincial road has been repaired, but how can the provincial road be so fast? The foundation has not been laid yet, right? It would be fast if it can be opened to traffic by the end of this year."

Du Tanzhi said, "It will definitely be open to traffic before the end of the year, at least it can reach your side."

Two days after he left, in early March, Ao Muyang got a message saying that the provincial road engineering team changed the road construction plan. It was no longer a full-length construction in sections, but a section-by-section assault. The first phase of the road to be built happened to lead to Longtou Village.

After hearing the news, Ao Muyang couldn't help but sigh that it felt good to have power.

So he also wanted to use his power to go back to the village and act arrogantly: "Sister-in-law Xiaoyu, my shoulders hurt from being busy recently. Come and massage my shoulders."

Jiang Xiaoyu said, "Dream on, no, get out."

Ao Muyang went back home in disgrace.

The weather started to warm up in March, and the fish farm was going to start construction.

Lu Hu told him that he had contacted the mullet fry for him, and it was expected to be delivered in two days. At the same time, the crab fry of Yexian crab and Nanhu crab that he ordered were also delivered.

They made a lot of money from crabs last year, especially tourists were very interested in this model of catching and selling crabs. In the future, he wanted to hold a crab festival, similar to Double Eleven, Double Twelve, mid-year promotion, and March 18th Queen's Day.

There were many boats going out to sea in spring, and Ao Muyang began to worry that someone would steal fish from the fish farm, so he sent Black Dragon there again. With this general guarding, Ao Muyang could rest assured.

When he arrived at the fish farm, he made a routine diving inspection.

Everything was normal, the only problem was the coral group.

Every time he came to the fish farm, he would release all the gold drops stored in the golden elixir to empty himself, and the coral group was the one that bore the most gold drops.

With the gold drop transformation, the corals lived stably in the fish farm and began to reproduce wildly.

The coral polyps reproduced too slowly, and Ao Muyang was too lazy to wait, so he simply asked someone to buy coral blocks and transplant them. He just had to ensure that they could survive after transplantation.

So now there is a coral area within the scope of the fishery, with an area of ​​400 to 500 square meters. The corals reproduced around the islands, colorful and beautiful.

On the corals are the barnacles he raised. The water flow is turbulent, and the barnacles live well. Because Ao Muyang used gold drops to strengthen their characteristics, each one is quite plump.

There is no problem with this. The problem is that there are more creatures in the fishery, and a group of starfish have appeared.

Starfish are the most representative type of echinoderms in terms of structure and physiology. They have flat bodies, mostly in the shape of five-pointed stars, with overall radial symmetry, brown-red color, and look very beautiful.

But they are very harmful to corals, and these starfish are just coming for corals!

The moment he saw the starfish, Lao Ao was frightened. Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise these starfish that came from nowhere would destroy the coral colonies he carefully cultivated!

There are many films about corals in marine documentaries. Ao Muyang naturally watched a lot of them to engage in coral farming. These films all mentioned starfish, the coral killer.

How serious is the damage of starfish to corals? A crowned starfish can devour one cubic meter of reef-building coral polyps in a month. It's so fierce!

Ao Muyang carefully looked for dozens or hundreds of starfish in the fishing grounds. He didn't know where they came from. The small ones were about the size of a general's claws, and the large ones were 30 centimeters in length.

The mouth of the starfish is in the belly, or in other words, their living posture in life is with the mouth facing down and the anti-mouth facing up. So when they lie on a piece of coral, they look motionless, but in fact, the mouth on the belly is constantly devouring the reef-building coral polyps.

Hurry up, he went down with a net bag and picked up these starfish one by one.

The source of the starfish is unknown. They may have come in through the gaps in the protective net or they may have been hit by the waves. Anyway, they are here.

This poses a huge threat to the coral polyps in the fishing grounds. To protect the coral reefs, the starfish must be removed as soon as they are found.

But as the saying goes, a thief can only steal for a thousand days, but he can't guard against thieves for a thousand days? Ao Muyang can't stay in the coral area every day, and other people can't always dive, even Black Dragon can't do it, so he has to have a master to deal with the starfish that may appear at any time.

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