Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 71 71. No more thoughts

Ao Fugui and others didn't know how much the desk was sold for. The transaction was conducted privately. After the transaction was completed, they gathered around and asked:

"The desk was sold? What price?"

"Brother Yang, why do you look so ugly? Is the price you sold it for not what you wanted?"

"Yangzi, look at it more positively. People live a happy day and an unhappy day. Be happy."

After listening to the guys' persuasion, Ao Muyang laughed and said, "It's okay. I just thought of something unhappy. Thank you brothers today. Well, since we are in Hongyang, let's not go back directly. Let's go for a walk together!"

The group took two cars and drove into the city. They decided to have dinner first and then have fun.

Outside the window, there were busy cars and tall buildings. Ao Muyang thought of another thing, that is, there was some water vapor in the desk that could condense the golden elixir. Where did this water vapor come from?

At first, he didn't know the identity of the desk, and he couldn't figure out where the water vapor came from.

Now that he knew the desk was an antique and made of dark wood, he had two guesses: the moisture came from the antique's accumulation over time, and the moisture came from the dark wood itself.

He wanted to verify it, so after having lunch with a group of people, he took out 5,000 yuan and gave it to Ao Fugui, asking him to take people to KTV to drink and sing first, and he would verify his guess himself.

Ao Fugui was surprised to see a thick stack of 100-yuan bills: "Fuck, Yangzi, are you crazy? 500 yuan is enough for singing a song, why are you giving me so much?"

Ao Muyang patted his shoulder and said: "Have fun, find a big KTV to play, but don't find women randomly, there are a lot of tricks in it, at most find a princess or a few drinking companions, absolutely don't do anything else!"

Ao Fugui hesitated and said: "No, spend so much money?"

Ao Muyang said: "Play with confidence, this is a small amount of money, just let the guys open their eyes."

For him, this is indeed a small amount of money. If his first guess is correct, that is, the water vapor comes from antiques, then he will have a strong ability to identify antiques. At that time, he will have nothing to sell fish, and go to the antique market to pick up bargains!

Hongyang is a big city. There is an antique street in the old city. The stalls and shops there are all related to antiques and cultural relics. It is a good place for him to verify his guess.

Arriving at the antique street, all kinds of quaint old buildings are on the face. The street is not asphalt, but paved with a layer of blue bricks. There is an old gatehouse at the entrance, and it is said that the gatehouse itself is an antique.

As soon as Ao Muyang walked in, a man with a simple face and old-fashioned clothes came up to him and said, "Brother, are you here to buy goods?"

"What?" Ao Muyang didn't hear clearly.

The man didn't answer him, but grabbed him without saying a word, dragged him into an alley, and then sneakily opened his handbag and said, "I have a good thing here, come and see."

The old-fashioned handbag was opened, and inside was a golden bottle still dipped in mud, painted with red flowers, green leaves and sky blue patterns, very beautiful.

"I dug this bottle out when I was digging at home a few days ago. I am from Limo. Do you know where we are? We used to have vassal states there..."

Ao Muyang reached out and touched the small bottle, but didn't feel anything.

He looked up at the man and said, "You mean, this is an antique?"

"Hush!" The man looked around cautiously, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was paying attention to him. "I asked someone to look at it, and they said it was a gilded Fushou Ruyi bottle from the Qianlong period. Take a look, can you recognize anything?"

Ao Muyang said, "I can't recognize it now, but I can recognize it later."

"What do you mean?" The man looked confused.

Ao Muyang said, "I don't know anything now, but I came here to find a job. I want to learn antique appreciation. When I learn it - hey, brother, why are you leaving? Don't go, let me take another look at this bottle..."

The man got into the crowd and disappeared. Ao Muyang shrugged. Now scammers have less and less professional ethics, and they have to be sincere when they cheat!

He walked around the antique street, looked at the things on the stalls, and touched the cultural relics in the store. He didn't find anything and didn't feel any moisture.

Obviously, he had to give up the idea of ​​getting rich by picking up antiques.

Back at the KTV, Ao Fugui and his group were howling in the box, one of them hugged a girl in revealing clothes, and he was so happy to touch her.

After singing, it was getting late, so he took a few reluctant young men back to the village by boat.

The one million yuan was earned thanks to Lu Zhizi's help, so he bought some gifts and sent them to her the next day.

In more than half a month, the school has been renovated. The classrooms and offices have been renovated, the playground has been leveled, the roads have been paved, and the weeds in several flower beds have been removed.

Lu Zhizi was quite busy during this period. She personally came up with a repair plan for the school and has been directing the engineering team.

When Ao Muyang found her, she was wearing a flower scarf and checking the situation of the classroom being puttyed. At this time, she did not have that elegant and intellectual temperament. She was wrapped in a flower scarf and covered with dust and putty powder. If you don't look at her face, she is not much different from a village girl.

However, if you look closely, you can still see that she is very slim even though she is wearing old loose clothes.

Hearing footsteps, Lu Zhizi turned around and smiled: "Come to bring me food? Isn't it too early at this time?"

Ao Muyang raised the boxes in his hands and said: "I am here to give you a gift. Teacher Lu helped me contact a big business, and I came here to thank you."

Lu Zhizi reacted immediately: "Oh, the table is sold? Are you satisfied with the price?"

Ao Muyang didn't have to hide it from her, and said frankly: "Very satisfied, I didn't know it was an ebony table, I bought it for 2,000 yuan, but I didn't expect it to sell for 1 million!"

Lu Zhizi was puzzled: "Ah? You didn't see its material? Then why did you show so much interest at that time?"

He couldn't tell the truth here, Ao Muyang smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, I just felt that the table was a little interesting, but I couldn't tell why, so I took a few more glances."

In fact, he took more than two more glances at that time. He was afraid that Lu Zhizi would ask more questions, so he quickly changed the subject: "Come, take a look at these gifts. Do you like them? There's nothing special, just some defensive Sunscreen, moisturizing cream and the like, and then I bought you a computer, you will use it for teaching in the future. "

Lu Zhizi said: "You don't have to be so polite, what gift do you want to buy me..."

Ao Muyang said: "You are too polite, you have helped me earn millions."

After a pause, he said: "Actually, buying these gifts is nothing, I plan to give you a commission, or you can say it is an agency fee."

Lu Zhizi waved his hand and said: "No need, I have already received the money. Remember I once said that I would donate 100,000 yuan to the school? This 100,000 yuan came from your desk. Do you think Cheng Deming got the news about the ebony desk from me? "

Ao Muyang suddenly realized that Lu Zhizi asked for the agency fee, but he asked the seller for it.

No matter what he said, Lu Zhizi just refused to take the money, so he thought about it and said: "Why don't I donate 100,000 yuan to the school, you are a teacher who came to teach, and you have donated money. As a former student here, there is no reason for me not to express my gratitude. "

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